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Alien artifacts from ancient Egypt found in Jerusalem & kept secret by Rockefeller Museum


YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/QwPTcmCb_KA?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

Alien enthusiasts have been left fascinated by reports of ancient Egyptian artifacts that were discovered in the home of famous Egyptologist Sir William Petrie. The artifacts are believed to be the ultimate proof of alien contact and are said to rewrite not only Ancient Egyptian history but the history of the entire planet. Like many other ‘controversial objects’ these mysterious artifacts were also kept a secret.

Evidence-of-Ancient-Aliens - Alien artifacts from ancient Egypt found in Jerusalem & kept secret by Rockefeller Museum
So, where do we start?

A YouTube video posted by Paranormal Crucible purports to show alleged ancient Egyptian artifacts and sculptures which were found at the Giza plateau. These items were reportedly taken away from Petrie’s home in Jerusalem by ‘officials belonging to the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum’ after the discovery was made reports popular UFO portal UFO Sightings Daily.

The reports of the alleged artifacts captured the internet as you would expect.

According to Intellihub News, the alleged ‘otherworldly’ artifacts were discovered in a secret room in the home of Sir William Petrie.

petrie - Alien artifacts from ancient Egypt found in Jerusalem & kept secret by Rockefeller Museum
According to UFO researchers, among the artifacts were some that contained ‘otherworldly’ symbols.

It is sad that the renowned Egyptologist had found ultimate proof of alien life before he died in 1942, but instead of sharing the discovery, for some reasons he decided to hide the artifacts away in his home.

Now, according to reports, these items have been taken by the Rockefeller Museum and like many other discoveries that contradict mainstream history, these too could be hidden from society.

Interestingly, the Inquisitr decided to dig further and was able to confirm that the prestigious Petri Museum of Egyptian Archaeology has in their possession a grandiose collection of ancient Egyptian and Sudanese items which include ancient Egyptian “firsts,” such as the “oldest linen” and “oldest dress” from ancient Egypt (5,000 B.C.).

The Petri Museum also displays some of the earliest examples of Metallurgy in Ancient Egypt.

However, as the Inquisitr indicates they were NOT able to confirm that the museum has displayed ‘Alien Artifacts’ discovered in Egypt, nor recovered from a secret room in Petrie’s residence in Jerusalem.

But this may be because these items contradict history and mainstream beliefs say ufo researchers who believe in the story. Like many other things that go against the beliefs of mainstream scholars, these artifacts too have been locked away from society.

As always, sensational stories require sensational evidence.

According to the editor of Intellihub News, the Ancient Egyptian artifacts found in Petrie’s residence in Jerusalem directly link the ancient Egyptian civilization to an advanced civilization, not from Earth.

 Among the artifacts –now in possession of the Rockefeller museum— are two alleged mummified bodies of approximately four feet in height. Some have even speculated that these mummified bodies could be the remains of ‘alien’ visitors.

According to reports from Intellihub News, the physical features of the alleged mummified bodies indicate their possible alien nature. According to the editor of the website, the anomalous skeletons have “stereotypical alien “elongated heads, large eye sockets, and long spiral arms.”

petrie - Alien artifacts from ancient Egypt found in Jerusalem & kept secret by Rockefeller Museum

But as if the mummified bodies weren’t enough, it is said that among the artifacts were “highly advanced” mechanical devices and a golden spherical object with strange writings.

Intellihub News’ editor indicates that the high-tech devices have “an intricate mechanism which is surrounded by gold spiral tubing that has several small gold orbs and crosses attached to it.”
Is it possible that the alleged artifacts are part of ‘interstellar navigational devices’?

Intellihub News points towards Abydos and the temple built by Seti I, and his son Ramses II, where we can observe the so-called Flying machines of Abydos.

There, we are able to ‘spot’ what seem to be representations of modern day vehicles like Helicopters, submarines, and aircraft.

The only problem is that these inscriptions are believed to be thousands of years old.

Scientists believe these are not aircraft but the result of a psychological phenomenon called pareidolia.

However, there are more mysteries when it comes to Ancient Egypt and Aliens.

But is it just because we would love to find a connection between one of the greatest civilizations to inhabit Earth and alien visitors?

Well, it is a possibility, but there are more interesting details worth looking at.

An Ancient Egyptian text called the Tulli Papyrus mentions a fascinating story during the reign of Thutmose III when an alleged mass UFO sighting occurred over ancient Egypt.

