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Proof of Life after death? A man’s soul “left body and traveled across the universe”


According to a man who insists on having traveled through other dimensions since the age of five, a man’s soul can leave the body and exist independently in the universe. Curiously, in recent years scientists have investigated the possibility of life after death and said how consciousness is maintained in the cosmos after death.

beyond - Proof of Life after death? A man’s soul “left body and traveled across the universe”

Whether or not Out of body experiences are real is something that has gained popularity among many people in recent years. In fact, it has become so popular among many people that scientists have begun investigating the possibility.

However, a man named Todd Acamesis claims he has been having out of body experiences for 42 years, ever since a near death experience when he was five.

Out of body experiences are described as the feeling that you get as if you were floating outside of your body. Some say this can be achieved via meditation, and how during an OBE you can even see your own body externally.

The mystery behind OBE’s was discussed at the 27th annual Glastonbury Symposium—a conference held in the Somerset town—where various researchers and authors discuss several topics ranging from the paranormal, conspiracy theories, alternative thought, to new age philosophies.

Acamesis, who was present at the symposium says how he now teaches out of body exploration to anyone who is interested in experiencing the phenomenon.

“Like with anything in life the distinct thing is to be clear about what you want to do,” said Mr. Acamesis , who believes in a form of OBE referred to as Astral Projection—a willful separation of the soul, or our astral body from the physical body, which can travel across the universe.

And while this may sound fascinating to some, there is no scientific evidence to prove the existence of out of body traveling.

Claims like those made at the 27th annual Glastonbury Symposium remain a matter of the paranormal and pseudoscientific arenas.

Life - Proof of Life after death? A man’s soul “left body and traveled across the universe”
Canadian Todd Acamesis, claims he has been having out of body experiences. Image Credit: Getty.

“If you know the purpose of why you are doing it and the ritual side – astral projection – from my own view we are dealing with metaphors and what explains existence. My belief state changes rapidly. I am no longer looking at physical reality. It is not just out of the body, we are consciousness. We are very grounded in this reality, but we are not exclusively physical bodies,” explained Mr. Acamesis at the Symposium.

Mr. Acamesis has made unbelievable claims saying that he has even managed to explore buildings through “remote viewing,” and even had the ability to walk through walls, all of which is possible since we are dealing with a multi-dimensional reality.

Furthermore, Acamesis claims how our “nonphysical minds” are all interconnected through a massive human consciousness network, “all minds are joined – interconnected on a certain level.”

Strangely, some scientists have said how reincarnation exists, and that consciousness is contained in the universe after death, pointing to the possibility of other dimensions coexisting with ours.

According to Dr. Jim Tuccker author of the book “Life After Life: A Scientific Investigation of Children’s Memories of Previous Lives,” reincarnation is real thanks to consciousness being energy on the quantum, subatomic level which is held in our bodies during life and is not a part of them.

Also, not long ago have experts concluded how the soul does not DIE: It returns to the UNIVERSE. Scientists are convinced how the human brain is in fact a ‘biological computer’ and the ‘consciousness of humans’ can be considered as a program run by the quantum computer located inside the brain that continues to exist after death.

Akhenaten—The Pharaoh who challenged the Gods


Akhenaten was the most controversial Pharao ever to rule the Ancient Egyptian Empire and is considered as one of the potential founders of monotheistic religion on Earth. He worshiped the Aten—the Sun Disk and said he was directly related to God. “There is only ONE God, my father, and I can approach him be it by day, or by night.”

Akhenathen - Akhenaten—The Pharaoh who challenged the Gods

Amenhotep IV, better known as Akhenaten, ruled Ancient Egypt between 1351–1334 BC.

Husband of Nefertiti and father of Tutankhamun, his reign was marked by a deep religious revolution that made the mighty empire tremble, like nothing before. He is remembered as a heretical and revolutionary ruler who had the ‘guts’ to implement change in an unforgiving ancient empire, by introducing what is believed to be the first monotheistic religion on Earth.

Together, Akhenaten and Nefertiti tried replacing the vast pantheon of ancient Egyptian gods by a monotheistic cult dedicated to the worship of Aten, god of the Sun and creator of the Universe.

Once he became the ruler of ancient Egpyt, Akhenaten ordered all iconography of ancient Egyptian gods to be removed. This angered many.

To implement their drastic changes, Akhenaten and Nefertiti ordered the destruction of all shrines dedicated to other deities and even moved the capital of the empire, historically located in the city of Thebes, to Amarna, where in a few years they built a sumptuous settlement and luxurious palaces of worship the new God—The Sun disc, or Aten.

The Aten, aka Aton, is the disk of the sun in ancient Egyptian mythology, and originally an aspect of the god Ra.

