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Archaeologists unearth one of the oldest settlements in America—older than the Egyptian pyramids


Ancient-village - Archaeologists unearth one of the oldest settlements in America—older than the Egyptian pyramids
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Another history-changing discovery. Experts have come across one of the oldest human settlements ever discovered in North America, with more than 14,000 years of antiquity.

An ancient site on B.C.’s mid-coast is believed to be three times as old as the Great Pyramid at Giza and among the oldest human settlements in North America.

Experts say that the village even survived two tsunamis, one that occurred some 6,700 years ago, and another one some 5,600 years ago.

During an excavation on a remote island located in British Colombia, archaeologists have found an ancient village which they believe is one of the OLDEST human settlements ever found in Northern America.,

According to initial reports, the ancient village is around 14,000 years old and was found on Triquet Island, some 500 kilometers from Victoria Canada.

The village is believed to predate the ancient Egyptian Pyramids. The settlements is located in the territory of the Heiltsuk people.

Interestingly, the revolutionary discovery matches the legends of the Heiltsuk people passed down from generation to generation of the existence of extremely ancient coastal villages.

As reported by the Vancouver Sun, the village has been in use for about 14,000 years, based on analysis of charcoal recovered from a hearth about 2.5 meters below the surface, making it one of the oldest First Nations settlements yet uncovered. Dates from the most recent tests range from 13,613 to 14,086 years ago.

“We were so happy to find something we could date,” said Alisha Gauvreau, an anthropology Ph.D. student at the University of Victoria and a researcher at the Hakai Institute. What started as a one-meter-by-one-meter “keyhole” into the past, expanded last summer into a three-meter trench with evidence of fire-related in age to a nearby cache of stone tools.

“It appears we had people sitting in one area making stone tools beside evidence of a fire pit, what we are calling a bean-shaped hearth,” she said. “The material that we have recovered from that trench has really helped us weave a narrative for the occupation of this site.”

William Housty, from the Heiltsuk Nation, said: “To think about how these stories survived all of that, only to be supported by this archaeological evidence is just amazing.”

As noted by researchers, evidence suggests that for a period of around 7,000 years, the ancients hunted and ate large mammals, specifically seals and sea lions.

As noted by the Vancouver sun, around 5,700 years ago, their diet shifted to fin fish. Evidence of shellfish processing is found throughout the village’s history, right up to very recent times.

However, the discovery also has broader implications for human history: it could significantly change our understanding of human migration patterns in antiquity. The traditional history of man’s arrival in the Americas postulates that about 13,000 years ago people from the Stone Age moved through a land bridge connecting Siberia with Alaska.

However, recent studies suggest that the route did not contain enough resources for the first immigrants to successfully carry out such migration.

According to some researchers, humans entered North America by coast.

Reference: Heiltsuk First Nation village among oldest in North America: Archeologists

CLE 2017 Reveals: Secret Space Programs, Aliens, and Inner Earth Civilizations


YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/5-ff_Rnv47k?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

Inner Earth beings… “They’re a fourth-density being, and apparently they trace their lineage back to the Earth, and some of them, including the Anshar here, back 18 million years.”

alienssecretspaceprogramsinnerearthcivilizationscoreygoode - CLE 2017 Reveals: Secret Space Programs, Aliens, and Inner Earth Civilizations

During the Conscious Life Expo 2017 in LA, Corey Goode revealed fascinating details about secret space programs, Alien life and Inner Earth civilizations.

Corey Goode identifies himself as an intuitive empath (IE). According to the Sphere Being Alliance, Corey Goode was recruited through one of the MILAB programs at the young age of six. (MILAB is a term coined for the military abduction of a person that indoctrinates and trains them for any number of military black ops programs.) Goode trained and served in the MILAB program from 1976-1986/87. Toward the end of his time at MILAB he was assigned to fill an IE support role for a rotating Earth Delegate Seat (shared by secret earth government groups) in a “human-type” ET SuperFederation Council.

During the Conscious Life Expo 2017 in LA, Goode spoke about fascinating details concerning Alien life, Alien contact, inner-Earth civilization and forbidden knowledge in general.


Alien contact has already happened

“When I was first being picked up and taken to these MILAB-type programs, I found myself being slowly introduced to non-terrestrials. You would go into like a virtual reality setting where they put the goggles on you, and you’re sitting in a chair, and there would be a bunch of military and medical people in the room.”

“…And then, when you took the goggles off, there would be a Grey alien sitting at the table. They would just spring it on you. Yeah. They spent years acclimating people to being in the presence of non-terrestrials, because no matter who you are, it’s going to throw you off. We’re genetically programmed to respond viscerally to the non-terrestrials.”

The Secret Space Program

Corey Goode isn’t the only one who has spoken out about the existence of a fully operational secret space program.

