3 Legendary Ancient Libraries That Safeguarded Ancient Knowledge

YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/UFty9sJhfL4?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1 Did you know that thousands of years before the existence of bounded books, different ancient cultures were aware how important it was to keep records of events through their history? Thousands of years ago, ancient cultures built incredible, massive libraries, that acted as giant forts of...

A Message From The Gods? Here’s How Ancient Cultures Interpreted Solar Eclipses

Let's face it, seeing a solar eclipse is an unforgettable magical moment. It is also one of the most beautiful natural phenomena we can appreciate from Earth. In today's society, we perfectly understand what occurs when a Solar Eclipse—or Lunar Eclipse—takes place. However, thousands of years ago—and perhaps even tens of thousands...

Qin Shi Huang—the first Chinese Emperor who searched for the Elixir of Life

Like many others before and after him, the first emperor of unified China, Qin Shi Huang, wanted to live forever. According to a set of recently discovered ancient texts, 2,200 years ago, the emperor issued an administrative order to seek for a potion that could grant him eternal life, reports...

10 of the most amazing archaeological discoveries made in 2017

It is time to take a look at 2017 and comb through the numerous archaeological discoveries that have were made this year, and pick out 10 of the most fascinating, worth remembering. Note there isn't a particular order. Tower of skulls A group of archaeologists has found more than 650 skulls amalgamated...

Ancient Texts: A massive underground world exists beneath the Pyramids of Giza

Is there really an underground world beneath the Pyramids of Giza? If we take a look at ancient texts written thousands of years ago, we find incredible details of a long-lost world hidden beneath our feet. As if the Pyramids at the Giza plateau and the Sphinx weren't fascinating enough on...

Have researchers discovered the remains of Noah’s ark?

Noah's ark is a mythical, massive-ship, that is said to have 'saved' all of the animals on Earth together with Noah's family, before the great flood destroyed everything on the planet. If we take a quick peek at history, we will find that 'Noah's Ark' is a story from the...

Perfection Of Ancient Engineering: 15 Images That Have Left Experts Awestruck

Just how ancient civilizations that existed on Earth thousands of years ago managed to erect massive structures, gigantic monoliths, Pyramids, or polish, cut, and transport blocks of stone weighing more than 100 tons remains an enigma for experts. Some of the achievements of ancient cultures rival our very own capabilities...

Sonchis of Sais—an ancient Egyptian Priest who introduced Atlantis to the world

Every time we think about Atlantis—the fabled lost city/continent—we think about Plato, the man who described its existence in his work Critias and Timaeus. But have we ever asked ourselves where does the original story from Atlantis come from? Plato did not invent Atlantis as many believe, but the story of...

The Family Tree of the ancient Anunnaki—those who came down from heaven

The Ancient Anunnaki are often referred to as the immortal gods that lived on Earth during the ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia. According to Mesopotamian mythology, the Anunna or Anunnaki were, initially, the most powerful gods and lived with Anu in heaven. Later, without having established a clear motive for this...

500 years before the Egyptians, an ancient civilization in Peru built incredible Pyramids

The Egyptians weren't the first to build Pyramids. An ancient civilization in America, more precisely Peru, built stunning pyramids 500 years before the Ancient Egyptians. This ancient culture is considered as the oldest 'developed' civilization in America, and it predates by up to 1,500 years, other advanced cultures in...

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