YouTube Video Here: What sounds crazier, The Egyptian Pyramids producing wireless energy? Or transporting stone blocks that weigh over…
Search Results: puma punku (30)
YouTube Video Here: Located a mere twenty-minute drive from one of the greatest ancient monuments built on the surface…
A group of archeologists from Bolivia has found an underground city dating back to pre-Inca times outside the ancient archaeological…
YouTube Video Here: Thanks to a number of different, surprising archeological discoveries, it has become a popular theory that…
It is not a mystery that thousands of years ago, ancient cultures around the globe had the ability to somehow…
YouTube Video Here: In 1549, while searching for the capital of the Inca Empire, Spanish conquistadors, led by Pedro…
The idea that early mankind was influenced by beings, not of Earth has widely spread in modern society. With the…
Just how ancient civilizations that existed on Earth thousands of years ago managed to erect massive structures, gigantic monoliths, Pyramids,…
If ancient mankind had access to advanced technology thousands of years ago, wouldn’t we find traces of such technology today?…
Vilcabamba is an ancient Inca city, and the last refuge of the majestic Inca Empire until they fell to Spanish…