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While diving off the coast of Japan, divers never expected to come across this


-composite-yonaguni-monument - While diving off the coast of Japan, divers never expected to come across this

Experts like Professor Masaaki Kimura, from the University of the Ryukyu, believe these ‘structures’ date back to 8,000 BC. Kimura suggests that these are monuments are made by man and that they are proof of an ancient civilization that vanished beneath the ocean.

It is true when they say that there are countless enigmas at the bottom of the sea. Proof of this are the mind-boggling underwater structures known as Japan’s Atlantis. Ever since their discovery, these fascinating ruins—with features that hint they were carved— have confused experts. No one is quite sure as to who created them—some scientists say they are natural formation—or how old they are.

All manner of theories have been used to get to the bottom of the underwater complex of Yonguni. No one is quite sure how these massive slabs got there and theories range from ancient civilizations, aliens, and natural formations. Some researchers and historians believe that the structures at Yonaguni could be the ancient remains of Mu, a fabled Pacific civilization rumored to have vanished beneath the Ocean.

Yonaguni- - While diving off the coast of Japan, divers never expected to come across this

The ruins were discovered by Dive Tour operator Kihachiro Aratake.

The main “monument” at the underwater complex of Yonaguni consists of medium to very fine sandstone and mudstone blocks that belong to the Lower Miocene Yaeyama Group which researchers believe were deposited about 20 million years ago.

yonaguni- - While diving off the coast of Japan, divers never expected to come across this

Natural formation?

The mains reason why some archeologists and geologists remain skeptical about the underwater complex is due to the fact that most of the underwater formations at Yonaguni are connected to the underlying mass, which is why they suggest it’s a rather unusual natural formation.

But there’s got to be more to that than nature right?

What makes the underwater ruins of Yonaguni stand out?

According to many divers and researchers, one of the best examples found at the underwater complex are the staircase-like terraces and the amazing flat sides with extremely sharp corners, something that according to many cannot be overlooked and considered as a natural formation.

Yonaguni- - While diving off the coast of Japan, divers never expected to come across this

Prof. Masaaki Kimura, a marine geologist at the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa has spent several years studying the Yonaguni monument. Kimura suggests that these are monuments are made by man and that they are proof of an ancient civilization that vanished beneath the ocean.

There are experts who propose a mixed theory. They say that these rocks formed naturally on the site, but were modified—at one point in history—by an ancient civilization.

Talking about the underwater structures, Boston University geologist Robert Schoch said that the layers of the monument are extremely well-defined, and are most likely the result of Yonaguni lying in an earthquake-prone region.

Yonaguni - While diving off the coast of Japan, divers never expected to come across this

The rocks of this group are also crisscrossed by numerous sets of parallel, vertically oriented joints in the rock.

“These joints are natural, parallel fractures by which the rectangular formations seen in the monument likely formed.”

“Yonaguni lies in an earthquake-prone region; such earthquakes tend to fracture the rocks in a regular manner.”

Yonaguni- - While diving off the coast of Japan, divers never expected to come across this

What do you think these ruins are? The result of natural formation? Or evidence that a once highly sophisticated civilization existed in the area?

A photo posted by DYKKEbazaar (@dykkebazaar) on Apr 29, 2016 at 5:22am PDT

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A photo posted by Amanda (@a.morg11217) on Feb 2, 2017 at 3:20am PST

A photo posted by Hannah Gale (@h.gale) on Jan 21, 2017 at 9:32pm PST

A photo posted by 9 (@yippee_x) on Jan 30, 2017 at 6:35pm PST

NASA should’ve looked twice before posting these images of the Apollo Moon missions


Do you still don’t believe we’ve actually managed to land a man on the moon? To put an end to the worldwide conspiracy (apparently it’s still there), NASA made history as they released thousands of images of the Apollo moon missions that took place between 1961 and 1972.

This otherworldly collection includes over 13,000 breathtaking images taken by the various astronauts that made it to the moon during the ‘Moon exploration era’.

For decades numerous authors, ufologists and researchers have claimed that there are countless mysteries about the moon. For years many authors claimed that there are things on the moon which NASA does not want to disclose.

In fact, previous studies of the moon have shown there are numerous ‘remarkable’ and ‘questionable’ features on the surface of the moon, which have led ufologists around the globe to question the true purpose of Earth’s faithful natural companion.

So, what’s so odd about the moon?

It is well-known that there are some lunar rocks that have been found to contain ten times more titanium than “titanium rich” rocks on planet Earth.

