Sonchis of Sais—an ancient Egyptian Priest who introduced Atlantis to the world

Every time we think about Atlantis—the fabled lost city/continent—we think about Plato, the man who described its existence in his work Critias and Timaeus. But have we ever asked ourselves where does the original story from Atlantis come from? Plato did not invent Atlantis as many believe, but the story of...

The Family Tree of the ancient Anunnaki—those who came down from heaven

The Ancient Anunnaki are often referred to as the immortal gods that lived on Earth during the ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia. According to Mesopotamian mythology, the Anunna or Anunnaki were, initially, the most powerful gods and lived with Anu in heaven. Later, without having established a clear motive for this...

500 years before the Egyptians, an ancient civilization in Peru built incredible Pyramids

The Egyptians weren't the first to build Pyramids. An ancient civilization in America, more precisely Peru, built stunning pyramids 500 years before the Ancient Egyptians. This ancient culture is considered as the oldest 'developed' civilization in America, and it predates by up to 1,500 years, other advanced cultures in...

Before the Great Deluge, Eighth Antediluvian Kings ruled for 241,200 years

"After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. In Eridug, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28800 years." According to the accounts written down on the Sumerian King List, Eight ancient kings ruled over ancient Mesopotamia for a period of 241,200 years, before the Great Flood. Despite the...

“Manuscript 512,” an ancient text that mentions a lost ‘Mediterranean-type city’ in the Amazon

There is an extremely interesting document referred to as Manuscript 512, located in the Brazilian National Library in Rio de Janeiro. It mentions how a group of explorers stumbled upon a ruined ancient city in the eastern parts of Brazil in 1753. This 'magnificent stone city' was unlike any...

Sophia, the world’s first Robot Citizen ‘wants to start a family’

YouTube Video Here: Not long ago, a robot named Sophia became our world's first AI to be granted citizenship of a country. Curiously, that same Robot said in 2016 how it would destroy humans. David Hanson, Sophia's creator, asked the robot in 2016: “Do you want to destroy humans? Please...

The Sibiu Manuscript—a 500-year-old text that describes multi-stage rockets

The Sibiu manuscript discovered in 1961, is a collection of around 450 pages that include among many other things, details of three-stage rockets and manned rocket flight. Most of us are unaware of the fact that there are countless ancient manuscripts scattered across the globe, describing what many consider as improbable...

8 Predictions for 2018 from the man who foresaw ‘Brexit’ and Trump winning the...

According to the man who predicted that Trump would become president and that the UK would leave the European Union, the year '2018 will be full of political turmoil and environmental crisis caused by dramatic and unprecedented weather.' Craig Hamilton-Parker predicted several events that are difficult to foresee, such as...

Newly-found fossils reveal Antarctica had lush forests before Dinosaurs existed

Antarctica—the 'inhospitable' white Continent that we know today, was once a surface covered with leafy subtropical forests full of palm trees, ferns, and conifers. Just over 50 million years ago, the frozen continent looked very different from what we see today. If mankind could travel to the past and visit Antarctica,...

Archaeologists find Buddha’s ‘remains’ in a Chinese Village

Have archaeologists finally found the remains of Buddha? Experts have discovered cremated bones hidden away in a 1,000-year old chest in China that according to reports, may belong to Siddhartha Gautama, better known as Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. Over two millennia ago, two Chinese monks buried human remains in...