Interestingly, a former NASA employee claimed there were secret manned missions to Mars over 20 years ago. In an interview with Coast-to-Coast AM, a woman by the name of ‘Jackie’ talked about humans on Mars, something that has been discussed among other alleged NASA employees for years; ‘…Then I saw two men in space suits – not the bulky suits we normally used, but they looked protective. They came over the horizon walking to the Viking Explorer…’

In addition to the above, a former Marine claims to have even WORKED on Mars.

The retired officer only known as Captain Kaye (pseudonym), said that not only have humans made it to Mars in the past, we have developed a secret space program and flotilla that operates in space. According to the former Marine, he was posted on the red planet for years and his mission was to protect the five human colonies from indigenous life forms on Mars. According to Captain Kaye, not only did he spend years on Mars, but he also served aboard a giant space carrier for three years.

But perhaps the best person to expose everything related to secret programs and shadow governments was Senator Daniel K. Inouye who said: “There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”

During the Conscious Life Expo 2017 Goode explained in detail the Secret Space Program:

“When I was almost 17, I was brought into the Secret Space Program (SSP), which I had been groomed for all throughout the MILAB program. They drafted me into Solar Warden. It was my Christmas break, 1986. I was . . . My birthday’s in 11 days, so it’s February 22. It was during December just before my 17th birthday that they brought me in.”

“They assigned me to a research vessel, and the captain did not want me on board. In the past, they had put what he called “children” on board, and they cried for mom, and it took about a year for them to acclimate, and he did not want to go through that. It was too disruptive. So instead, they sent me to the Intruder, Intercept and Interrogation program, where they would use intuitive empaths to interrogate non-terrestrials that they had caught in our Solar System or on Earth.”

“I was in that program for about a year, just under a year. And then they reassigned me back to the Sommerfield. I worked for scientists and engineers. When I was working on the science side with the scientists, they called me a Specialist. And I was a Technician when I was working with the engineers. Who remembers talking about the dart craft coming in my back yard to pick me up?”

Inner Earth civilizations

Goode isn’t the only one who believes there are civilizations inhabiting lower parts of Earth’s crust. In a new interview by Coast to Coast am, author and researchers David Wilcock stated that an alliance of ancient civilizations is living inside the planet. These ancient civilizations have been calling the inner Earth their home for long periods of time and they are about the reveal themselves to the world. Wilcock explained that during the formation of all watery planets in the universe (and according to latest studies by NASA there are quite a few) hollow cavities are formed below the surface of the crust, with their very own biome with bacteria that is capable of giving off natural light.

Goode further elaborated on the subject during the Conscious Life Expo 2017:

The Inner Earth. It seems to be probably the most popular topic that I’ve talked about.”

“A lot of you remember me talking about witnessing the city in the deep cavern. This is an animation that Rene created to help depict it. It’s very good. The only difference was the cavern was the size of a state. There’s no way to really accurately depict on scale how large it was. It’s unbelievable. There’s mist up along the ceiling of the cave, cavern.”

“It was like New York, or Manhattan, under the ground. Inside these pillars, natural pillars, they had built into what looked like a bunch of condos. I guess that’s where all the . . . They don’t have money. I was going to say that’s where all the rich people live. They don’t have money.”

“They’re a fourth-density being, and apparently they trace their lineage back to the Earth, and some of them, including the Anshar here, back 18 million years.”

Source and reference: Sphere Being Alliance

Youtube video credit

Olympus Mons and three volcanoes form a nearly perfect triangle on Mars


YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/cgRduZK_X44?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

mars- - Olympus Mons and three volcanoes form a nearly perfect triangle on Mars

A fascinating geological alignment has been found on Mars: Olympus Mons, Pavonis Mons, Arsia Mons, and Ascraeus Mons form a nearly perfect TRIANGLE on the surface of Mars.

A UFO researcher reveals features on the surface of Mars: Olympus Mons, Pavonis Mons, Arsia Mons, and Ascraeus Mons form a possible ‘artificial’ geological formation on the surface of the red planet.

These volcanoes are located in the Tharsis region on Mars and are collectively known as the Tharsis Montes. They form the so-called  Tharsis quadrangle.

Interestingly—perhaps proving what a cool artist mother nature on Mars is— the three Tharsis Montes volcanoes are evenly spaced about 700 km (430 mi) apart (from peak to peak) in a line oriented southwest-northeast. This alignment is unlikely to be coincidental.

Furthermore, several smaller volcanic centers northeast of the Tharsis Montes are on an extension of the line. The three volcanoes (most notably Arsia Mons]) also all have collapse features and rifts, from which flank eruptions issued, that transect them along the same northeast-southwest trend. The line clearly represents a major structural feature of the planet, but its origin is uncertain.

Mars- - Olympus Mons and three volcanoes form a nearly perfect triangle on Mars

Mr. Camacho—who edits mundodesconocido.es—explains in the video his long investigation into Mars’ peculiar features and important geological elements om the surface of the red planet that according to him, are one of the best examples that there is more to Mars than what we have been told.