The ancient text reads (translated):

“In the year 22, of the third month of winter, sixth hour of the day […] among the scribes of the House of Life it was found that a strange Fiery Disk was coming in the sky. It had no head. The breath of its mouth emitted a foul odor.

 Its body was one rod in length and one rod in width. It had no voice. It came toward His Majesty’s house. Their heart became confused through it, and they fell upon their bellies. They [went] to the king, to report it. His Majesty [ordered that] the scrolls [located] in the House of Life be consulted. His Majesty meditated on all these events which were now going on.

After several days had passed, they became more numerous in the sky than ever. They shined in the sky more than the brightness of the sun, and extended to the limits of the four supports of heaven […] Powerful was the position of the Fiery Disks.

The army of the King looked on, with His Majesty in their midst. It was after the evening meal when the Disks ascended even higher in the sky to the south. Fish and other volatiles rained down from the sky: a marvel never before known since the foundation of the country. And His Majesty caused incense to be brought to appease the heart of Amun-Re, the god of the Two Lands. And it was [ordered] that the event [be recorded for] His Majesty in the Annals of the House of Life [to be remembered] for ever.”

6th Man to walk on the Moon testified to Alien contact


YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/yO0T05kQkbs?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

In the last couple of years, the number of astronauts, scientists, military officials and government representatives who have come forward openly speaking about alien life is STAGGERING.

We are not alone in the universe. They have been coming here for a long time…” –Edgar Mitchell

quote-on-the-return-trip-home-gazing-through---miles-of-space-toward-the-stars-and-the-edgar-mitchell--- - 6th Man to walk on the Moon testified to Alien contact

One of them is Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man who walked on the surface of our moon.

The former Navy Captain and author, who had a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University, a Postgraduate Science degree from the U.S. Naval School and Doctor of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT made fascinating comments about extraterrestrial life.

De. Mitchell was the founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the co-founder of the Association of Space Explorers meaning that he was surrounded by people with valuable information.

During the SIRIUS documentary created by Dr. Steven Greer from the Disclosure Project, Dr. Mitchell gave some very interesting comments, highlighting the reality of the Alien phenomenon and technological implications surrounding the phenomenon.

Not only has Dr. Mitchell spoken out about alien lifeforms and UFO, but he also testified to the existence of the phenomenon which has become a crucial part of society.

In 1971, Dr. Mitchell said: “We all know UFO’s are real, all we need to ask is where to they come from and what do they want?”

In numerous occasions Dr. Edgar Michell was quoted saying:

“Yes, there have been ET visitations. There have been crashed craft. There have been material and bodies recovered. There has been a certain amount of reverse engineering that has allowed some of these craft, or some components, to be duplicated. And there is some group of people that may or may not be associated with government at this point that have this knowledge. They have been attempting to conceal this knowledge. People in high-level government have very little, if any, valid information about this. It has been the subject of disinformation in order to deflect attention and create confusion so the truth doesn’t come out.”― Edgar D. MitchellThe Way of the Explorer: An Apollo Astronaut’s Journey Through the Material and Mystical Worlds  (source) (source)

“Read the books, read the lore, and start to understand what has really been going on here, because there is no doubt that we are being visited.”  (source)

“I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.” (source)

So when I learned that aliens really do exist, I wasn’t too surprised. But what did shock me when I started investigating extra-terrestrial reports a decade ago is the extent to which the proof has been hushed up. It isn’t just the US government which has kept quiet about alien visits. It would be arrogant of an American like myself to assume that ETs would only choose to visit my country. Indeed, I’ve heard convincing stories about governments all over the world that know of alien visits – including the British government. (Source)

What are 5,000-year-old Egyptian Hieroglyphs doing in Australia?


YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/EzCK7JqhcM8?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

There are dozens if not hundreds of discoveries on Earth that seem to indicate history as we know it is WRONG. The enigmatic 5,000-year-old Egyptian hieroglyphs are only one of the many discoveries that shatter mainstream history. 

Gosford-Glyphs-shattering-mainstream-history - What are 5,000-year-old Egyptian Hieroglyphs doing in Australia?

Not only is history wrong, but it is also incomplete and we don’t even need to prove it anymore. We just have to take a look at the countless discoveries that have been made all around the world which clearly indicate mainstream scholars are missing out on a lot of things.

One of the most fascinating things discovered in recent years are the 5,000-year-old Egyptian hieroglyphs discovered in Australia.

