The Book of Thoth: A sacred ancient Egyptian book that offers unlimited knowledge

It is said that the Book of Thoth contains a number of spells, one of which allows the reader to understand the speech of animals, and one of which allows the reader to perceive the gods themselves. Legend says that he who read the contents of the book would obtain...

America: land of mermaids, giants, and dragons?

Among many breathtaking and meticulously engraved details, the map features a group of mermaids holding what appears to be a disk in the form of a UFO near Patagonia, a legendary land that was rumored to be the home of giants. During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the lands of the Western...

The Greek Pyramid of Hellinikon predates the oldest ancient Egyptian Pyramid

While many are unaware of this, there is a Pyramid (now in ruins) in Greece referred to as the 'Pyramid of Hellinikon ' which according to studies is older than the oldest Pyramid of ancient Egypt by at least 100 years (Djoser - 2620 B.C.) and predates by at least...

Itá Letra: the ancient indecipherable petroglyphs of South America

Located deep within the depths of the Ybytyruzú mountain range, in Paraguay, stands the imposing enigma of Itá Letra ('Piedra con Letra'), a place that is home to a set of indescribable petroglyphs, which for a long time were presumed to have been Viking in nature. The enigmatic set...

Vikings influenced by Islam: Experts find Arabic script invoking ‘Allah’ on 10th century Norse...

Researchers have discovered similar Kufic characters in Central Asian tomb mosaic dating back to the same period of history. Kufic, which is the oldest form of Arabic calligraphic script dates back to the seventh century. Scientists concluded that this could be an important piece of evidence that the ancient Vikings of the ninth...

4,000 year old Bronze Age petroglyphs in Sweden became the sacred symbols of Georgia’s...

Scandinavian Bronze Age art is found on most of the famous petroglyphic boulders in the Georgia Gold Belt . . . a mountainous region containing the purest gold in the world. Most of Georgia's petroglyphs are believed to be contemporary with the Scandinavian Bronze Age, although some are definitely Maya...

Two historians claim the Ancient Egyptians did not build the Pyramids

The historians and authors of a 'controversial' forthcoming book firmly believe there is a strong possibility a second 'Great Sphinx' remains buried at the Giza plateau and suggest the Great Pyramid at Giza were built thousands of years earlier than previously thought, and not by the ancient Egyptians. Two historians...

Exploring the Secret Chambers beneath the Pyramids and the Sphinx

YouTube Video Here: Is there really something like "Forbidden Archaeology?" Or is it just another concept highlighted by conspiracy theorists to suggest archaeologists do not present all of their discoveries to the public? Some would say it is just nonsense, but there has been a great number of hushed-away discoveries...

Mysterious “alien signals” are triggered every second in the Universe

According to a study by scientists from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA), fast radio bursts that could be 'signals from advanced alien civilizations' are firing off every second in our universe. Astronomers have only found a couple of dozen FRBs (Fast Radio Bursts), and they still have not understood what...

The Aurora Incident: 50 years before Roswell, a massive UFO crashed near Dallas

It is believed that on April 9, 1897, an unidentified flying object crashed in the town of Aurora, just outside of Dallas, and that a small humanoid being was recovered from the crashed UFO. The town of Aurora, in North Texas, United States, is considered by many as an unattractive...

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