In fact, Mr. Camacho argues in a YouTube video that Olympus Mons—the largest known mountain in the solar system, and three other mountains on Mars— have been placed on their current positions artificially and could be the result of an advanced Martian civilization that inhabited Mars in the distant past.

Olympus Mons is the tallest known volcano and mountain in the Solar System.

px-OlympusMonsalt - Olympus Mons and three volcanoes form a nearly perfect triangle on Mars
A composite Viking orbiter image of Olympus Mons on Mars, the tallest known volcano and mountain in the Solar System via Wikimedia Commons, public domain

Mr.Camacho shows a fascinating ‘connection’ between Olympus Mons and three other geological features on Mars which he argues are nearly perfectly lined up.

Furthermore, Camacho argues that the American space agency (NASA) is aware of all these facts because it has sent some of its Martian missions to the surface, in areas where these hyperdimensional confluences occur.

However, Camacho argues that in addition to the incredible alignment of Olympus Mons, Pavonis Mons, Arsia Mons, and Ascraeus Mons there is another important feature on the surface of the red planet that deserves attention: Alba Mons.

Mars- - Olympus Mons and three volcanoes form a nearly perfect triangle on Mars

Camacho argues that if we draw a line from Mont Olympus towards Alba Mons, we find another intricate connection.

It seems that the distance between Olympus Mons, Alba Mons, and Ascraeus Mons is nearly identical, and form ANOTHER fascinating triangle with nearly identical angles on Mars. Furthermore, Camacho reveals that the distance between the three above mentioned mountains on Mars has an approximate distance of 1,700 kilometers.

Interestingly, the Tharsis Montes volcanoes— Pavonis Mons, Arsia Mons, and Ascraeus Mons— lie near the equator, along with the crest of a vast volcanic plateau called the Tharsis region or Tharsis bulge. The Tharsis region is thousands of kilometers across and averages nearly 10 km (33,000 ft) above the mean elevation of the planet. Olympus Mons, the tallest known mountain in the Solar System, is located about 1,200 km (750 mi) northwest of the Tharsis Montes, at the edge of the Tharsis region.

The Future of humanity according to a man who fell into a coma and traveled to the year 3906


In 1921, Paul Amadeus Dienach, a Swiss-Austrian teacher with health problems, fell into a comatose state that lasted for one year. During this time, his consciousness traveled into the future and enters the body of another man who lives in the years 3906 A.D. Here are the predictions of what will unfold on Earth in the next millennia.

In the book, the author indicates that the people of the future fully understood Dienach’s peculiar medical situation, which they called “conscious slide”, and they told Dienach as many things as they could in relation to the historical events that took place between the 21st and 39th century. The only thing they didn’t tell him was the exact story of the 20th century, in case Dienach’s consciousness returned back to his original body and era (as he did) – they believed it would be dangerous to let him know his immediate future and the future of his era in case it disturbed or altered the path of history and his life.

When Dienach awakens from his coma, he finds himself back in 1922, but with an incredible amount of knowledge and information that he learned about during his one year in the future.

Knowing that he doesn’t have much time left, Dienach decides to write a diary, recording whatever he could remember from his amazing experience.

Curiously, Paul Dienach was not an author, poet, or professional writer. Rather, he was an ordinary man who kept a journal, never with the expectation that it would be published and recognized as it has become.


These are the predictions of Paul Dienach for the future of humanity.

2000-2300 A.D. Humanity is still struggling with the problems of overpopulation, ecological destruction of the environment, economic inequalities, wrong monetary system, lack of appropriate nutrition for all people, and local minor wars. People are living in this hastily race for atomic financial survival without time to look for their inner self and spiritual development.

In 2204 A.D. is completed a large colonization of the planet Mars, of 20 million people. But in 2265 A.D. a vast natural destruction kills them all. Never again humanity tries to colonize Mars.

2309 A.D. As the result of accumulated and non-solved problems, another big disaster comes to earth and is the great global war. A great part of the civilization as we know it stops to exist. The destruction hits as an almost extinction mainly of the yellow and black races.

2396 A.D. This great change leads to the final establishment of a Global Parliament on Earth of the Global Union of Nations or States. But this Global Parliament, although it is elected through voting by the nations, is not from politicians or businessmen, but from scientists, technologist, and humanitarian figures. The money as we know it does not exist anymore. The planetary resources are redistributed and are now enough for every person. The overpopulation, the climate, the nutrition, and the ecological problems are solved.

But not entirely the subtle tyranny problem. Life is easy, and people work less and less during their life. The years start counting again with year number 1, the 2396 (as in the time of Jesus Christ). Nevertheless, the Global Government is a form of totalitarianism, and national governments oppose it directly or indirectly for a couple more centuries. People are still with national consciousness and have not developed the planetary consciousness.

