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The Egyptian pyramids are miracles of construction and scientific achievement, which is even more amazing when you consider that they were built thousands of years ago, long before we had the extensive knowledge that has been acquired over centuries.
But were the pyramids also constructed to produce sound waves that would literally alter consciousness and produce a mystical, out of body experience in anyone who was inside the structure?
As Ancient Origins explains, infrasound (sometimes referred to as low-frequency sound) is known to directly affect the human brain:
“It can induce feelings of nausea, anxiety, paranoia, as well as a sense of dread. In more sensitive individuals this can lead to a feeling of disconnection with the material world, accompanied by a very real sense of otherworldliness.”

Remarkably, the ancient Egyptians may also have understood that infrasound could play tricks on the mind and lead to a higher state of mental activity:
“If correct, then were the pyramid builders of ancient Egypt aware not only of some very expressive forms of sound technology, but also of the impact of infrasound on human bodily systems? Is this why the Dead-end Passage in the Subterranean Chamber was deliberately designed to generate infrasound, and why other of its chambers produced it on a slightly lower level?”

The Dead-End Passage
Of particular interest is the “Dead-End Passage” in the Great Pyramid of Giza. Science and history author Andrew Collins had a chance to enter this passage and then theorized as to the purpose of the narrow passageway:
“As the only thing a person can do when in the Dead-end Passage is either sit cross-legged or lie down lengthways, then it really does make sense that its original function involved a person, an initiate or priest perhaps, entering inside it and achieving some kind of altered state of consciousness. This might have been achieved through either the use of meditational practices or the achievement of non-REM sleep, enhanced, of course, by the effects of the tube’s own inherent infrasound; the two resonating in sympathy with each other.”

The fact that the Dead-End Passage is located beneath the center of the pyramid speaks to the larger purpose of the structure: Transporting the pharaoh to other worlds:
“This deep cosmic journey involved an ascent to the constellation of Orion, and then an onward passage via the Milky Way to the constellation of Cygnus, the entrance to the sky world proper. It is a process outlined in the 4,300-year-old Pyramid Texts, found inscribed on the interior walls of several Old Kingdom pyramids, whereby in death every pharaoh automatically becomes the god Osiris.
“In this guise, the soul’s primary goal was to achieve rebirth in the womb of Osiris’s mother. She was the sky-goddess Nut, who was herself a personification of the Milky Way, her womb synonymous with the fork in the Milky Way marked by the stars of Cygnus. Having achieved entry to the afterlife, the ascended soul of the pharaoh was reunited with both the gods and the ancestors.”
All of this does lend itself to the possibility that Egyptian priests were indeed under the influence of infrasound as a method of also transporting themselves to the stars where they could oversee the pharaoh’s transformation and rebirth as a god.
As we all know, sound can transport us in ways other things cannot. Most of us have experienced hearing a song from our youth and recalling exactly where we were and what we were doing when we first heard it. Of all our senses, sound may even have the greatest impact on us. And it seems perfectly logical that the ancient Egyptians knew this, too, and incorporated that knowledge into the pyramids.
Here’s more on the acoustic resonance testing of an Egyptian pyramid
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