Could an increase in Antarctic ice levels trigger a new ice age and help...

Scientists studying the causes of ice ages say that an increase in Antarctic ice levels could be enough to trigger a new ice age that would reverse the current warming of our planet. As climate change continues to cause rising global temperatures that are busy melting the ice caps, scientists...

Was this underwater pyramid in China constructed before the Great Flood?

There is always an ongoing dispute about how old the ancient pyramids really are. Mainstream archaeologists tend to follow an agreed-upon timeline, while others continuously question the dates. Could the Egyptian pyramids really date back hundreds of thousands of years, as some suggest? One thing is clear: The debate may...

Ponce de Leon’s enemies linked him to ‘Fountain of Youth’ myth, inadvertently making him...

Juan Ponce de Leon is probably best known for discovering what is now known as the U.S. state of Florida, but he's also associated with a search for the so-called "Fountain of Youth" which would supposedly make one young again if they so much as bathed in or drank...

New study suggests Homo sapiens were not the first to use fire

YouTube Video Here: For decades, archaeologists have agreed that Homo sapiens were the first to create and use fire some 400,000 years ago, marking a profound turning point in the cultural aspect of human evolution because it provided a source of warmth and protection. But new data from a team...

Ancient astronaut theorists take note as scientists trace ancestral home of all humans to...

YouTube Video Here: Mainstream scientists seem to have inadvertently given some support to the ancient astronaut theory again. Recently, we wrote about a "new" scientific discovery that unlocked the potential of gold atoms, with 2D gold nanosheets. Using layers of gold just two atoms in thickness, the researchers made a...

Subaquatic ship graveyard may help solve the Biblical mystery of Noah’s Ark

YouTube Video Here: It's one of the most well-known stories from the Bible: Noah and his family were instructed by God to build an ark and load it with two of every animal. Noah did as he was instructed and the great flood came, destroying everything except Noah, his...

A First Lady who described traveling to Venus to witness an alien world

YouTube Video Here: What would happen if the First Lady of the United States disclosed that she believed she traveled with extraterrestrials to Venus? It would no doubt create quite the international media sensation, right? Well, that's exactly what happened in the case of Japanese First Lady Miyuki Hatoyama....

Was the ancient city of Teotihuacán abandoned when an electromagnetic power plant exploded?

YouTube Video Here: This is part two about Ancient Aliens, season 12, episode 7, titled "City of the Gods." For part one: Abundant liquid mercury, mica, and pyrite found in tunnels beneath the pyramids At the pre-Aztec city of Teotihuacán, archaeologists found a river of liquid mercury and the minerals mica...

Abundant liquid mercury, mica, and pyrite found in tunnels beneath the pyramids

YouTube Video Here: This is part one of a two-part exploration of the Ancient Aliens episode, "City of the Gods." For part two, see: Was the ancient city of Teotihuacán abandoned when an electromagnetic power plant exploded?   As fans of the Ancient Aliens series on the History channel, some episodes really...

Ancient cuneiform tablets prove historically accurate in regards to possible threat to Earth

YouTube Video Here: Some 3,000 years ago, astrologers working for the king of the Assyrian empire kept a close eye on the skies, and what they found and recorded on cuneiform tablets can give us incredibly valuable insights into things such as solar flares and other cosmological happenings that...