An 800-ton monolith from Japan and its similarity to tales of strange otherworldly visitors

YouTube Video Here: When one thinks of extraterrestrials, Japan probably isn't the first place that comes to mind. But Japan is home to compelling and strange stories of unexplained visitors. It has also been the site for a famous account of a USO (Unidentified Submerged Object) and a mysterious...

Are scientists catching on to ancient knowledge of how to change DNA?

YouTube Video Here: One of the main tenets of the ancient astronaut theory is that ancient beings may have manipulated the DNA of humans and other lifeforms. Numerous ancient carvings appear to show the double helix motif of DNA, prompting theorists to speculate: What if extraterrestrial beings gave humans...

The Ant People legend of the Hopi Native Americans and connections to the Anunnaki

YouTube Video Here: The more you look at ancient texts and stories from around the world, you can't help but see surprising patterns. Some are so glaring that it takes real effort to ignore them, but that's what many people do. One example is from the Hopi Native America...

The Pitoni Sky Stones, hard evidence that extraterrestrials visited West Africa?

YouTube Video Here: Everyone even remotely interested in extraterrestrials is searching for definitive proof, something tangible and real. So far, the concrete evidence remains elusive. Crop circle formations seem to be one example, yet mainstream scientists have yet to confirm their creation by otherworldly visitors. Another example of real evidence...

Will the Natural History Museum ever release DNA test results for Queen Puabi?

YouTube Video Here: Just four months before he died on October 9, 2010, ancient astronaut theorist Zecharia Sitchin, 90, was staking his life's work on a DNA test. The author of 14 books was pushing hard for the Natural History Museum to conduct DNA testing. He knew that the...

Mount Kailash: Pyramid-shaped mountain or alien nuclear power plant?

YouTube Video Here: Mount Kailash, which is located in Tibet, is often called "the spiritual center of the universe" because it's the birthplace of four religions: Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Bön. But it turns out that the mountain may also have once been the site of an ancient nuclear reactor...

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