The accumulation of power made the very foundations of the Ancient Egyptian falter. The army which was dedicated to persecuting religious revolts was not in a position to dispel Hittite attacks; and the ancient priests, resentful after their displacement, were making sinister plans to end the new reign imposed by the controversial Pharaoh.

After a series of catastrophes, and in the middle of a cruel epidemic, Akhenaten died, and his son Tutankhamun took possession of the throne. The new Pharaoh undid his father’s reforms and led the empire to a new period of splendor.

His reign was marked by mystery.

Based on the remains archaeologists discovered from the reign of Akhenaten, it is believed that his reign lasted around 17 years.

But before his fall he made sure the world would forever remember him.

Once he took control of the empire, Akhenaten ordained new priests and forced priests of Amun into the service of his new monotheistic religion, while proclaimed himself and his wife living gods. Akhenaten claimed he was a direct descendant from the Aten and made the entire nation worship him as a God.


He elevated Nefertiti to a divine status, and she married Akhenaten when she only had around twelve years.

Akhenaten made many controversial claims after abandoning ancient Egyptian polytheism and introducing his religion centered on the Aten.

The heretic Pharaoh claimed how “There is only ONE God, my father, and I can approach him be it by day, or by night.”

And while many argue that this ancient Pharaoh may have been more than just a heretic Pharaoh—even a hybrid alien—researchers claim that Akhenaten’s strange appearance was the result of an illness called Marfan’s Syndrome while others indicate that he suffered from elephantiasis and Froelich’s Syndrome.

It is noteworthy to mention how there are some scholars who have made drastic connections between Akhenaten and Moses.

YouTube video

Sigmund Freud proposed a set of interesting theories. Freud argues how Moses was in fact an Atheist Priest who was exiled from ancient Egypt together with his followers after Akhenaten’s reign had ended.

While Akhenaten’s monotheistic reign came to an abrupt end, it is believed that his ideas continued living after him.

Many authors point to striking similarities between Moses and Akhenaten. According to history, Akhenaten had chosen the Heliopolitan solar form of the Egyptian temple and implemented it as the place where the Aten was to be worshiped.

Curiously, Moses, on the other hand, was the first to implement a temple into Israelite worship, after creating the Tabernacle at Sinai.

Mystery etched in stone: What do the petroglyphs of the American Southwest represent?


What do the petroglyphs of the American Southwest represent? There are more than 10,000 ancient petroglyphs scattered across the region which have baffled experts since their discovery. Some of these petroglyphs depict strange faces with almond-shaped eyes, abstract symbols, spiral’s, zig-zag’s, beings with antennas, horns and feathers, birds, and beings with massive round eyes, among countless other shapes.

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Moonset On The Past. One of the most beautiful setting moons. Image Credit: Wayne Snuggs. Ancient petroglyphs from the Jornada Mogollon People.

If we take a trip from southeastern Arizona, northeastern Sonora through southern New Mexico and northern Chihuahua into western Texas we will find hundreds of ancient petroglyphs the ancient’s left us in stunning galleries of mysterious and ‘controversial’ images mostly chiseled on stone surfaces.

There are so many petroglyphs across the region that its hard to even start of describing them.

Intricate images were discovered etched on the rocks of canyons and mountains ranging from deep in Mexico to the northern Rockies. Most of these intricate symbols and markings are concentrated in the American Southwest—Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, Texas, and California—but the truth is that they have been found from coast to coast in the United States.

In fact, archeologists believe there are thousands of rock art sites across the Southwest—and more than 7,000 symbols have been cataloged in Utah alone.

Deciphering the exact meaning of the thousands of petroglyphs carved across the American continent has been a difficulty for experts who are stuck between two worlds, when it comes to understanding what the ancients were trying to tell us, written in stone. While some petroglyphs point out the obioucs—ancients hunting, and animals from the region—other petroglyphs have caused confusion among experts. There are certain petroglyphs carved across the American Southwest that give rise to countless theories—and depictions of aliens and distant galaxies is one of the most controversial explanations.

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Ancient Art At Midnight. Ancient Rock Art from the Jornada Mogollon People dating back to 900 – 1400 A.D. Image Credit: Wayne Snuggs.

Most of the petroglyphs we will look at in this article are connected to the ancient Puebloan cultures and the ancient people known as the Anasazi, an ancient civilization which has been credited with constructing supermassive cliff-dwellings in the southwestern landscape.

Throughout the years, experts have determined that the intricate symbols scattered across the area are clan or tribal symbols, believed to have been associated with territory.

Others stone etchings indicate the presence of shelter and water, but the more eccentric symbols, like the countless zigzags, spirals, dots, circles, and others have created confusion among experts. Curiously, archaeoastronomers believed how a number of the rock carvings across the region are celestial in nature, and some of them indicate solstices and planetary movements, and there are even archaeological sites that have been found to be astronomical observatories similar in function to one of Europe’s most noteworthy, Stonehenge.

