As it turns out, the famous MOAI statues –dubbed by some the ancient TITANS of Rapa Nui— are not just massive heads. These enigmatic statues are complete and have massive bodies buried under the surface.
One of the greatest archaeological mysteries are without a doubt the mysterious MOAI statues located on Easter Island.
According to excavations, the massive statues are more than just heads. Some statues have even been found underwater.
Speaking to Life’s Little Mysteries, Van Tilburg from the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at the University of California said: “The reason people think they are [only] heads is there are about 150 statues buried up to the shoulders on the slope of a volcano, and these are the most famous, most beautiful and most photographed of all the Easter Island statues.”
“This suggested to people who had not seen photos of [other unearthed statues on the island] that they are heads only.”
The enigmatic Easter Island Statues are a set of hundreds of MASSIVE, ancient carved figures that stand guard on the hilly Pacific landscape of Easter Island.
Now, excavations have proven that these massive statues aren’t just massive heads. Ever since the earliest excavations in 1914, the mysterious statues have been heavily debated in the archaeological community.
Who built them, what are they depicting? What is their purpose and how were they made?
The statues –traditioanlly called ‘moai’ were carved in ancient times out of volcanic rock by the ancient Poylnesians. So far researchers have discovered statues ranging in different size, and the tallest of the statues rises a staggering 10 meters in height.
Their significance is still heavily debated although some scholars believe they were representations of the indigenous peoples’ ancestors.
However, the Moai statues are more than just massive heads and staggering bodies built out of volcanic rock, elaborately carved by the Rapa Nui people on a remote Chilean island in the Pacific Ocean.
As it turns out, the Moai statues may also hold the secrets of the fountain of youth.
A drug called Rapamycin —a bacterial by-product—was found to live in the shadow of Eastern Islands famous Moai statues and is believed to increase lifespan and improve a number of conditions related to aging.
As we mentioned in previous articles, some 50 years ago researchers at Easter Island found a natural drug that was hiding in plain sight inside the soil at Easter Island.
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As it turns out, half a century later, experts are calling it the anti-aging fountain or the fountain of youth.
The drug called Rapamycin is a bacterial by-product which can be found living in the shadow of Eastern Islands most famous statues the Moai.
The bacterial by-product has shown to increase lifespan and improve a number of conditions allegedly related to aging.
As you can see the Moai statues are shrouded in mystery. They are huge, they aren’t only massive ahead. They have bodies. Scientists are still unsure as how they were built. Their meaning is not fully understood. And living in their shadow is a bacterial by-product which has shown to increase lifespan and improve a number of conditions allegedly related to aging.