Only after 2-5 centuries finally, they did. Although there are not economic inequalities as we knew them, there are still inequalities over control of the level of technology and properties. People are spiritually weak and sluggish. This “peculiar Dark Age era” lasts till 3400.

3382 A.D. A remarkable phenomenon happens in humanity. People one after the other acquire suddenly a new spiritual ability that could be called hyper-vision or hyper-intuition. A direct access to “the great Spiritual Light” or “Direct Knowledge” with extremely powerful and of stunning clarity creative powers. It is also a mutation of the human brain.

3400-4000 A.D. A new “Golden Age” comes in humanity after almost 1,000 years of “dark age”. Now in the Global Government are not any more scientists and technocrats. There the “Universal Creators”. Personalities that combine simultaneously the qualities and abilities of philosopher, artist, scientist, adept, mystic, etc. Everything in the society is free, clothes, house, food, transportation, etc. There is no private property, and the only inequalities are of honor and reputation.

People do not count anymore the success of their lives with the technological and material standards of living, but mainly with their emotional, mental and spiritual development and self-improvement. People work only 2 years in their whole life, between the equivalent of 17 and 19 years. The population of earth is less than a billion people, and there is an abundance of products for a decent living. The laws in the society are radically reduced to very few only, as the negative or criminal intentions of individuals in the society are almost absent.

There are only three kinds of laws:

1) Those referring to the 2-year term of working.

2) Those referring to how traveling traffic and distribution of goods is done.

3) Those referring to the demographic stable size population (control of births).

Source and reference:

Source 1  Source 2  Source 3  Source 4 Source 5

Featured image credit

The story of Paul Dienach, a man who fell into a coma and woke up in the year 3,906


masseffectdestroyedcitadelbydroot-dmv - The story of Paul Dienach, a man who fell into a coma and woke up in the year 3,906

The story is beyond fascinating, and hard to believe according to many. Paul Dienach spent a year in a comatose state, victim of a strange disease. Upon awakening, he assured that his conscience had traveled to the body of a man in the year 3906.

Everything that he saw, felt and heard was written down in “Chronicles of the Future” a book that contains the diary a man who never intended for his words to be revealed to the world.

Given the nature of the claims, many will immediately dismiss this testimony as a great delusion however, what Dienach had experienced forever changed his life.

Let’s start at the beginning. Dienach was a professor who lived at the beginning of the last century in Central Europe.

He never thought to be a writer nor did he ever expect to experience traveling in time. However, circumstances led him to that.

The story begins in 1921 when Dienach was a victim of a major epidemic of lethargic encephalitis, and as a result ended up in a comatose state. During this time, he remained for a year in a hospital in Geneva.

When he woke up, he began to write his diary, in which he said that during that whole year he was fully awake and that he experienced something unbelievable.

As Dienach explains in his diary—which later became the above-mentioned book— far from being confined to his bed, his conscience traveled to the body of another man named Andrew Northman, a man who lived in the year 3906. During the time Dienach fell into a coma, in the year 3906 physicist Andreas Northam suffers a serious accident and has a near-death experience (NDE). When he (Northam) awakens moments later, he speaks in an unknown language (presumably 20th-Century Swiss). Furthermore, Northam doesn’t recognize his family members, and he’s unable to sleep. He’s perpetually awake.

As Dienach writes, the people in the year 3906 realized that a different consciousness was in the body of Andrew Northman and they decided to tell him everything that had happened in the world during the last two millennia.

The people from the future explained that a new species of human beings named Homo Occidantalis Novus would appear on Earth.

Upon waking up—after experiencing everything he did—Dienach feared being considered a madman, so he did not tell anyone what had happened to him.

However, everything changed when Dienach moved to Greece.

At 36, Dienach’s health got worse, so he decided to move to Greece, where the climate was more suitable for his health. In 1922 he moved to Greece and began teaching French and German in a school.

Among his many students was a man named George Papahatzis, who described Dienach as being “a modest man who used to pay attention to details.”

After two years, Dienach’s health hit bottom and he decided to move again, now to Italy. However, before leaving Greece, he gave his diary to Papahatzis, his favorite pupil, to practice his German by translating the text from German to Greek.

Dienach left and in 1924 died of tuberculosis. For his part, Papahatzis translated the text over a period of 14 years, from 1926 to 1940. At first, he thought it was a novel, albeit a very rare one. But as he advanced he realized that what he was translating was in fact a dairy—one that would forever change that what we think is possible and impossible.

Chronicles from the Future is now available in Kindle or paperback format through  Amazon.