When you look at this discovery from a mainstream point of view, you would probably say it’s impossible, the ancient Egyptians did not travel to Australia, and they did not have the capability to perform transoceanic voyages.

But if you agree with the above idea, prepare to be amazed.

Before we ‘tackle’ the mysterious hieroglyphs of Egyptian origin found in Australia, let us take a look at other ‘crucial’ pieces of evidence that support the possibility that Ancient Egyptians undertook trans-oceanic voyages thousands of years ago.

One of the most controversial discoveries –which directly suggests that ancient Egyptians were in contact with Ancient American Civilizations– was made in 1992.

In 92, a German scientist was performing tests on ancient Egyptian mummies. Shockingly tests revealed traces of hashish, tobacco, and cocaine in the hair skin and bones.

Tobacco and cocaine were plants that only grew in the ‘New World’, at the time of mummification. So just how did these exotic narcotics arrive in ancient Egypt before the ‘New World’ was found? (Source)

AS you can see, there are discoveries that point to the fact that ancient Egyptians –and possibly other ancient cultures— had the ability of trans-oceanic voyages thousands of years earlier than what mainstream scholars propose.

The enigmatic ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in Australia

Not only do many researchers believe these glyphs are authentic, the scribes accurately used several ancient hieroglyphs and ‘grammatical’ variations which, crucially, were not even documented in Egyptian hieroglyphic until recent times.

Located in the Brisbane Water National Park, Kariong, there are numerous hieroglyphs which shatter mainstream history and patterns.

The hieroglyphs were first sighted in the 1900’s, and there are about 250 stone carvings that have been part of the local folklore of the area for over a century, so it’s not something that has been discovered recently.

The most interesting part about the Gosford Glyphs is their writing style.

According to residents that have had the opportunity to see and study these hieroglyphs, they appear extremely ancient and are written in the archaic style of the early dynasties, a style that has been studied very little and is untranslatable by most Egyptologists.

To find out more about the study of the Gosford Glyphs, check out this.

The Pineal Gland: One of the biggest secrets withheld from humanity


YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/CTC_eeJj7zE?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

Ancient cultures knew about the pineal gland and its importance thousands of years ago. Today, little is talked about the Pineal Gland and why ancient cultures believed it was so important.

Pineal-Gland - The Pineal Gland: One of the biggest secrets withheld from humanity

The Pineal Gland, aka the third eye, is a small cone-shaped part in our brain that is responsible for producing serotonin derivative melatonin which directly deals with our hormones which in turn modulate sleep, wake patterns, and our seasonal functions.

Located near the central part of our brain, the pineal gland occupies a small area between our two hemispheres.

Thousands of years ago, cultures like the ancient Egyptians knew that the pineal gland was of great importance to humans.

Today, little information is shared about the pineal gland which according to many researchers can help humanity achieve its full potential.

It is considered by many as a portal that connects the physical and spiritual world in humans.

When activated, the pineal gland offers a sensation of euphoria, and oneness that fills the mind, providing a sense of knowledge and enlightenment.

It is said that humans can activate the functionality of the pineal gland through yoga, meditation, and other methods.

The pineal gland is considered as a way of traveling between dimensions, referred by many as astral projection or remote viewing.

Interestingly, remote viewing has been researched by the government.

In fact, Stanford Scientists observed a Man ‘Travel Outside his Body’ & into Space. He was able to accurately view and describe a ring around Jupiter, a ring that scientists had no idea even existed until the Pioneer 10 spacecraft flew past Jupiter.

All of this was said to be achieved via the Pineal Gland.

However, not only were Stanford Scientists and the US government working on projects related to the Pineal Gland, the former Soviet Union, and numerous shadow organizations have been studying the effects for decades.

The information, results and potential benefits related to the Pineal Gland are said to have been locked away from society.

Interestingly, the ancients knew about the power of the pineal gland and through a number of ancient methods and practices –which have been lost for centuries— ancient man was able to control thoughts and actions of other people in the physical world.

But why are we not able to use the full potential of the Pineal Gland today?

An interesting question that deserves a rather simple answer. It is believed that the full potential of the pineal gland is locked due to the amount of SODIUM FLOURIDE people ingest each day.

The Pineal Gland is believed to absorb most of the sodium fluoride that enters our body.

It is believed that this causes the Pineal Gland to work with less ‘juice’ creating an unbalance between hormonal processes in our body.

Interestingly further study related to the Pineal Gland takes us to Rick Strassman, M. D. who firmly believes DMT is highly connected to the pineal gland.

