What are 5,000-year-old Egyptian Hieroglyphs doing in Australia?

YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/EzCK7JqhcM8?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1 There are dozens if not hundreds of discoveries on Earth that seem to indicate history as we know it is WRONG. The enigmatic 5,000-year-old Egyptian hieroglyphs are only one of the many discoveries that shatter mainstream history.  Not only is history wrong, but it is also incomplete...

The mysterious Fawn Hoof Mummy: Ancient Egyptian Presence in North America

This fascinating mummy was found over 200 years ago in one of the largest cave systems in America: The Mammoth Cave. There, miners discovered an extremely well-preserved mummy with red hair prepared and embalmed in an eerily similar way as the ancient Egyptians. After examining the mummy in the...

10 things you should know about the ‘alien-like’ Sealand skull

YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/xdBFW2yUnws?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1 There are some really bizarre things that have been discovered on Earth in recent decades. It's hard to differ authentic objects from elaborate hoaxes, but some discoveries like that of the Sealand Skull are proof that there are some things out there that simply put, cannot be...

5 Top-Secret Places that are censored on Google Maps

YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/kn2tYSiWo3U?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1 Did you know that there are certain places on Google Earth which are totally off limits for society? It turns that all around the globe, there are 'secret bases' that have been edited and blacked out on purpose in order to hide whatever is there. What are...

Anunnaki Structures before the Flood: The Great Sphinx of Giza

One of the most controversial subjects among many people today is the ancient Anunnaki and their influence in modern day civilization. Just as we ventured into the story behind the enigmatic 200,000-year-old city in Africa, we take a look at the Great Sphinx of Giza and its 'possible' connection...

3 Reasons why the Sphinx may predate the Ancient Egyptian Civilization

The Great Sphinx of Giza is one of the most enigmatic–if not the most— structures ever created on Earth. Many researchers believe we cannot rule out —entirely— that the Sphinx was built by a culture that predates the ancient Egyptian Civilization, and here is why.  (function(d, s, id) { if (d.getElementById(id))...

Shambhala & the Hollow Earth according to Ancient Buddhism

"...The land of Shambhala lies in a valley. It is only approachable through a ring of snow peaks like the petals of a lotus … At the centre is a nine-storey crystal mountain which stands over a sacred lake, and a palace adorned with lapis, coral, gems and pearls....

Researchers in Bolivia find two skeletons with abnormally elongated skulls

Researchers in Bolivia have found a number of skeletons in Bolivia. Two of them are of extreme interest since they display anomalous cranial deformation: freakishly large, elongated skulls. According to researchers one of the skeletons had an elongated head that exceeds the proportions of an artificial cranial deformation, raising the...

Ancient Hopi: The Hollow Earth, Flying shields and Ant-like Gods exist

Not only did the ancient Hopi believe their Gods inhabited the inner parts of the Earth, they depicted mysterious Ant-like beings and flying shields thousands of years ago. Interestingly, their legends also speak of a great flood which is a clear parallel to ancient Sumerian legends of the Great...

Massive, 12,000-Year-Old Underground Tunnels Stretch From Scotland To Turkey

There are countless, extremely ancient underground tunnels and chambers that stretch across the European Continent. These massive, 12-000-year-old underground tunnels are the product of ancient man which was far more advanced and knowledgeable than what mainstream scholars are willing to accept. Are these tunnels the ultimate evidence of a lost culture...

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