According to Plutarch: “Ra departed to the heavens and Osiris became pharaoh of Egypt with Isis and they built Thebes…
According to a study presented at the International Conference of Geoarchaeology and Archaeomineralogy held in Sofia titled: GEOLOGICAL ASPECT OF…
According to Giannini and Palmer, Vice Admiral Byrd announced on February of 1947, just before venturing into a 2,750 km…
Its possible that you are a descendant from King Tut: A study reveals what country Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s descendants come from. Are…
There are certain discoveries on planet Earth that cannot be explained by conventional thinking methods, and mainstream history has a…
Mysterious Ancient Geoglyphs in Kazakhstan could be the ultimate evidence of an 8,000 year old civilization that went unnoticed until…
Are the Ancient Olmecs Survivors of Atlantis? It is a theory that according to many, could explain the incredible technologies…
There are things on the moon that you cannot explain no matter how well you try. The moon has been,…
Djedefre was the pharaoh who ruled over Egypt around 2556 BC, and during his reign, almost five millennia ago, he…
One of the most mysterious and enigmatic monuments on the surface of the planet is without a doubt the Great…