Rick Strassman MD performed the first new human studies with psychedelic drugs in the US in over 20 years.

His research involved the powerful naturally-occurring compound, DMT – N,N-dimethyltryptamine. Led to this substance through his earlier study of the pineal gland as a potential biological locus for spiritual experiences, he administered several hundred doses of DMT to approximately 60 volunteers between 1990 and 1995. He wrote about this research in the popular book, DMT: The Spirit Molecule, which has sold over 100,000 copies, has been translated into 12 languages, and is now available as an audio-book.

It also inspired an independent documentary by the same name, picked up by Warner Bros distributing in Fall, 2011. With three distinguished collaborators, he co-authored Inner Paths to Outer Space, which looks more carefully at the common “other worlds” experience that volunteers frequently reported during his research.

“I was drawn to DMT because of its presence in all of our bodies. I believed the source of this DMT was the mysterious pineal gland, a tiny organ situated in the center of our brains. Modern medicine knows little about this gland’s role, but it has a rich metaphysical history. Descartes, for example, believed the pineal was the ‘seat of the soul’ and both Western and Eastern mystical traditions place our highest spiritual center within its confines.” (Source)


DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor’s Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical ExperiencesPaperback – December 1, 2000 by Rick Strassman (Author)

UFO Hunters: Massive Alien Fleets seen by NASA satellites orbiting the Sun


YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/GaZ82SNHK0g?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

According to UFO hunters, and based on numerous satellite images, massive alien fleets are flying in ‘tactical’ formation near Earth and through the inner solar system towards the sun. Some researchers have even come forward claiming that our sun may act as some sort of massive Stargate, used by super advanced alien civilizations to travel across the cosmos. 

The ‘alarming’ discovery has been made by UFO hunter Streetcap1, who analysed images of the sun captured by NASA’s SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) Satellite.

The SOHO satellite is, in fact, a joint project between the European Space Agency and NASA. The observational satellite is located in a halo orbit around the Sun-Earth L1 gravitational point an keeps an eye on our solar system’s star nonstop.

According to Streeetcap1, the alleged image captured by cameras on board SOHO show a MASSIVE alien fleet of UFO’s flying past Earth, heading towards the sun.

“I have seen too many ‘UFO fleets’ now to be in any doubt that this is a reality,” wrote the UFO hunter.

According to Streetcap1, the intimidating armada of alien spaceships appear to be traveling in a regular and highly ordered group of formations, which are indicative of a highly organized military fleet.

“They are flying in small group formation which might suggest military craft,” Streetcap1 explains. “I have seen too many ‘UFO fleets’ now to be in any doubt that this is a reality.

YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltuXzah0P4s

UFO Hunter Scot Warring from UFO sightings daily commented on the images:

“This UFO fleet was caught by Streetcap1 of YouTube. It is an awesome find,” he writes in the latest update to his blog UFO Sightings Daily.

“I have seen thousands of SOHO sun photos, but never one like this,” he continues. “Here we see fleets of ships in groups of two, three and even four. This is a fleet, which is not a good sign.”
“For a flee  this size to be passing Earth, something big is about to happen,” Waring writes. “Yes, you can bet money that they know we are here, but they are so technologically advanced that we are no threat to them. Thus, they ignore us. We see 60-80 ships here that the SOHO image caught. Many more it didn’t catch.”

The debate continued on YouTube among hundreds of users who left their comments on the video.

“It’s like a space battle..”

“Incredible; but why…?


“But they are huge how do you explain [this].”

In the distant past, numerous weird objects have been spotted near the sun, visible on SOHO satellite images.

While UFO hunters are convinced these are interstellar starships from elsewhere in the universe, skeptics argue that we are looking at malfunctions in the images. Processing errors and dead pixels present in some of the images.

UFO hunters, however, do not agree.

In the past, researchers have wondered about the numerous anomalies present near the sun and have ventured out to ask whether it is possible that our sun is a massive Stargate.

This video below by Nassim Haramein supports the idea that the sun acts as a massive portal or Stargate.

YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YX1qSN1dwUI

YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nH7F36gAs8M

YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnq_fnm6JA8

Download all of Nikola Tesla’s patents here


Have you ever wanted to go through all of Nikola Tesla’s patents? This is your opportunity to immerse yourself in the world and mind of Nikola Tesla and go through all of his patents. Download all of Tesla’s inventions and go through the work of the man who electrified the world.

