Author: Ancient Code Team

Deep in northwest Africa—more precisely in Mali—we find one of the oldest and most fascinating ancient cultures to ever develop on Earth. The ancient Dogon tribe are known for their religious traditions, their ritual dances, their massive ritual masks, their wooden sculptures and their architecture. However, they are also known for their incredible astronomical knowledge and their fascinating mythological accounts. Sirius and Dogon, a mystic connection The Dogon have a compelling ancient tradition. They mention myths and legends that go thousands of years into the past, predating possibly even their own history. Some authors, like Robert M. Schoch, argue that…

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It is not a mystery that thousands of years ago, ancient cultures around the globe had the ability to somehow move supermassive blocks of stone with extreme facility. Despite lacking ‘modern tools’ to do so, it is a well-known historic fact that cultures had the ability to move rocks of up to 1,000 tons, and transport them from their quarries to their final resting places, in temples, pyramids, and other monuments. And while we still can’t figure out the how, we continue searching our planet discovering incredible ancient sites that are the ultimate proof that we still don’t know everything…

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When you read texts written thousands of years ago and find them mentioning flying chariots, fire, smoke, and mysterious beings, you can’t help and wonder whether or not the ancients were actually speaking about alien visitations. Authors who are usually convinced there’s evidence of alien visitation written down in important works of literature such as the Bible argue that history is transmitted partially, and that important parts of ancient texts have been entirely omitted. In this article, we take a look at three important biblical characters who appear to have had contact with extraterrestrial beings during their lives. Two of…

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In Brief: Flying carpets are mentioned in a number of legends. For example, it is said that King Solomon possessed a flying carpet sixty miles long and sixty miles wide, capable of transporting 40,000 men. In other legends, King Phraates II, a Parthian King engaged his enemy while flying on a carpet capable of firing lighting and fire. Legends of Gods and might deities traveling in ancient times across the Earth in powerful flying machines can be found in a number of legends in various cultures across the globe. According to the holy book of the Ethiopians for example, the…

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YouTube Video Here: All around the world we find massive stones—weighing more than 1,000 tons—that have been transported, somehow, by ancient civilizations in the past. Without the use of modern technologies, our ancestors achieved the unimaginable, moving massive stones that weigh more than one thousand tons. So, how did they do it? Was it pure manpower? Or is it possible, as some authors suggest, that our ancestors used lost technologies to achieve these incredible feats? If we take a look at a number of ancient sites, we will see that our ancestors managed to build incredible temples using stones…

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One of the most unusual and mysterious archaeological sites in modern-day Mexico lies on the summit of Monte Alban. The city is believed to have been built sometime around 500 BC, and it features some of the most oddly shaped structures of the ancient world. Archaeologists estimate that no more than 15 percent of the ancient site has been uncovered so far. The city is located on top of an artificially flattened mountaintop, raising numerous questions and enigmas.  Monte Alban is a mountain where its top seems to have been literally cut off and leveled, to make an extremely flat…

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Are Shadow People beings from another dimension? Ghosts? Aliens? Demons? Astral Bodies? Take your pick and let us know what you think.  Have you ever heard about the so-called Shadow People? These mysterious creatures have been referred to by those who claim to have seen them as either interdimensional beings, ghosts, time travelers and even possibly aliens. People who claimed to have seen them aren’t sure what they had seen. In fact, numerous descriptions of the shadow people suggest that they come out of nowhere. While you are sitting there watching TV, you notice a strange movement across the room.…

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Manna: The Food of God Manna—also known as Mana—was a mysterious substance which was, according to the Bible, sent by God and given to the Israelites as they traveled in the desert during their ‘forty-year’ period following the Exodus. In the Bible, it explains how the Israelites got from Egypt, where they’d been slaves, to the Promised Land. They had to cross the Sinai Desert. And inevitably, given that there was a lot of Israelites and very little growing, as it was a desert, they ran short on supplies. At this point, in order to prevent the population from starving,…

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Have you ever heard about the Akashic Records? Supposedly, the Akashic Records are a massive cosmic library where everything that has ever existed, and that will ever exist, is stored: it is like a massive memory bank, located outside the boundaries of time and space. It is believed that the Akashic records contain all the knowledge and experiences of our soul acting as a supercomputer of cosmic information where we can access information on our past lives, the present and future possibilities (forming part of the theory of reincarnation), as well as the sense of our existence. Every moment, every…

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It was believed in ancient and medieval times that aether, also commonly spelled ether, was a mysterious material that filled the region of the cosmos above the terrestrial sphere. It was a mysterious element, and the concept of ether was used to describe a number of natural phenomena, including light and how it traveled, as well as gravity. It was believed in the past that aether was one of the primordial elements of the cosmos. In fact, in the late nineteenth century, scientists postulated that aether permeated all throughout space, allowing a medium through which light traveled in the vacuum.…

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