Here on Earth, we use Titanium in supersonic jets, deep diving submarines, and spacecraft. It’s unexplainable why the moon contains that much “titanium rich” rocks

Interestingly, Dr. Harold Urey, Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry said he was terribly puzzled by the rocks astronauts found on the moon and their Titanium content. The samples were unimaginable and mind-blowing since researchers could not account for the presence of Titanium.

Now, ufologists claim that in addition to the numerous ‘odd’ features that have been found by experts in the past, the newly published images by NASA only add fuel to the unexplainable discoveries on the moon.

Apollo-moon-landing-UFO - NASA should’ve looked twice before posting these images of the Apollo Moon missions

Robin Brett, a scientist from NASA stated, “It seems easier to explain the non-existence of the Moon than its existence.

In the 1970’s, Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcerbakov from the Soviet Academy of Science wrote an article called: “Is the Moon the creation of Alien Intelligence?” It was a very interesting article that asked some important questions. How is it possible that the surface of the moon is so hard and why does it contain minerals like Titanium? Mysteriously there are some lunar rocks that have been found to contain PROCESSED METALS such as Brass, the elements of Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237 that have NEVER been found to occur naturally.

Here, we take a look at some of the most incredible images and the dozens of UFO’s seen in the images.

desktop- - NASA should’ve looked twice before posting these images of the Apollo Moon missions

A certainly interesting feature seen in the above image… Wha the heck is the mysterious line seen in the middle of the photographs? Is it just a processing error? Or is it possible that Astronauts actually capture a UFO flying across the surface of the moon?

desktop- - NASA should’ve looked twice before posting these images of the Apollo Moon missions

The above image shows an alarmingly large object seen near the surface of the moon; the question is: What is it? Is this another error present in the images? Or did NASA’s astronauts snap another image of a UFO while they were exploring the moon?

desktop- - NASA should’ve looked twice before posting these images of the Apollo Moon missions

Then, of course, we have these anomalous features in another image from the Moon. If these are just ‘stars’ as some suggest, then what are the mysterious streaks located below them? This is certainly another image worth investigating.

desktop- - NASA should’ve looked twice before posting these images of the Apollo Moon missions

That’s another extremely interesting image from the Moon. What is the strange blueish UFO doing there? This mysterious ‘blue’ UFO is actually present in numerous other images from the moon.

desktop- - NASA should’ve looked twice before posting these images of the Apollo Moon missions

There it is again; the Blue UFO was spotted a dozen of times by NASA astronauts.

desktop- - NASA should’ve looked twice before posting these images of the Apollo Moon missions

There it is again, notice there is a smaller bluish UFO located just above the astronaut (to the right) it’s barely visible, though.

desktop- - NASA should’ve looked twice before posting these images of the Apollo Moon missions

Watch: Amazing drone footage of the long-lost Nubian Pyramids


YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/O7tAuPi_azU?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

Sudan Pyramids
AFP via Getty Images

“The best part with the helicopter is I can fly over and gain this connection between all the other burial sites, between the pyramid and the temple, and get an understanding of what that is from the air,” says Turchik.

Every time we think of Pyramids we immediately wander off in our minds to Egypt, where the three majestic monuments at the Giza plateau stand tall and proud.

However, the truth is that there are pyramids scattered everywhere across the globe, and most of these pyramids have little contact with the outside world. In fact, I had no idea that there were so many pyramids on Earth until recently.

According to Slate, “there are more pyramids in one small section of the northern Sudanese desert than there are in the whole of Egypt.”

Sudan is one of those places where we can find long-lost pyramids and National Geographic’s engineer Alan Turchik set out to show the whole world their beauty.

Armed with a remotely operated mini­-helicopter, National Geographic engineer Alan Turchik gets a bird’s­-eye view of 3,000-­year-­old royal burial chambers. The unique perspective is helping to unravel ancient Nubian mysteries.

“The best part with the helicopter is I can fly over and gain this connection between all the other burial sites, between the pyramid and the temple, and get an understanding of what that is from the air,” says Turchik.

Modern-day Sudan was home to three Kushite kingdoms during antiquity. The first had its capital at Kerma (2600–1520 BC). The second was centered on Napata (1000–300 BC). Finally, the last kingdom was centered on Meroë (300 BC–AD 300).

Sudan-Pyramids- - Watch: Amazing drone footage of the long-lost Nubian Pyramids

Unlike the ancient Egyptian pyramids, the Nubian Pyramids were built specifically as tombs for the numerous Queens and Kings of the Kushite kingdoms.

