Nostradamus predicted Donald Trump as being President of the US

According to interpretations of Quatrain 81 written by Nostradamus, the great prophet foresaw the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States. Michel de Notre Dame, historically known as Nostradamus, is considered by many as one of the most accurate prophets in history. In his book ‘The Prophecies’,...

The Missing Capstone of the Great Pyramid of Giza

There are numerous mysteries related to the Great Pyramid of Giza, but there is one which researchers are unable to explain: Why is the Great Pyramid –one of the most precise ancient structures on the surface of the planet— missing a capstone on its top? An interesting story is...

Is this evidence that Dragons exist? Man films giant creature resembling a Dragon

YouTube Video Here: Get ready people, Dragons are coming. Sort of. A man in China filmed --ironically-- a giant creature resembling what many believe is a Dragon near the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. But after researching a bit more we found some very interesting things.  via GIPHY A video uploaded to social...

10 bewildering facts about the Great Pyramid of Giza that you probably didn’t know

From being the only eight-sided pyramid in existence to the fact that the weight of the pyramid is estimated at 5,955,000 tons and multiplied by 10^8 gives a reasonable estimate of the earth’s mass, there are some things worth knowing about the Great Pyramid of Giza which you history teachers...

The Orion Correlation: 3 fascinating ancient structures connected to Orion

For some mysterious reason, the constellation of Orion was of great importance to ancient cultures around the globe. Some even call the Correlation of Orion a global phenomenon since this pattern of stars was accurately portrayed by our ancients on monuments throughout the ancient world, from Egypt to Mexico....

10 fascinating accounts of ancient Gods and their flying Machines

"…there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder, and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven." Is it possible that thousands of years ago, ancient cultures around the globe misinterpreted beings with advanced technology as Gods? Looking at the countless descriptions...

The History of the Anunnaki: The 14 Tablets of Enki

It is believed that around 445,000 years ago, ancient astronauts from another planet in the cosmos came to Earth in search of gold. In the fourteen tablets of Enki (One of the Ancient Annunaki God's) the history of the Anunnaki is explained in great detail. The tablets also offer...

Meet the ‘End of the world Pyramid’

via GIPHY The Pyramid-shaped structure is located in North Dakota and is seen by many as a collision point between two worlds. The Pyramid and its surrounding facilities cost around six billion dollars at the time of construction and were built as a defensive platform to protect the U.S. from Soviet...

The Chronovisor: A device used by the Vatican to look into the future and...

According to numerous reports and stories that have been published through the years, among the many alleged secrets the Vatican has, there is a device called the Chronovisor. The device enables its user to observe future as well as past events.  Many believe this device is one of the greatest guarded...

Buzz Aldrin: We were ordered away from the moon

YouTube Video Here: It sounds like a science fiction script for an upcoming movie about NASA, Astronauts, and aliens on the moon. However, according to several reports, and alleged transcripts between the command center and Apollo astronauts on the moon, mankind encountered otherworldly technology upon setting foot on the lunar...