Author: Ancient Code Team

Nikola Tesla is the ULTIMATE Mad scientist, a genius that was perhaps born in the wrong century, a brilliant mind incomparable to the rest. His work, ideas and inventions are one of the main reasons for today’s technology, if Tesla had not existed, we would still be looking for answers which Tesla answered in his lifetime. Tesla might be less known than Einstein or Edison, but his work and legacy deserve a lot more. Tesla’s inventions went far beyond electricity. He made groundbreaking discoveries such as wireless radio communications, turbine engines, helicopters (although it was Da Vinci who first had the idea), fluorescent and neon lights, torpedoes and…

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Human Origins: The Hybrid Hypothesis According to statements from Dr Eugene M. McCarthy, the Homo sapiens are the result of a hybridization between the chimpanzee and a pig. Dr McCarthy proposes that humans are a hybrid species, suggesting that the human species began as the hybrid offspring of a male pig and a female chimpanzee. Dr McCarthy claims that while humans have numerous similarities with primates, we also have a large number of distinguishing characteristics which are not found in any other primates. This revolutionary theory changes many things in the scientific community as it urges scholars to look at…

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Known according to ancient texts as Black Shuck, a name believed to originate from an old English word which means ‘black demon’, the 7-foot tall beast appeared as a bringer of death in many ancient tales over 500 years ago. During the 16th century, ‘Black Shuck’ was feared by the inhabitants of modern-day UK, due to the number of brutal deaths committed by a ‘giant hellhound with reddish burning eyes’. Now over 500 years after legends talked about the hellhound, archaeologists seem to have discovered the remains of the Black Shuck in the ruins of Leiston Abbey in Suffolk, in…

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How can we explain so many cultural and architectural similarities among ancient civilizations such as the Aztecs, Ancient Egyptians, Incas, and many others? If these ancient civilizations weren’t interconnected in some way or another, how is it possible that even though they were separated by great distances, their lifestyle and culture developed in extremely similar manners? How is it possible that the Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Pre-Inca cultures developed on opposite sides on the globe yet mysteriously share so many similarities? Not only am I referring to architecture and symbolism, we can easily include religion and science into the list…

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In a new interview by Coast to Coast am, author and researcher David Wilcock stated that an alliance of ancient civilizations is living inside the planet. These ancient civilizations have been calling the inner Earth their home for long periods of time and they are about the reveal themselves to the world. Wilcock explained that during the formation of all watery planets in the universe (and according to latest studies by NASA there are quite a few) hollow cavities are formed below the surface of the crust, with their very own biome with bacteria that is capable of giving off…

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“The dangers of excessive concealment of facts, far outweigh the dangers that are cited to justify them. There is a very grave danger, that an announced need for increased security, will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning, to the very limits of official censorship and concealment – JFK” On October 21, 2004, the National Security Agency (NSA) authorized the release of a then top-secret document, NSA Journal Vol. XIV No 1, which is, in fact, a report presented to the NSA by Dr. Howard Campaigne. The report addresses the decoding of extraterrestrial messages that were received…

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According to a hacker who is facing a ten-year legal battle after breaking into NASA computers, the United States has a fully operational fleet of Space Warships. Gary McKinnon, firmly believes that he came across the ultimate information that proves the US have a secret space program operated by the navy with fully operational warships that operate in Space. In a new interview on UFO channel Richplanet TV, McKinnon finally reveals the entire truth about his findings saying: ‘I kept going for months and months. I kept thinking, ‘They’re going to close this door’. McKinnon said that he used a…

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According to British Astronaut Major Tim Peake, life exists elsewhere in the universe. Major Tim is confident that we are not the only intelligent species in the universe. Peake has joined a long list of Astronauts and government officials who claim that Alien life does exist in other parts of the universe. “There is a high chance we will soon discover there was – or is – life in our solar system,” the 43-year-old told Mirror Online. “I would be very surprised if there wasn’t life elsewhere in the universe.” Even though Peake believes in Alien life, he does not…

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According to many people, the fact that we have discovered liquid water flowing on Mars, Methane and an ancient atmosphere surrounding the red planet, means that it is very likely that Mars was inhabited in the distant past. While life on the planet might not exist today, Ufologists agree that we might be seeing the remains of a once great civilizations from Mars. According to UFO hunters and Ufologists, further evidence of life on Mars can be found in the numerous images beamed back from the red planet. While there are many images from Mars that are nothing more than…

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YouTube Video Here: We all know that the number 33 is not JUST a number, and we cannot help but relate it to many interesting facts that provide a bit of mystery to it. For example, 33 was the age of Jesus at his death, it is the most important degree that Freemasonry gives and it is the number of vertebrae that make up the human spine, and the human foot has 33 joints, among other things. The parallels 33 North and 33 South are another interesting topic of discussion. Scholars often refer to the circles of latitude as parallels because…

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