“You don’t really know what happened in the past, and to be able to investigate that … it’s like you’re a detective,” says Turchik, explaining how the excavations slowly chip away at the mystery surrounding this ancient culture.

Interestingly, around 255 pyramids were constructed in Nubia over a period of a few hundred years.

The most extensive Nubian Pyramids site is located at Meroe. According to experts, during the Meroitic period around forty queens and kings were buried there.

The size and complexity of the Nubian pyramids are much different than their ancient Egyptian counterparts. The ancient Nubian pyramids were erected of stepped courses of horizontally positioned stone blocks. Their height ranges from approximately 6 to 30 meters.

Nearly all of the ancient Nubian pyramids were looted in the past.

Sadly, the some of the Nubian Pyramids were damaged during the 1830’s when treasure hunter Giuseppe Ferlini blew the tops off about 40 tombs during his quest for treasure.

Some of the pyramids have been successfully restored, but many of the ancient monuments still remain partially destroyed.

According to UNESCO, The pyramids bear decorative elements from the cultures of Pharaonic Egypt, Greece, and Rome, making them priceless ancient relics.

Source: Amazing Drone Footage of Nubian Pyramids

Reference: Sudan’s Meroe Pyramids Are Just As Spectacular As The Ones You’ll Find In Egypt

Quetzalcoatl, Viracocha, and Kukulkan: The Ancient Anunnaki Gods that will return one day?


Ancient-Anunnaki - Quetzalcoatl, Viracocha, and Kukulkan: The Ancient Anunnaki Gods that will return one day?

Is it possible that Quetzalcoatl, Viracocha, and Kukulkan were in fact ONE deity? The descriptions of all three ancient Gods is especially interesting since all three deities were depicted with features not characteristic for the inhabitants of South America: white skin, a wide forehead and graying red beard and big blue eyes. Were these three Mesoamerican deities somehow connected to the Ancient Anunnaki?

If we take a look at ancient cultures around the globe, specifically those of the American continent we will find stories and legends that are eerily similar. From the Aztecs, Olmecs, Maya, to the Inca and the cultures that predate them, we find evidence of ‘Gods’ who left Earth, promising to return one day.

But who were these gods? And why are their descriptions so similar?

Viracocha is the great creator god in the pre-Inca mythology. He was one of the most important deities in the Inca pantheon and seen as the creator of all things. Strangely, the ancients described Viracocha with features that were not characteristic for the inhabitants of South America. Viracocha is represented as having a beard and a mustache something very unusual because American Indians did not have long beards and mustaches, even more strangely, the representation of Viracocha is very much like the ancient Gods of ancient Sumer in Mesopotamia.

Is that a tell-tale sign we need to pay attention to?

Interestingly, just as Viracocha was depicted with features unlike those of the native people of the Americas, the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl and several other deities from Central and South American pantheons, were described in legends as being bearded, white-skinned, blue-eyed and relatively tall.

If we compare those descriptions with the deities from ancient Mesopotamia, we ill notice numerous fascinating similarities that raise many questions.

The beard once believed to be a mark of a prehistoric European influence, quickly fueled and embellished by spirits of the colonial era, and its significance in the continentally insular culture of Mesoamerica.

The Maya, ancient Aztecs, were dark skinned people. They were normally not very tall and had brown eyes. Kukulcan’s, Quetzalcoatl’s and even Viracocha were in their human representation a complete contrast, having white or silver hair, white skin, blue eyes, and were much taller than the natives.

Ecuador-Mesopotamia - Quetzalcoatl, Viracocha, and Kukulkan: The Ancient Anunnaki Gods that will return one day?

Kukulkan, just as Quetzalcoatl, had a human form as well as that of a feathered serpent.

So who were these ‘Gods’? Where did they come from and more importantly, why did all of them promise to return one day?

Who were Quetzalcoatl, Viracocha, and Kukulkan? If he truly were ancient Mesoamerican Gods, why did ancient civilizations of the Americas describe them having white skin, a wide forehead and graying red beard and big blue eyes? Furthermore, how did the ‘feathered serpent, aka Quetzalcoatl’ reach the distant empire of the Aztecs?

Where did he come from? Is it possible that Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan, and Viracocha are in fact ONE God, which somehow was physically present in all ancient American cultures? And why is it that he is persistently associated, in native Mexican folklore with the planet Venus?