Nikola-Tesla - Download all of Nikola Tesla’s patents here

Nikola Tesla is commonly said to be the man who ‘electrified the world.’ But honestly, Tesla did more than just electrify the world. He is the man who envisioned the future and what our planet should look like before anyone else.

His ideas and projects were incomparable to anything over a hundred years ago, and many argue that still today, we have still not caught up with all of Tesla’s ideas.

He was a futuristic mind that invented over one hundred years ago, the foundation of today’s technology.

Have you ever wondered about Tesla and what would have happened if the genius never existed?

It is questionable where our technology would be today.

In fact, if Tesla had not invented and patented everything he did one hundred years ago, today we would not have: Radio, Television, AC electricity, X-Rays, Radar, Microwaves, the Tesla Coil, Radio controlled devices, robotics, and hundreds of other things that make up today’s way of life.

Before anyone else, Nikola Tesla envisioned the world where mankind has access to limitless and free energy.

Among one of Tesla’s most controversial patents, which not many people are aware of is his anti-electromagnetic field drive or Space Drive which basically allowed the formation of what we today call ufos.

Most people agree that had Tesla not been censored the away he was, we would be traveling among the stars by now, colonizing other world and enjoying free energy.

He was one of the most revolutionary inventors the world has ever seen.

After Tesla’s death, the United States Government rushed to find all of his research papers, and notes before anyone else would get their hands on them.

According to reports, Sava Kosanovic, Tesla’s nephew reported that before the arrival of the OAP, SOMEONE accessed Tesla’s belongings and tool ‘ an unknown amount of Tesla’s personal notes, and research papers.

IN this article we bring you a fascinating file of ALL of Nikola Teslas registered U.S. patents which are also freely available at the U.S. Patent and Trademark office.

But, instead of searching and going through Tesla’s patents one by one, we present you all of his revolutionary patents in a single file.

Click here to download the file with all of Nikola Tesla’s patents.

Nikola Tesla, Ether, Antigravity and harnessing the power of the universe


YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/OnxbAuyFF3c?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

Over 100 years ago, Nikola Tesla figured out technologies that we today are still unable to understand. In the late 1800s, Nikola Tesla talked about Antigravity technology, Flying Saucers powered by specific Tesla Coils and ‘Ether’ which was acted upon by the life-giving creative force.

“I have worked out a dynamic theory of gravity in all details and hope to give this to the world very soon.”

Most of the things you see around you today, electricity, the radio, drones, fluorescent lighting, neon lights, radar, microwave and dozens of other amazing inventions are the result of one mind: Nikola Tesla.

Nikola Tesla is a man absent from history books but responsible for futuristic technology which we enjoy today, which was envisioned by this genius over one hundred years ago.

But Tesla’s mind went beyond conventional technologies. In fact, Nikola Tesla registered a fascinating patent in 1928.

Patent number 1,655,144 details a flying machine that strangely resembled both an airplane and a helicopter.

But that was a patent for the vehicle, which needed a propulsion system.

Before his death, Nikola Tesla developed what he called ‘Space Drive’ or the anti-electromagnetic field propulsion system.

Nikola-Tesla-technology - Nikola Tesla, Ether, Antigravity and harnessing the power of the universe
Tesla performs a test as he carries a lamp a few meters from the generator, but it continues to shine. The image was taken in 1898.

In 1897, when Tesla presented his Dynamic Theory of Gravity, he said that all bodies emit microwaves whose voltage and frequency are determined by their electrical contents and relative motion.

Over one hundred years ago, Nikola Tesla managed to measure the microwave radiation of our planet and concluded that it is only a couple of centimeters in wavelength.

Tesla continues saying that the frequency and voltage of earth’s microwave radiation were influenced greatly by the velocity and mass of our plant. The gravitational interaction with other celestial bodies like the sun was determined by the interaction of the microwaves between the celestial bodies.

Tesla confirmed this, placing two metal plates a certain distance apart, and electrifying them with high voltage, high-frequency currents (“Tesla currents”, or “microwaves”). At a sufficiently high voltage and frequency, the space between them became “solid-state”. It also worked with one plate only, suspending the zinc plate (1/8” thick x 12” square, weighing about two pounds) in mid-air.

Not only was Tesla onto ‘otherworldly’ technology, but he also went beyond that venturing into other fascinating subjects which eventually led him towards the ether.

