Videos that claim to show lifelike Anunnaki mummies ‘in stasis’ and artifacts found in...

YouTube Video Here: What better way to prove the Anunnaki are not just a myth than to show an actual Anunnaki 'God'. Well, according to TWO videos uploaded to YouTube, not only were the Anunnaki real, governments around the globe recovered ancient alien technology and 'mummified' bodies of the...

Anomaly on Mars: Traces of a lost Martian Civilization?

The new image taken on SOL  1448 by the Curiosity Rover's MASTCAM shows a strange object with defined corners and straight lines, half buried in the ground. Is this the ultimate evidence of artificial structures on Mars as some suggest?  In the last couple of years, we have learned so...

6th Man to walk on the Moon testified to Alien contact

YouTube Video Here: In the last couple of years, the number of astronauts, scientists, military officials and government representatives who have come forward openly speaking about alien life is STAGGERING. “We are not alone in the universe. They have been coming here for a long time...” –Edgar Mitchell One of them...

The Anatomy Of A Hoax: Unraveling The Mystery Behind The X-Ray and Lab Tests...

Researchers have performed several tests on the mystery Fairy-like creature and the so-called Metepec Hybrid revealing fascinating results. The DNA sequence was made from five different molecular biology laboratories in several parts of the world. It turns out that both the Mitochondrial DNA and the Nuclear DNA show NO matches to other known...

9-foot tall Aliens boarded NASA’s Space Shuttle in orbit claims former NASA employee

YouTube Video Here: "A strange, triangular craft surrounded by a hazy field hovered behind the open bay doors of the space shuttle while an alien being interacted with two NASA astronauts. It was a tall creature, about 8 to 9 feet tall. It had a humanoid body shape with...

The Nazi Antarctic Fortress: Base 211 and Operation Highjump

YouTube Video Here: During the Second World War, the Nazi's carried out a number of strange experiments with alleged technologies unknown to the rest of the world in their attempt to rule the world. They searched the planet for mythical artifacts and otherworldly technology hoping to come across a supreme...

FBI releases document with detail of Alien bodies, spacecraft and planet

The Document declassified by the FBI states: "...Part of the disks carry crews, others are under remote control, and the bodies of the visitors, and the craft also, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter..." Numerous government around the world are slowly coping with the idea that the...

5 Top-Secret Moon Mission you’ve probably never heard about

YouTube Video Here: While most of us are familiar with the Apollo missions, there was a number of highly classified missions planned in the last 60 years or so. This awesome video (scroll down) talks about  5 Top-Secret Moon Mission you've probably never heard about. Even though we are in...

Russia’s Indigo Child: A reincarnated soul from Mars with fascinating knowledge baffles scientists

Boriska, Russia's Indigo Child: A young boy said to have lived on Mars and reincarnated on Earth According to reports, a young boy called Boris Kipriyanovich, who lives in Russia's  Volgograd region, reincarnated Indigo Child. His knowledge and skills have fascinated not only his parents but researchers who have studied...

An Ancient Race of ‘White Giants’ existed according to Ancient Native American tribes

According to numerous writings and oral legends of Native American tribes, a race of 'White Giants' existed in the distant past. Interestingly, similar accounts of Giants existing on Earth in the distant past can be found all around the world. There are numerous legends among various Native American tribes, from the...

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