Reference: Chronicles from the Future

The Amazing Story and Prophecies of Paul Dienach

Featured image by droot1986

The mystery handbag of the Gods: Depicted in Sumer, America, and Göbekli Tepe


How is it possible that thousand-year-old depictions of the Anunnaki show the gods carrying a mysterious bag, and halfway around the world we find the same thing depicted by ancient Mesoamerican civilizations? Depicted by the ancient Sumerian representations of the Anunnaki, the mysterious ‘handbag’ of the Gods is seen in several cultures in America and Göbekli Tepe. Coincidence? 

Compelling evidence—found in the last couple of decades—has proven mankind is a species with amnesia. The countless discoveries made all across the globe has forced us to question everything about the origin of mankind, ancient cultures and history in general.

Slowly and piece by piece, we have been exploring and gathering small pieces of a MASSIVE puzzle that have driven us in the right direction when searching for answers mainstream scholars have not been able to fully answer.

How can you explain the countless similarities among civilizations that inhabited Earth thousands of years ago, which were separated by tens of thousands of kilometers?

Why did nearly all ancient cultures on Earth decide to build Pyramids? And why are so many pyramids eerily similar?

It’s as if nearly all ancient civilizations followed the same blueprint. It’s as if somehow, ancient cultures were interconnected thousands of years ago.

One of the most interesting and mind-boggling enigmas can be traced back to Ancient Mesopotamia—comonly referred to as the Cradle of Civilization—where a mysterious motif has driven many authors to question history as we have been taught.

The ancient Sumerians depicted the Ancient Anunnaki with curious items. Two of the most interesting objects seen in the ancient Sumerian deities were the ‘hand watch’ seen on nearly all depictions, and the mysterious ‘bag’ carried by the Gods.

Curiously, if we travel thousands of kilometers around the globe from Mesopotamia to the Americas, we will find that the ancient Maya, Aztecs and other ancient civilizations utilized the same motif when depicting their deities.

Furthermore, if ew travel to Egypt we will see that the Ankh symbol was also carried around by the gods just as the mystery handbag in ancient Mesopotamia and the Americas.

The-handbag-of-the-Gods - The mystery handbag of the Gods: Depicted in Sumer, America, and Göbekli Tepe

Why is it that ancient civilizations in America, Egypt, and ancient Mesopotamia depicted their deities carrying a mysterious object in their hand? Is it possible that all ancient cultures in America, Egypt and Mesopotamia were visited by the same ‘Gods’?

Interestingly, the Ancient Anunnaki were nearly always represented in a humanoid form, even though numerous traits indicate clear differences between the Anunnaki and ordinary humans, the facial features of the Ancient Anunnaki Gods were always well-hidden thanks to the large beards.

Just as the ancient Sumerians depicted their deities in a humanoid form, the Ancient Egyptians and different cultures in the Americas did the same thing.

The obvious question here is why? Why did ancient cultures—separated thousands of kilometers from each other—depict their deities in a nearly identical way? Furthermore, how is it even possible that the Ancient Sumerians depicted their gods carrying a mysterious bag, and that people halfway across the world did the same thing?

At the archeological site of La Venta, we will find a stone stele depicting the ancient Mesoamerican God Quetzalcoatl, who is curiously holding in his hand the same ‘Bag’ we see in ancient Sumerian depictions.

La-Venta-Gods - The mystery handbag of the Gods: Depicted in Sumer, America, and Göbekli Tepe

But this isn’t the only site in Mexico where the curious representation was found.

If we travel to Tula—an important regional center which reached its height as the capital of the Toltec Empire between the fall of Teotihuacan and the rise of Tenochtitlan—we will find their massive ‘Atlantean’ statues, and if we observe closely, we will notice that once again the mysterious handbag is present.

Ancient-Tula - The mystery handbag of the Gods: Depicted in Sumer, America, and Göbekli Tepe
Toltec temple ruins in Tula, Mexico Credit: Pinterest

If we travel to Göbekli Tepe, located on a remote hilltop in southern Turkey we will find the same THING.

Göbekli Tepe is one of the oldest (if not oldest) ancient megalithic temples on our planet. There, intricate massive stone pillars arranged into a set of rings stand tall and proud telling a millennia-old story when different civilizations ruled the over the planet. The massive stones were believed to have been carved by Neolithic hunter-gatherers some 12,000 years ago, even though recent evidence points towards the fact that

The mysterious temple, which consists of three huge stone circles was deliberately buried for an unknown reason in the distant past. After 13 years of digging, archaeologists investigating the ancient site have failed to recover a single stone-cutting tool. No one has been able to understand how ancient mankind, which was believed to be incapable of such feasts, erected some of the greatest stone-works on the planet.

Gobekli-Tepe-hanbag - The mystery handbag of the Gods: Depicted in Sumer, America, and Göbekli Tepe

Does the presence of the mysterious bag, carried by the gods, indicate that these two cultures connected in a mysterious way?

Why did ancient cultures depict their Gods carrying the mysterious handbag? What was inside it?

