30 facts you didn’t know about Puma Punku

This temple complex located near Tiwanaku, Bolivia is one of the most incredible ancient ruins you will find in South America. At a distance of around 45 miles west of La Paz Bolivia we find one of the most magnificent ancient sites on the surface of our planet. The sheer number...

Nostradamus saw Trump as the anti-christ who’ll trigger World War 3

Nostradamus wrote: "The False Trumpet concealing madness will cause Byzantium to change its laws. From Egypt there will go forth a man who wants the edict withdrawn, changing money and standards. The trumpet shakes with great discord. An agreement broken: lifting the face to heaven: the bloody mouth will...

The mark of history: The incredible ancient Sumerian cylinder seals

The ancient Sumerian cylinder seals are considered without a doubt some of the most interesting objects ever recovered from Ancient Mesopotamia. A cylindrical seal is a small object decorated with images, words, or in some cases both, engraved on its surface in an intricate way. A cylindrical seal is a small...

Experts claim there are 3 hostile Alien species visiting Earth

YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/FbBc_LmXkbQ?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1 Misinterpreted throughout the centuries as 'Gods', here are three of the most hostile Aliens that according to 'experts' have been visiting Earth since time immemorial. The idea that we are not the only life forms in the universe has captured the imagination and interest of not only...

800-year-old clay pot yields History-Changing discovery

Archaeologists came across a lost, 800-Year-Old Native American clay pot. What they found inside is changing History for good! At the First Nation’s Menominee Reservation in Wisconsin, archaeologists made a small but stunning discovery: a tiny clay pot that according to reports was around 800 years old. While it may not...

Archaeologists unearth one of the oldest settlements in America—older than the Egyptian pyramids

Another history-changing discovery. Experts have come across one of the oldest human settlements ever discovered in North America, with more than 14,000 years of antiquity. An ancient site on B.C.’s mid-coast is believed to be three times as old as the Great Pyramid at Giza and among the oldest human...

CLE 2017 Reveals: Secret Space Programs, Aliens, and Inner Earth Civilizations

YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/5-ff_Rnv47k?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1 Inner Earth beings... "They're a fourth-density being, and apparently they trace their lineage back to the Earth, and some of them, including the Anshar here, back 18 million years." During the Conscious Life Expo 2017 in LA, Corey Goode revealed fascinating details about secret space programs, Alien...