Speaking about his studies, in an unpublished article of Man’s Greatest Achievement, Tesla outlined his Dynamic Theory of Gravity saying that ‘luminiferous ether fills all space’.

The ether of life

Tesla said that the ether is acted upon by the life-giving creative force. The ether is thrown into “infinitesimal whirls” (“micro helices”) at near the speed of light, becoming ponderable matter. Then the force subsides and motion ceases. Matter reverts to the ether (a form of “atomic decay”).

Mankind can harness these processes, too:

-Precipitate matter from the ether
-Create whatever he wants with the matter and energy derived
-Alter the earth’s size
-Control earth’s seasons (weather control)
-Guide earth’s path through the Universe, like a space ship
-Cause the collisions of planets to produce new suns and stars, heat, and light
-Originate and develop life in infinite forms

Interestingly, Tesla went beyond inventions and was onto something big. In fact, when we read about Nikola Tesla’s ‘ether’ we realize how far ahead of the rest of the world this brilliant mind actually was.

“I have worked out in all details and hope to give to the world very soon. It explains the causes of this force and the motions of heavenly bodies under its influence so satisfactorily that it will put an end to idle speculation and false conceptions, as that of curved space. Only the existence of a Weld of force can account for the motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion. So are all attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indispensable function it plays in the phenomena.”

All of the above could be interpreted as if Tesla was saying that through science, mankind could effectively become one with the creator.

Limitless powers are already here, we don’t have to invent it, we just have to find a way to see it, feel it, and harness it.

Tesla may have found a way, but the rest of mankind was not ready for it.

YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xZhZOPfS54

23 mind-boggling facts about the Ancient Egyptian Civilization


The Ancient Egyptian Civilization is packed with hardcore history. Ancient Egypt is considered by million of people as one of the most fascinating ancient civilizations ever to rule on Earth.

But not only is the Ancient Egyptian civilization one of the most fascinating in history, but it is also considered by many as one of the most mysterious civilizations as well.

Among their numerous achievements, this ancient culture left behind a legacy of unseen advancements thousands of years ago, and while many are familiar with the Pyramids and Sphinx at the Giza plateau, the truth is that this ancient culture has a lot more to offer, and there are lot of things that you may not  have known about the Ancient Egyptians.

In this article, we take a look at this fascinating ancient culture presenting you 23 amazing things you should know about the Ancient Egyptian Civilization, which you probably had no idea about.

ancientegyptbywiccka - 23 mind-boggling facts about the Ancient Egyptian Civilization

Ancient Egyptian is one of the oldest languages on the planet. Experts have divided it into five phases: Old Egyptian, Middle Egyptian, Late Egyptian, Demotic, and Coptic.

Researchers argue that their ancient writing system –which was made up of a complex system of hieroglyphics—can be traced back to around 2690 BC.

If we hadn’t discovered the Rosetta Stone in 1799, it is very likely that we’d still be struggling in deciphering their language.

The Ancient Egyptians were among the first civilizations to create a complex writing system.

Perhaps one of the most important contributions of the Ancient Egyptian Civilization is their way to measure time. The ancient Egyptians did not only invent the calendar; they created the machine that kept track of time and had two types: Water Clocks and Sun Clocks.

The oldest ever ancient Egyptian manuscript remained hidden for 80 years and measures 8 feet in length. Interestingly, among other things, this ancient text includes depictions of ‘supernatural beings’. It is believed to be over 4,000 years old.

The Ancient Egyptians created sophisticated man-made canals that were used to transport building materials and other goods to large construction sites.

Sophisticated craftsmanship skills: The Ancient Egyptians are considered as pioneers in metallurgy. In fact, the ancient Egyptians were the first to create tools from bronze rather than depending on stone and wooden tools. They fused copper and tin to create sophisticated tools.

They measured the world and invented a 354-day lunar calendar which is composed of 13 months that correlated with the lunar cycle.

The Nile River was of extreme importance in their life. The Ancient Egyptian Civilization split their calendar into three seasons that reflected the natural cycle of the River Nile: Flood, Spring, and low water.

The ancient Egyptians incorporated a decimal system that used seven different symbols.

Hardcore scientists: by 1650 BC, they had a grasp of multiplication, division, fractions, prime numbers, linear equations, and geometry.

Beauty in Ancient Egypt: Beauty and Hygiene were of great importance to the Ancient Egyptian Civilization. In fact, we still use a lot of things that they invented thousands of years ago: Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Breath mints, High Heels, Perfume, Lipstick, Eye make-up, wigs and jewelry among their numerous other accessories.

