Author: Ancient Code Team

According to a declassified CIA report, a troop of Russian soldiers—who managed to shoot down a UFO—were turned into STONE by surviving aliens. The declassified report is available at the official website of the CIA. Yup, and it’s not an excerpt from an upcoming James Cameron science fiction movie. Although James might consider it. Ok so I know there are those who will certainly yell out fake, and for them, the link to the official document is here. According to a set of documents provided by the CIA, Russian soldiers gunned down an Unidentified Flying Object. After the craft crash…

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YouTube Video Here: A team of researchers had discovered a while ago an ancient complex of pyramids and various structures in a remote part of the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest. They documented the site as best as they could, snapping several images of strange structures and artifacts and filming a couple of videos.  This ancient city—beleived to have been built and inhabited by giants was mentioned by Natives in the region, but no one had dared to search for the lost city before. But hold on a sec, giants aren’t real. Well, Ecuadorian legends speak of ancient cities of giants,…

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YouTube Video Here: From massive Pyramids hidden deep beneath the ice, considered as evidence of ancient civilizations inhabiting the now-frozen continent, to extremely ancient maps showing Antarctica free of Ice, and secret bases and UFO’s, Antarctica is engulfed in mystery.  The idea that Antarctica isn’t just an icy wasteland has fascinated researchers, authors, and conspiracy theorists for decades. Just what makes the icy continent a target for countless—sometimes crazy—theories? Some would say that its because its “isolated” from the rest of the world, and that access to Antarctica is nearly impossible. It’s one of the greatest unexplored wilderness on the…

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Meet “Greek Fire,” an ancient weapon that was nearly impossible to extinguish, and whose composition remains a profound mystery for experts even to this date. Many refer to it as the best-kept secret of the Ancient World. Oh and… Greek Fire was accompanied by “thunder” and “much smoke.” It was one of the most fearful ancient weapons of ancient times. Its composition remains a profound mystery for scientists, it cannot be replicated, and it goes by a variety of names, such as “sea fire,” “Roman fire,” “war fire,” “liquid fire,” “sticky fire,” or “manufactured fire.” This mysterious ancient weapon burned on…

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YouTube Video Here: Have you ever wondered why Native Americans keep their hair long? It’s kinda simple: “Hair is an extension of the nervous system.” “Hair is an extension of the human nervous system; it can be accurately described as exteriorized nerves, a type of highly developed ‘feelers’ or ‘antennae’ that are able to transmit enormous amounts of important information to the brain stem, the limbic system, and the neocortex.” Update: Fact-checkers at Snopes have rated the claims of this article false after reaching out the Army, which claimed claims in the story are “pure mythology.” The article also…

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YouTube Video Here: Did you know that the Great Pyramid of Giza contains enough stone to build a 2-feet-high wall compassing the entire planet? It also happens to weigh a staggering 5,955,000 tons. The great Pyramid of Giza is one of the most amazing ancient structures on the surface of the planet but is also one of the most mysterious. There are so many peculiar characteristics about the Great Pyramid that it’s hard to put them down on paper, in order to show you just how amazing the Great Pyramid is. If travel back in time, to the time…

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A mysterious stone slab, covered with ancient symbols no one has been able to decipher has baffled experts ever since it was discovered. It remains unclear why the symbols were engraved and what message the ancient stone slab—which dates back thousands of years—is meant to convey. Referred to as the “Stela of Montoro” the enigmatic ancient slab was unearthed in a farmers field in southern Spain. Experts believe how the curious symbols engraved on its surface could be the earliest monumental script in the Iberian Peninsula. However, no one has been able to make sense of the symbols, leaving experts…

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YouTube Video Here:″ width=”560 An ancient Egyptian Pharaoh called Sa-Nakht—from the Third Dynasty—was ancient Egypt’s first “Giant.” Sa-Nakht ruled over the Nile River civilization some 1,000 years before the Ramses II came to the throne. Ramses who was considered extremely tall thousands of years ago–with a height of around 1.75 m–was ‘dwarfed’ by the size of Pharaoh Sa-Nakht. Sa-Nakht or Sanakht has remained an enigma for experts for years since information regarding his rule, when he took charge, when he died and what type of Pharaoh he was, remain ambiguous. What experts have managed to gather over the years comes…

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YouTube Video Here: Who doesn’t love a bit of conspiracy now and there? The truth is that for decades mankind has linked Ancient Egypt—and their incredible achievements in numerous fields—to supernatural, or otherworldly entities. In this article, we take a look at 6 interesting reasons why many link Ancient Egypt to Aliens. Every once in a while, when you talk about ancient Egypt, you can’t help and wonder how on Earth people managed to build the Pyramids—at Giza—without the use of technology like the wheel. How did they transport the massive blocks of stone, some of them weighing more than…

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Experts currently scanning the Great Pyramid of Giza believe that there is at least one secret chamber hidden inside. They say they have detected “cavities” inside the monument that could prove what many assume are hidden rooms containing 4,000-year-old secrets. A project called ScanPyramids uses infrared thermography, and various other techniques to search for hidden chambers inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. So far, experts have found several anomalies inside the pyramid and say they could soon reveal their contents. Using Infrared Thermography, scientists detect energy emitted from an object converting it into temperature. It displays an image of the…

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