And most importantly, how is it even possible that the mysterious handbag is present in different civilizations around the globe—which according to mainstream scholars were never connected?

What if the Ancient Anunnaki—depicted by the Ancient Sumerians—and the Gods who visited the ancient Maya, Aztec, Toltec and Olmec civilizations are in fact the SAME?

Gobekli-Tepe - The mystery handbag of the Gods: Depicted in Sumer, America, and Göbekli Tepe

What do you think this mysterious bag is meant to represent? Do you think it is just a coincidence that these three sites—and there are more—feature all the same thing? What could have been carried by the ‘Gods’ that was so important that nearly all ancient cultures had to illustrate it?

Rogue object baffles scientists: It manoeuvred past Jupiter for 1 million years without crashing

Comet - Rogue object baffles scientists: It manoeuvred past Jupiter for 1 million years without crashing
Seen here is Halley’s Comet, another object with a retrograde orbit. Credit: solar seven- iStock- Getty Images

A Rogue object dubbed ‘BZ’ has created confusion among astronomers.

For at least a million years, an asteroid orbiting the “wrong” way around the sun has been playing a cosmic game of chicken with giant Jupiter and with about 6,000 other asteroids sharing the giant planet’s space, says a report published in the latest issue of Nature.

Experts have concluded the long-term stability demonstrates a new mode of orbital motion, but also means that the origin of this unique object is difficult to determine. Backwards integrations of the clones do not give a clear-cut origin for the current resonant state. An increase in eccentricity for some of the orbits of the clones may have enabled interaction with Saturn to inject the clones into their current orbits, but the precise origin remains uncertain.


The peculiar astronomical objects have been circling our sun for over a million years in a retrograde orbit—meaning that it orbits our sun in the opposite way compared to all other astronomical objects, and has managed to maneuver past Jupiter and countless other planets and moons in our solar system and has never crashed.

In fact, 2015 BZ509 is one of the select few objects in our solar system—discovered so far—that has an opposite, aka retrograde, orbit around the sun, managing to avoid crashing into anything along its way.

There are millions of asteroids and comets that circle our sun following the same path as Earth and other planets in the solar system.

Experts have concluded that BZ is a rogue object—that for some reason—orbits against the natural flow of all objects in Jupiter’s orbital entourage.

Speaking about the rogue object, Dr. Paul Wiegert—part of an international team of researchers which monitors the objects—said:

“It’s as if Jupiter were a monster truck on a track circling the sun, and the asteroids in Jupiter’s orbit are sub-compact cars all whizzing along in the same direction. BZ is the rogue – driving around the track in the wrong direction – and it does so every single lap, and has done so for thousands of laps for a million years or more.”

Somehow, BZ has managed to maneuver past countless objects including Jupiter. According to experts, this has something to do with the gas giant’s gravity, and how it deflects the path of the object on each orbit. This allows BZ to cruise around our solar system’s neighborhood without crashing into anything.

Dr. Martin Connors of Athabasca University—coauthor of the study—said: “Passes relatively near Jupiter take place twice on each body’s orbit around the sun. One is inside Jupiter’s orbit, the other outside, so the disturbing effects of Jupiter, remarkably, cancel out.”

So far, experts have very limited information about the objects which has discovered only recently in 2015.

As reported by the Daily Mail, BZ is believed to have a diameter of around three kilometers and most likely comes from the same place where Halley’s Comet originate from. Halley’s Comet is another astronomical object which has a retrograde orbit.

So far, experts are unable to agree whether BZ is an icy comet or a rocky asteroid.

The newest data gathered by experts is a result of 300 days of complex calculations and observations using numerous astronomical telescopes and cameras.

The gathered data has shown that BZ has maintained a stable orbit—managing to maneuver around our solar system—for at least a million years, and it will most likely continue to do so for another million years.

Dr. Wiegert concluded that learning more about this astronomical object will help us understand more about previously unmapped and unknown features inside our solar system.

Reference, source, and additional reading material:

Wrong-way asteroid plays ‘chicken’ with Jupiter

Rogue asteroid orbits the WRONG WAY around the sun while routinely dodging Jupiter and 6,000 other space rocks

A retrograde co-orbital asteroid of Jupiter

Experts in Mexico unearth Ancient Maya statue depicting an ‘Alien’ figure


Experts have unearthed a mysterious statue belonging to the ancient Maya civilization. The curious artifact depicts ‘an alien humanoid’ holding a human head.

The statue consists of a snake that seems to surround the figure of a small ‘ALIEN humanoid’ seen in a profile view holding a human head. Notice the strange head and oval-shaped eyes.

Alien-statue - Experts in Mexico unearth Ancient Maya statue depicting an ‘Alien’ figure

Directors of the museum of Xiutetelco—Puebla, Mexico— have revealed the discovery of an important archaeological piece belonging to the ancient Mayan culture, which inhabited the area sometimes during 400 AD. The ‘controversial statue consists of a snake that surrounds the figure of a small ‘ALIEN humanoid’ seen in a profile view, holding a human head. Notice the strange head and oval-shaped eyes.