The Ancient Egyptians manufactured the first ‘necklace of extraterrestrial origin’. Based on X-ray analysis, researchers determined that a necklace which was found in 1911 was made from thin sheets of iron from a meteorite, molded with a hammer and rolled in the form of beads.

A dagger that was found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun originated from outer space. Well, sort of. According to a scientific study was led by Italian-Egyptian researchers who used X-ray fluorescence to analyze the dagger which dates back to the XIV century BCE, the sheet that makes up the dagger was fabricated from meteorite fragments. Studies indicated that the composition of the iron dagger is as follows: It contains 10 percent of nickel and 0,6 % cobalt, typical concentrations of meteorites.

While not officially accepted, it is very likely that the Ancient Egyptians sailed around the world and even visited America. In 1992, a German researcher who was performing tests on Ancient Egyptian mummies found traces of hashish, tobacco, and cocaine in the hair skin and bones of Ancient Egyptian Mummies. Tobacco and cocaine were plants that only grew in the ‘New World’, at the time of mummification.

Interestingly, the ancient Egyptians are believed to be the first culture to successfully domesticated the cat.

In ancient Egypt, cats were used as pest control.

The Ancient Egyptian civilization was among the first to invent locks and keys and developed primitive forms of air conditioning which helped them keep cool.

Experts have concluded that the concept of a master bedroom was first seen in Ancient Egypt.

Thousands of years ago, before modern astronomy, ancient Egyptians discovered an eclipsing binary system.

The first record of this mysterious star system dates back to 1244 B.C., written on a calendar (The Cairo Papyrus 86637) made in ancient Egypt, in which Algol has a starring role in the measurement of time.

The Turin Royal Canon is one of the most interesting ancient Egyptian texts. It is eerily similar to the Sumerian Kind List and details the rule of ‘Gods’ in Ancient Egypt. The Turin papyrus –referred to by many as the Turin Royal Canon—is an ancient text written in the hieratic language (a cursive form of Egyptian hieroglyphics; used especially by the priests). Scholars believe that the original papyrus was a list that included over 300 names detailing precisely the years, months and days of each reign of the kings that ruled over the lands of ancient Egypt.

Featured image credit

The mysterious Fawn Hoof Mummy: Ancient Egyptian Presence in North America


This fascinating mummy was found over 200 years ago in one of the largest cave systems in America: The Mammoth Cave. There, miners discovered an extremely well-preserved mummy with red hair prepared and embalmed in an eerily similar way as the ancient Egyptians. After examining the mummy in the late 1800’s, the Smithsonian Institute ‘lost’ the mummy. 

Some 200 years ago, a very unusual mummy was discovered in Mammoth Cave, Kentucky.

There are a couple of things about the mummy which completely challenge what we have taught to believe about history books, especially about the ability and accomplishments of the Ancient Egyptians, their intrepid transoceanic voyages and their influence in other ancient cultures.

The mummy known as Fawn Hoof is considered by many as evidence that history books are wrong and that we are being given filtered information when it comes to ancient civilizations and the origins of mankind.

The mummy was mentioned in the book Prehistoric Mummies from the Mammoth Cave Area, by  Angelo I. George where the author indicates that the mummy was found in the cave in September of 1811.

According to George, the Ancient mummy was given the name “Fawn Hoof” in 1815 and that ‘thousands’ of people saw the mummy as it was put on display.

But what’s the story behind the mummy and why is it so important?

AncientMummy - The mysterious Fawn Hoof Mummy: Ancient Egyptian Presence in North America
Mammoth Cave Mummy, Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky

Sometime between Between 1811 and 1813 (different authors vary on the date, a group of miners were working inside one of the Kentucky caves known as Short Cave.

One of the workers, who was excavating, came across a hard surface which proved to be a large rock with a flat surface.

After miners had removed the rock they discovered a crypt that contained a mummy inside. But it wasn’t an ordinary mummy.

In the past, such discoveries were not given much importance and people looked to make a profit out of history.

In 1816, Nahum Ward from Ohio visited the cave, purchased numerous artifacts and the Fawn Hoof Mummy. In addition to the Fawn Hoof Mummy, Ward also purchased other mummies and some of them were over reportedly 2500 years old.

Years went by and the collection purchased by Ward was placed in a traveling exhibition of rarities. Through the years, the Fawn Hoof Mummy traveled across the country. It was first taken to Lexington, Kentucky and later transferred to the American Antiquarian Society.

