Author: Ancient Code Team

Have you ever wondered what you would get if you plotted out some of the most important ancient sites over the entire planet? If you take a globe and connect ancient sites on Earth with a line, you’ll obtain a fascinating geometrical pattern that connects all the dots. But is this a mere coincidence? It’s as if ancient cultures around the globe precisely placed significant monuments, cities and ceremonial centers around the globe taking into consideration advanced geometrical patterns which—when plotted on a map, show nearly all ancient sites are connected. This has led to countless debates and questions that…

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According to scientists, there were NUCLEAR REACTORS on Earth long before there were any humans on the planet, and one of those nuclear reactors may have been responsible for our ENTIRE existence. How’s that for science? Scholars are still unsure as to how exactly life on Earth started. Despite the fact that we have quite a few promising leads, we aren’t really sure as to what exactly created life on our planet. Now, a new study presented in Geoscience Frontiers challenges popular theories on how life on Earth came to be. (Nuclear geyser model of the origin of life: Driving…

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It is believed that on April 9, 1897, an unidentified flying object crashed in the town of Aurora, just outside of Dallas, and that a small humanoid being was recovered from the crashed UFO. The town of Aurora, in North Texas, United States, is considered by many as an unattractive place, where time seems to have stopped. The nearest city, Dallas, lies about 30 miles to the east and the northwest borders with the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico. The largest business in the town is a service station which is rarely open. However, every summer, large numbers of…

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YouTube Video Here: It has long been one of the greatest mathematical mysteries, but experts believe they have finally discovered the origin of the symbol currently used to designate the number zero. Reference to the number zero was found in the Bakhshali, an ancient Indian mathematical text discovered in 1881 whose recent carbon dating 14, carried out by Oxford University experts has traced it back to the third century, meaning its five centuries older than previously believed. “Today we assume that the concept of zero is used everywhere and is fundamental to the digital world,” said Professor Marcus du…

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The Great pyramid of Giza was considered a tomb, but many authors and researchers firmly agree that it was a structure that channeled, captured and encapsulated light—it was meant to be the Sunlight in Stone Ancient Egyptians built the pyramids using engineering techniques that are a wonder of the world Ancient Egyptians are believed to have built the Pyramids thousands of years ago as massive tombs for their dead Pharaohs. Until this day we still have no idea how the Pyramids were built, how the ancient Egyptians transported the massive blocks for quarries located up to 500 kilometers away, nor…

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YouTube Video Here: The mysterious artifacts—depicting strange beings with elongated heads, and oval-shaped eyes, as well as objects that resemble “spaceships” have been unearthed by a group of explorers in a Mexican cave. A group of explorers has discovered in a Mexican cave evidence what they boast as the best evidence of alien contact on Earth. The group of explorers recently visited the cave and explored it in detail. The cave—part of three caves actually—is located between the cities of Veracruz and Puebla. In two of the cases, researchers made unexpected discoveries including several carved stones with images that represent…

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Enki (“En” Lord, “ki” Earth), or Ea (“E” Temple, “A” Water) is one of the three most important gods of Mesopotamian culture. He is the god of wisdom, lord of magic, construction, arts, design, and creation. Enki has been interpreted as The Lord of Earth; He was the stepbrother of the god Enlil, and son of An. His sole mission was to create men and to encourage other deities to believe in them. Enki was also the original patron God of the ancient city of Eridu, and his influence spread throughout history throughout Mesopotamia and to the Canaanites, Hittites and even Hurrians. Interestingly, Enki was associated…

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YouTube Video Here: When we talk a bout Pyramids everyone immediately turns their thoughts to Egypt, the Giza plateau and the three pyramids standing tall just outside of Cairo. However, did you know that there are more than 1000 pyramids in Central America alone? There are 300 Pyramids in China and over 200 Pyramids in Sudan. Egypt boasts only around 120 Pyramids. But, no matter where you look, you’ll find pyramids scattered across the globe. But why? Why are these enigmatic structure located across the planet? Why did nearly all ancient civilizations across the globe, the Ancient Maya, Aztecs, Pre-Inca…

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Among the 12 Vortices, we find the Bermuda Triangle, Mohenjo-Daro, and even Antarctica. Nearly all of these Vortices are characterized by magnetic anomalies and abnormal phenomena. Planet Earth is a unique planet in the universe: It’s the only one that has life. But that’s not the only reason why Earth is such wonderful places. What makes our planet even greater is the fact that Earth is shrouded in mystery. Countless things about our planet have still not been understood by experts, and it seems that the more we research, the more questions arise. There are certain points on Earth where…

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The enigmatic 3,000-year-old vignette from the Djedkhonsuiefankh funerary papyrus found on display in the Cairo Museum illustrates an uncanny scene: a disc-shaped object, depicted as being extremely bright, with a landing gear deployed on top of a Sphinx.  Could this really be an alien UFO? Alien hunters believe this is the ultimate evidence there is a deep connection between Ancient Egypt and otherworldly beings. The object seen on top of the Sphinx is unlike any other “boat“ seen in ancient Egyptian mythology. In fact, it’s unlike anything previously seen in their iconography or symbolism. There are similar depictions of alleged…

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