Home History Perfection Of Ancient Engineering: 15 Images That Have Left Experts Awestruck

Perfection Of Ancient Engineering: 15 Images That Have Left Experts Awestruck

Coricancha Peru

Just how ancient civilizations that existed on Earth thousands of years ago managed to erect massive structures, gigantic monoliths, Pyramids, or polish, cut, and transport blocks of stone weighing more than 100 tons remains an enigma for experts.

Some of the achievements of ancient cultures rival our very own capabilities today.

Furthermore, no matter where we look, we find stunning ancient structures that have left experts wondering, how ancient cultures were able to do it.

If we travel to Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs, in addition, the pyramids, we will find supermassive temples with blocks of stone fitted as if they were massive Lego blocks. Perfectly interlocking stones are seen in various temples in Egypt, and some of these structures have created confusion among experts who are unable to explain how ancient cultures did it.

Curiously, if we travel halfway around the globe to South America, we will find eerily similar characteristics in Bolivia and Peru.

If we take a look at the Koricancha temple, we will notice extremely smooth blocks of andesite that have been worked with such precision that some modern engineers have said: “they must have used laser-like tools, it’s impossible they used primitive tools like sticks and stones…”

The truth is ancient civilizations that existed on Earth thousands of years ago were far more advanced and capable than what we credited them for today.

Tiahuanaco is home to mind-altering structures. Within the Tiahuanaco complex in Bolivia, we find Puma Punku.

The Door of the Puma, as Puma Punku translates, features some of the largest stones ever seen in that part of the world. One particular block of stone at the site is 7.81 meters long, 5.17 meters wide, averages 1.07 meters thick, and is estimated to weigh about 131 metric tons. It still remains an enigma as to how the ancient builders of Puma Punku—and Tiahuanaco—managed to transport these massive stones from their quarries.

The precision cuts, sharp corners, and millimetric drill holes are another mystery which has left experts awestruck.

The Osirion temple in Egypt features construction details that eerily resemble those found in America, more precisely Ollantaytambo and Sacsayhuaman.

The Osirion temple offers us evidence of how ancient mankind managed to erect massive temples and place together gigantic blocks of stone to a millimetric precision, almost as if they could manipulate the weight of the stone, making them easier to transport.

The same can be said about the massive stones and structures and Ollantaytambo and Sacsayhuaman.

To get a ‘picture’ of what I am talking about, here are 20 images that have left archaeologists awestruck.

Coricancha-Peru - Perfection Of Ancient Engineering: 15 Images That Have Left Experts Awestruck
Features of the Coricancha Temple in Peru. Image Credit: Shutterstock
Sun-Temple - Perfection Of Ancient Engineering: 15 Images That Have Left Experts Awestruck
What. A. View.
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The Ancient Stepwell of Chand Baori—with 3,500 narrow steps over 13 levels high. Image Credit: Pinterest.
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Qasr al-Farid—carved out of a single rock, and abandoned in the middle of the desert. Image Credit

Gobekli-Tepe - Perfection Of Ancient Engineering: 15 Images That Have Left Experts Awestruck

The-handbag-of-the-Gods - Perfection Of Ancient Engineering: 15 Images That Have Left Experts Awestruck
The handbag of the gods. Scholars are unable to explain why these mysterious ‘handbags’ appear in illustrations from ancient cultures across the globe.
ellora - Perfection Of Ancient Engineering: 15 Images That Have Left Experts Awestruck
The temple itself was built out of a single rock, 164 feet deep, 109 feet wide, and 98 feet high, making it ONE of the BIGGEST MONOLITHIC structures on the planet, carved out of a single rock.
Ollantaytambo- - Perfection Of Ancient Engineering: 15 Images That Have Left Experts Awestruck
Ollantaytambo. Image by: Barry Everett‎
Ollantaytambo- - Perfection Of Ancient Engineering: 15 Images That Have Left Experts Awestruck
Image of Ollantaytambo by Eduardo Pi Peret Photography
Cochno-stone- - Perfection Of Ancient Engineering: 15 Images That Have Left Experts Awestruck
Experts are still not sure what the mystery symbols depicted on the Concho Stone represent.
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The Stones at Sacsayhuaman.
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Sacsayhuaman: Incredible details as seen in other ancient sites such as Ollantaytambo, Machu Picchu. Image Credit: Pinterest
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A panel at the Konark Sun Temple. Image credit: Surya Inn
the-mighty-trillithon - Perfection Of Ancient Engineering: 15 Images That Have Left Experts Awestruck
One of the best images of the 1200-ton block of stone at Baalbek.
Pyramid-Egypt - Perfection Of Ancient Engineering: 15 Images That Have Left Experts Awestruck
The Great Pyramid of Giza is the only eight-sided Pyramid.