The fascinating piece contains four inlays of mineral such as obsidian, turquoise, jade and shell, and was found by public workers in the Maxtaloyan community— in the upper part of the mentioned municipality—while improvement works were being carried out.

According to ‘El Sol de Puebla‘, the discovery is “a fundamental sample of the Mayan culture that for a long time inhabited the region, settling in the present day municipality, leaving important vestiges.”

Rafael Julián Montiel, in charge of the museum of Xiutetelco, said that since this area is adjacent to the archaeological zone of Cantona, among other communities, more pieces of this type could be found. In the near future—and especially during construction works—experts will monitor the area in hopes of discovering similar artifacts and preventing damage to possible future discoveries.

Likewise, the director of the museum added that Maxtaloyan is home to a volcano, similar to that of the community of ‘Los Humeros’ in the municipality of Chignautla, which has already erupted in the past, warning that there is danger of the volcano erupting and burying an entire pre-Hispanic settlement.

Monitel concluded:”At the moment, more than 5 thousand pieces have been discovered in several points of this municipality. All of them have been taken care of and are exhibited in the museum, which receives a large number of visitors who are eager to learn more about the ancestral wealth that Xiutetelco has.”

Experts have not yet concluded what exactly the newly discovered figurine represents, embodied in the ancient Mayan sculpture.

This has led to the emergence of several theories among those who have had a chance to see it in person.

Some people undoubtedly see a classic “gray” alien that holds a human head while others add that the serpent may symbolize an ancient “reptilian deity.”

Many would agree that the ancient statue clearly depicts a gray alien—with his elongated head, and oval shaped eyes.

Reference: El Sol de Puebla

Scientists opened a cave that was isolated for 5.5 million years and found this


YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/xrzExz9ZqSI?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

Movile Cave has been cut off for millions of years. Its air is thick with harmful gasses, yet it is home to an array of strange beings.

The cave remained unopened for 5.5 MILLION years. It was discovered in 1986 a few kilometers from the Black Sea coast after scientists were sweeping the area looking for the best spot to build a geothermal power plant. They never expected to find the most mysterious cave on Earth. The air inside the cave is very different from the outer atmosphere. The level of oxygen is only a third to half of the concentration found in open air, and it is home to a number of odd, weird-looking creatures. 

Movile-Cave - Scientists opened a cave that was isolated for 5.5 million years and found this

Experts have discovered a total of 48-species in the enigmatic cave which remained sealed off from the rest of the world for 5.5 MILLION years.

Just imagine you stumbled across a cave that has remained sealed off from the world for 5.5 million years, what would you expect to find inside?

map - Scientists opened a cave that was isolated for 5.5 million years and found this

Basically, it’s a world inside a world, perfectly depicted in numerous Hollywood series and movies. However, there are times when fiction and nature are divided by an extremely thin line.

This is exactly what happened when experts explored the Movile cave—a chemical (chemosynthesis) world within the organic world of humans.

The cave is located in Southeastern Romania, close to the Black Sea. Located beneath the earth, this enigmatic ‘alien world’ has remained sealed off from the rest of the world for over 5.5 million years.

As explained by scientists, air inside the cave is very different from the outer atmosphere. The level of oxygen is only a third to half of the concentration found in open air (7–10% O2 in the cave atmosphere, compared to 21% O2 in air), and about one hundred times more carbon dioxide (2–3.5% CO2 in the cave atmosphere, versus 0.03% CO2 in air). It also contains 1–2% methane (CH4) and both the air and waters of the cave contain high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and ammonia (NH3).

The cave was found by Romanian scientist Cristian Lascu.

Accessing the cave is extremely hazardous. Visitors can only stay down for 5 or 6 hours before their kidneys pack in.

Video Here: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1qpffb_the-secret-underworld-movile-sulphur-cave-life-romania-national-geographic-adventures_tech

This mystery world can be accessed by descending an extremely narrow shaft, then climbing down through an ochre clay coated limestone tunnel which eventually gives access to a tunnel—filled with complete darknes—with a temperature of around 25 degrees celsius. The tunnel leads into a central cavern opening into a lake.

The ecosystem is beyond stunning.

Experts have discovered a total of 48 species including leeches, spiders, water scorpions and other insects, were found inside the cave, of which 33 are endemic. The food chain within the cave is solely based on chemosynthesis in the form of methane- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria.

As explained by the BBC, in 2010, microbiologist Rich Boden, who was then at the University of Warwick in Coventry, UK, became roughly the 29th person to see the cave.

“It’s pretty warm, and very humid so it feels warmer than it is, and of course with a boiler suit and helmet on that doesn’t help,” says Boden, who is now at the University of Plymouth in the UK.

