Ancient Egyptians had electricty and batteries thousands of years ago

YouTube Video Here: Whether or not ancient Egyptians had access to advanced technologies that allowed them to use batteries and electricity thousands of years ago is something firmly debated –and considered ludicrous by many archaeologists around the globe. However, there seem to be numerous pieces of evidence which suggest...

The Ica Stones: 20 fascinating, rare images of the controversial stones

The mysterious Ica Stones depict a wide number of scenes: From dinosaurs attacking human beings to traces of advanced technology, medical operations, maps and erotic scenes. While there certainly is a note of ambiguity which ultimately leaves room for different interpretations of the stones, these artifacts are the ultimate proof...

The Ica Stones: Proving mankind Coexisted with Dinosaurs

The Ica stones are one of the most mysterious artifacts ever discovered on the planet. These mysterious stones found in Peru, depict the use of electromagnetic energy, pyramids, space travel, men looking at the stars with binoculars, the study of ancient petroglyphs and most shockingly maps of our planet as...

10 Fascinating, Extremely Rare Images of Nikola Tesla

YouTube Video Here: Nikola Tesla is the most unappreciated scientists, inventor and researchers to ever live on our planet. He was responsible for coming up with the idea of the Alternating current and AC motor still in use today. In fact, over 90 percent of his inventions are being used...

30 images of Puma Punku that prove advanced ancient technology was used

“A story was told by the local Aymara Indians to a Spanish traveler who visited Tiahuanaco shortly after the conquest spoke of the city’s original foundation in the age of Chamac Pacha, or First Creation,  long before the coming of the Incas. Its earliest inhabitants, they said,  possessed supernatural...

The Great Pyramid of China: The Largest and oldest Pyramid on the planet?

The story behind the Great Pyramid of China is beyond fascinating. For years, the government has not allowed proper studies to be performed on the numerous pyramids near the city of Xi'an. Excursions that managed to sneak into the area where the pyramids are discovered numerous anomalies like a metallic...

Researchers unearth strange Alien-like, elongated Skull in Korea

Researchers have unearthed a bizarre, Alien-like elongated skull in Korea. Tests reveal that it was naturally formed and not the result of artificial cranial deformation. Interestingly, researchers also examined the mitochondrial DNA from the remains and concluded that the woman belonged to a rare lineage. According to a cephalometric analysis,...

The Lost Civilization of Atlantis: Buried beneath the Ice of Antarctica

Using the dating method of Dr. W.D. Urry. from the Carnegie Institution in Washington D.C., scientists discovered that Antarctica’s rivers, sources of fine-dispersed deposits, were flowing as depicted on The Orontius Finaeus map, about 6,000 years ago. About 4000 years B. C., glacial sediments started to accumulate. Is it possible...

What happened to Puma Punku? Did a cataclysmic event destroy the ancient complex?

While everyone talks about the fascinating precision of the builders of Puma Punku created this megalithic complex, and how they managed to transport megalithic stones weighing hundreds of tons, no one has asked what happened to Puma Punku thousands of years ago that caused a mass-displacement of the megalithic stones? What...

Thousands of years ago, the ancients carved this temple out of a mountain

YouTube Video Here: Thousands of years ago, the builders of the temples and caves of Ellora demonstrated extremely advanced construction and engineering skills. One of the greatest mysteries is how and when.  But perhaps the even greater question is how ancient mankind managed to do this using only hammers,...