Is it possible that these Ancient Gods were in fact spacefaring travelers who came to Earth as many ancient astronaut theorists suggest? What if these gods are in fact the same deities described in Ancient Mesopotamia: The ancient Anunnaki?

Interestingly, if we take a look at the Codex Telleriano-Remensis we will find descriptions of what seem to be flights of a spacecraft that performs cruises and landings to the astonishment and terror of the natives…:

“…Every evening, and for several nights, a great clarity appears coming from the horizon, rising towards the heavens, having the shape of a pyramid in flames, it greatly impressed the king of Texcoco so much that he decided to end all wars…”

An artist arranged leaves, sticks, and stones, creating magical Land Artworks


land-art-andy-goldsworthy-fb - An artist arranged leaves, sticks, and stones, creating magical Land Artworks

You won’t believe your eyes what man can do with nature. It’s magic. It’s beautiful. It’s real. Maybe I am a bit too excited but these images are simply put; jaw-dropping. 

A Scottish sculptor called Andy Goldsworthy has a special gift. He creates transitory works of art by arranging –incredibly—leaves, stick, rocks, and anything else he is able to find in nature. The result; nature as you probably never seen it before.

Most of Goldsworthy’s art is considered transient and ephemeral, which leads many people to perceive it as a criticism on the Earth’s fragility.

However, for Goldsworthy—as he explains it— the meaning is more complicated and profound.

On an almost daily basis, Andy Goldsworthy makes art using the materials and conditions he encounters wherever he is, be it the land around his Scottish home, the mountain regions of France or Spain, or the sidewalks of New York City, Glasgow, or Rio de Janeiro.

Out of earth, rocks, leaves, ice, snow, rain, sunlight, and shadow he creates works that exist briefly before they are altered and erased by natural processes. They are documented in his photographs, and their larger meanings are bound up with the forces that they embody: materiality, temporality, growth, vitality, permanence, decay, chance, labor, and memory.

Ephemeral Works features approximately 200 of these works, selected by Goldsworthy from thousands he has made between 2001 and the present and arranged in chronological sequence, capturing his creative process as it interacts with material, place, and the passage of time and seasons.

Speaking in an interview about his work, Goldsworthy said:

“When I make something, in a field or street, it may vanish but it is part of the history of those places.”

“In the early days my work was about collapse and decay. Now some of the changes that occur are too beautiful to be described as simply decay. At Folkestone I got up early one morning ahead of an incoming tide and covered a boulder in poppy petals. It was calm and the sea slowly and gently washed away the petals, stripping the boulder and creating splashes of red in the sea. The harbor from which many troops left for war was in the background.”

You can learn more about his art here.

More info: Amazon | Website

Check out some of the images:

land-art-andy-goldsworthy- - An artist arranged leaves, sticks, and stones, creating magical Land Artworks land-art-andy-goldsworthy- - An artist arranged leaves, sticks, and stones, creating magical Land Artworks land-art-andy-goldsworthy- - An artist arranged leaves, sticks, and stones, creating magical Land Artworks land-art-andy-goldsworthy- - An artist arranged leaves, sticks, and stones, creating magical Land Artworks land-art-andy-goldsworthy- - An artist arranged leaves, sticks, and stones, creating magical Land Artworks land-art-andy-goldsworthy- - An artist arranged leaves, sticks, and stones, creating magical Land Artworks land-art-andy-goldsworthy- - An artist arranged leaves, sticks, and stones, creating magical Land Artworks land-art-andy-goldsworthy- - An artist arranged leaves, sticks, and stones, creating magical Land Artworks land-art-andy-goldsworthy- - An artist arranged leaves, sticks, and stones, creating magical Land Artworks land-art-andy-goldsworthy- - An artist arranged leaves, sticks, and stones, creating magical Land Artworks land-art-andy-goldsworthy- - An artist arranged leaves, sticks, and stones, creating magical Land Artworks land-art-andy-goldsworthy- - An artist arranged leaves, sticks, and stones, creating magical Land Artworks land-art-andy-goldsworthy- - An artist arranged leaves, sticks, and stones, creating magical Land Artworks land-art-andy-goldsworthy- - An artist arranged leaves, sticks, and stones, creating magical Land Artworks land-art-andy-goldsworthy- - An artist arranged leaves, sticks, and stones, creating magical Land Artworks land-art-andy-goldsworthy- - An artist arranged leaves, sticks, and stones, creating magical Land Artworks land-art-andy-goldsworthy- - An artist arranged leaves, sticks, and stones, creating magical Land Artworks

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