Sky Cars Are Here and Some Look Like a Flying Saucer

YouTube Video Here:   The idea of air travel by sky car or flying saucer has been around for decades, with patents by Alexander Weygers and Nikola Tesla from the Roaring Twenties.  Now, numerous inventors are hoping to make the dream a reality at last, with plans for vertical takeoff and landing aircraft...

Scientists On How Trees Talk Through an Ancient ‘Otherworld’ Network

YouTube Video Here: Trees talk to each other deep underground. It's an idea still relatively new to science but familiar to ancient beliefs. Today, scientists are confirming that forests act like one big superorganism. Below the ground, fungal highways connect the trees. Through this highway, the oldest trees nurture their...
68 - 5,000-Year-Old Penguin ‘Mummies’ Found in Antarctica

5,000-Year-Old Penguin ‘Mummies’ Found in Antarctica

YouTube Video Here: Penguin mummies dating back thousands of years have been discovered in Antarctica. An ornithologist from the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, Steven Emslie, has studied penguins in Antarctica for over 15 years. Over the years, he's discovered penguin remains from abandoned penguin colonies, tracing clues about climate changes. In recent...

Mass extinction saw an invasion of giant-headed Komodo Dragon-like Triassic predators

YouTube Video Here: Today, we marvel at creatures such as crocodiles and Komodo Dragons, but they would be even more fearsome if they had giant heads. And it turns out that giant-headed reptiles once roamed the Earth. In the aftermath of mass extinction, apex reptilian predators with disproportionately large heads...

Researchers discover new 91-million-year-old giant shark species in Kansas

YouTube Video Here: Deep in the heart of northern Kansas, researchers excavated farmland that used to be under the ocean and ended up finding a brand new species of shark that lurked beneath the surface around 91 million years ago. During the middle to the late Cretaceous period, the region...

Study suggests Neanderthals were wiped out by a common childhood ear infection

YouTube Video Here: Of all the possible ways the Neanderthals may have gone extinct, it turns out that it may have been as simple as a common childhood affliction that ultimately spelled their doom. Illness is part of being human, no matter how much we don't like it. It helps...

New study reveals what brought down the powerful Assyrian empire

For 1,400 years, the ancient Assyrian empire dominated the Middle East ruling an area stretching from Turkey to Egypt and east to Iran through what is today Northern Saudi Arabia and Iraq. And then it all fell apart because of a megadrought caused by climate change. The Assyrians were truly...

Scientists genetically link orangutans to giant ape thought to be Bigfoot

YouTube Video Here: Bigfoot may or may not be real, but there is a living relative of the giant ape thought to be Bigfoot already living among us known as the orangutan, according to scientists who studied the ape's genetic code. There have been countless Bigfoot sightings for hundreds of...

Study reveals ancient humans migrated to the Levant from Europe 40,000 years ago

A study of ancient teeth belonging to modern humans and Neanderthals of the Aurignacian culture at Manot Cave in Israel is shedding new light on human migration from Europe to the Levant around 40,000 years ago. The Levant includes the historic areas of Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, and Syria with close...

Could an increase in Antarctic ice levels trigger a new ice age and help...

Scientists studying the causes of ice ages say that an increase in Antarctic ice levels could be enough to trigger a new ice age that would reverse the current warming of our planet. As climate change continues to cause rising global temperatures that are busy melting the ice caps, scientists...

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