“The pool of warm, sulphidic water stinks of rotting eggs or burnt rubber when you disturb it as hydrogen sulfide is given off.”

Movile-Cave- - Scientists opened a cave that was isolated for 5.5 million years and found this
An unidentified leech from Movile Cave (Credit: Thierry Berrod, Mona Lisa Production/SPL)

Movile-CAve- - Scientists opened a cave that was isolated for 5.5 million years and found this
A waterscorpion (Nepa sp.) from Movile (Credit: Thierry Berrod, Mona Lisa Production/SPL)

Movile-CAve- - Scientists opened a cave that was isolated for 5.5 million years and found this
Two woodlice (Armadillium sp.), which lack skin pigment (Credit: Patrick Landmann/SPL)

**Article edited: Added images of some of the species that were discovered inside. Added a new video of the cave.


Scientists say aliens created our genetic code and signed it with the number 37


prometheus - Scientists say aliens created our genetic code and signed it with the number 37

In the study, experts detailed nine examples and they believe that the chances of the number 37 appearing so many times randomly in the genetic code are a staggering one in 10 trillion. In an interview with New Scientists, experts said: “It was clear right away that the code has a non-random structure.”

According to a new ‘unorthodox’ scientific theory, the answer to the origin of life could revolve around the number 37. A scientific theory suggests that our genetic code was CREATED by intelligent beings from elsewhere in the universe and that they even left a signature behind for us to find.

The idea that life on Earth was CREATED by someone else is nothing new. For centuries mankind has wondered why we even exist and whether or not we are alone.

However, a pair of scientists believes they have found the answers we are looking for embedded in an ancient code that proves life on Earth is the result of extraterrestrial intelligence.

Researcher Maxim Makukov from the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute in Almaty, Kazakhstan, firmly believes he has discovered an “intelligent-like signal” that is encoded into our genetic material.

While this theory is far from being accepted by colleagues, his mentor, mathematician Vladimir shCherbak, believes that they may just have uncovered conclusive evidence that there is a message, or a signature, embedded within our genetic code.

The theory proposed by Makukov and shCherbak is based on the principle of Panspermia—the theory that suggests that life on the earth originated from microorganisms or chemical precursors of life present in outer space and able to initiate life on reaching a suitable environment. However, the scientific duo from Kazakhstan have further developed this theory and suggest that life on Earth is the result of ‘DIRECTED PANSPERMIA—meaning that life on Earth was planted intentionally by someone—or something else.

Interestingly, Makukov and shCherbak aren’t the only scientists to have proposed such a ‘controversial theory’.

According to the Francis Crick, the English researcher who is noted for being the co-discoverer of the DNA structure of the DNA molecule in 1953: “…organisms were deliberately transmitted to earth by intelligent beings on another planet. We conclude that it is possible that life reached the earth in this way, but that the scientific evidence is inadequate at the present time to say anything about the probability…” Furthermore, Crick’s thoughts on the theory that we are a result of ‘a bunch of molecules crashing into each other’ are that it is as likely as the assembly of a Jumbo Jet, hit by a hurricane in a junkyard.

In fact, together with Crick, British chemist Leslie Orgel Published a paper on the matter in July of 1973 explaining that life on Earth is the result of direct panspermia. Crick’s thoughts on the theory that we are a result of ‘a bunch of molecules crashing into each other’ are that it is as likely as the assembly of a Jumbo Jet, hit by a hurricane in a junkyard.

Makukov and shCherbak analyzed the genetic code— the means by which DNA and RNA molecules carry genetic information in living cells—and found that the number 37 pops up numerous times.

One example is that the mass of the molecular core shared by all 20 amino acids is 74—which is 37 doubled.

Furthermore, Yuri Rumer first identified— ‘Rumer’s transformation’—in 1966 that the genetic code can be divided equally in half, with one-half being “whole family” codons – a codon being three structural units within DNA – and the other half being “split family”, which do not have the AC code, an amino acid that is used to build proteins.

In fact, there is a total of 28 codons which have a total atomic mass of 1665, with a combined side chain atomic mass of 703—and curiously, both of them are multiples of 37.

In a paper published in Icarus, experts detailed nine examples, and they believe that the chances of the number 37 appearing so many times randomly in the genetic code are a staggering one in 10 trillion.

In an interview with New Scientist prof. Makukov said: “It was clear right away that the code has a non-random structure.”

“The patterns that we describe are not simply non-random. They have some features that, at least from our point of view, were very hard to ascribe to natural processes.”

As for who or what may have embedded this mystery message into our DNA, the Kazakh scientist says: “Maybe they’re gone long ago. Maybe they’re still alive. I think these are questions for the future. For the patterns in the code, the explanation we give, we think is the most plausible.”

Featured image credit Prometheus/20th Century Fox.

New Scientist

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