In 1876 the Fawn Hoof Mummy was transferred to the Smithsonian Institution by Isaiah Thomas, founder of the American Antiquarian Society.

Due to the fact that the mummy was inadequately cared for and because it was transported a lot, the mummy suffered damage.

Researchers at the Smithsonian examined the mummy, dissected it and reported their findings. At some point after that –like many other things that challenge history— the Fawn Hoof Mummy was completely lost.

normal - The mysterious Fawn Hoof Mummy: Ancient Egyptian Presence in North America
Chicago Tribune Nov. 7, 1927

According to initial reports, the mummy was found to have been a woman of around six feet in height.

The mummy was wrapped in deerskin, which in turn was decorated with leaf and vine patterns.

The mummy was found to be in an extremely well-preserved condition even though the mummy was not analyzed by researchers for over 60 years after it was initially found.

Among the more unusual finding was the fact that this mummy-like other mummies found in Peru and Bolivia in recent times— had red hair.

It was concluded that the hair was cut to a length of an eighth of an inch, except for the back of the mummy’s head where the hair was about two inches long.

Based on the artifacts found where the mummy was buried, it is believed that the woman was of great importance in ancient times.

However, researchers noted that among the most fascinating details about the Fawn Hoof Mummy is the fact that it was prepared and embalmed in an eerily similar way as the ancient Egyptians used to.

Reports indicate that the hands, ears, fingers, and the rest of the body were dried, but extremely well preserved.

But how is it possible that the mummy was lost? Is it possible that the mummy challenged historical doctrines set into place by certain institutions?

Many people believe that the Fawn Hoof Mummy is one of the many indicators which proves that thousands of years ago, before written history, ancient cultures around the globe were intricately connected and that transoceanic voyages occurred much sooner than mainstream scholars are willing to accept.

Fascinating video filmed in 69′ by Armstrong reveals Ancient Structures on the moon


YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/MWkGTJEK0Mc?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

Another fascinating video from YouTube tells a fascinating story. According to the video posted online, the alleged footage was filmed in 1969 by Neil Armstrong and shows ancient ‘alien’ structures on the surface of the moon.

Earth’s moon has been the center of attention ever since mankind looked up to the sky. Ever since the Apollo missions landed on the lunar surface, interest n the moon increased exponentially.

According to many ufologists and researchers, there are things on the moon that have been kept away from society for years. Now, this video posted on YouTube allegedly reveals some of these shocking secrets that were found by Apollo astronauts on the lunar surface.

Many people around the globe argue that it isn’t a question anymore whether or not there are mysterious ‘Alien’ structures on the moon. This video, according to many is the ultimate proof.

But in addition to this video, in the last couple of years, many scientists, astronauts and highly ranked officials have spoken out about anomalous structures and the presence of otherworldly beings on the surface of the moon.

“Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on, because there is no doubt that we are being visited. . . . The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far-reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time. . . . [Mankind has long wondered if we’re] alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we’re not alone.”  – Dr. Edgar Mitchell, ScD., former NASA astronaut and the 6th man to walk on the moon.

Whether or not this video is real or not remains a mystery that we are unable to answer. However, many people believe that Apollo astronauts encountered numerous Alien structures on the moon when the Apollo 11 mission landed on the 20th of July, 1969. To date, the United States is the only country to have successfully conducted manned missions to the Moon, with the last departing the lunar surface in December 1972.

In addition to this video –and other images and video footage— numerous claims about alien structures on the moon have captured the interest of millions of people worldwide.

Interestingly, Dr. John Brandenburg who was the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon –when water was found at the Moon’s poles in 1994— said that:

“It was (the Clementine Mission) a photo reconnaissance mission basically to check out if someone was building bases on the moon that we didn’t know about. Were they expanding them?”

“Of all the pictures I’ve seen from the moon that show possible structures, the most impressive is a picture of miles wide recto-linear structure. This looked unmistakably artificial, and it shouldn’t be there. As somebody in the space defense community, I look on any such structure on the moon with great concern because it isn’t ours, there’s no way we could have built such a thing. It means someone else is up there.” (source)

Whether or not this fascinating video –which we are unable to verify— is real or not is up to you as always.

We believe its is extremely interesting that in the last couple of years, so many astronauts, scientists, and highly ranked officials have decided to speak about the Extraterrestrial phenomenon and alleged structures found on the surface of Earth’s moon.

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