One of the most peculiar rock etchings—and a personal favorite—is without a doubt the “Canyon Watchmen” chiseled on a rock at the Organ Mountains in New Mexico.

Ancient-Petroglyph - Mystery etched in stone: What do the petroglyphs of the American Southwest represent?
Image Credit: Wayne Snuggs.

The curious image depicts what seems to be a humanoid figure with large eyes and two antennas protruding from the top of its head.

Some experts want to believe that this was the depiction of an ancient Shaman, but there are many who remained convinced that what we are seeing here, is in fact a depiction of the “Sky God” beings who came to Earth thousands of years ago and interacted with ancient cultures across the planet.

Another interesting set of ancient petroglyphs we have to take a look at, originates from an ancient culture of indigenous people from Southern New Mexico and Arizona, Northern Sonora and Chihuahua, and Western Texas, a region popularly referred to as OasisAmerica: the Mogollon Culture—an ancient people whose origins remains a mystery for scholars. Scholars are having a hard time understanding where this ancient culture originated from. One theory suggests how the ancient Mogollon emerged from a preceding Desert Archaic tradition that links Mogollon ancestry with the first prehistoric human occupations of the area—sometime around 9000 BCE.  But, like many other things in our history, these are just speculations.

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Mysterious beings etched on the rocks thousands of years ago have baffled experts since their discovery. What do they represent? Image Credit: Pinterest

It is noteworthy to mention that archaeologists believe that the Western Pueblo villages of the Hopi and Zuni people are related to the Mogollon.

Across the 100,000 square-mile area that encompasses the Mimbres branch of the Mogollon to the west all the way to the Jornada branch to the east, archaeologists have found COUNTLESS symbols etched in stone—standing the test of time—depicting strange faces with almond-shaped eyes, abstract symbols, spiral’s, zig-zag’s, beings with antennas, horns, and feathers, birds and beings with massive round eyes, among countless other shapes. We can find 3000 Jornada Mogollon rock paintings alone depicting strange creatures which experts have failed to understand.

More intricate symbols can be found at Grapevine Canyon which feature more than 700 strange petroglyphs which are believed to date back between 1100 and 1900 A.D. Just as other petroglyphs, those at Grapevine Canyon remain a mystery since both the meaning of the glyphs and their creators remain an enigma, although the area was inhabited by the ancient Mojave.

Although such evidence of Alien visitation is far from conclusive, and merely circumstantial at this point—kind’a like religion?—the presumption is sufficient to clarify an obligation to take it into consideration, right?

Perhaps the most controversial question that still needs answering is, “Who were these strange beings that arrived from the sky riding “huge thundering birds,” as described by ancient cultures not only in the American continent but around the planet.


Desert USA

Images: Wayne SnuggsCheck out the store.

Never-before seen images inside Tomb in Peru where alleged “Alien mummies” were found


YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/xZPDhPeQnRY?start=2&feature=oembed

The first ever images of the mysterious tomb—whose location has still not been disclosed— where explorers found the remains of several mummified alien bodies have been revealed.

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This is the alleged entrance to the mysterious tomb, which according to Gaia.com, is where the mummified alien remains were found. Image Credit: Gaia.com

The mysterious mummified “Alien” remains are believed are believed to be around 1,700 years old and measure around 170 centimeters. The most peculiar characteristic of the mummies is that all of them have only three fingers and an extremely elongated skull.

And even though the World Congress on Mummy Studies was cited as calling the research and work “an irresponsible organized campaign of disinformation,” the group of ‘experts’ behind the discovery is convinced that they have uncovered one of the most important discoveries of the 21st century.

Interestingly, not far away from the supposed tomb, experts found a series of petroglyphs depicting strange three-fingered beings.

Petroglyphs-of-three-fingered-beings-near-the-tomb - Never-before seen images inside Tomb in Peru where alleged “Alien mummies” were found
Image Credit: Gaia

The entire process is followed by Gaia.com which argues that up to FIVE mummified alien bodies have been discovered in a remote tomb near Nazca Peru, and they have even released a new video revealing the first ever images inside the alleged tomb.

The video also revealed the identity of the man who is said to have stumbled across the tomb while exploring the region. The video presents the man who made the discovery only as Marion who argues to have discovered the remote tomb in an undisclosed part of Peru.

Ever since the group revealed they had discovered the alien remains, they’ve been heavily criticized by scientists and archaeologists who refuse to accept the idea that they may have found evidence of “Alien mummies” in Peru. Many experts argue that the discovery is a fabricated hoax, something skeptics have still not been able to prove.

Gaia.com has still not revealed the exact location of the Tomb, nor what else was found inside.

The video posted online only indicates that a man named Mario—no surname—made a “world-changing discovery”.

The narrator of the video tells how “Mario helped with the discovery of many well-known sites in Peru since the 1990s. He knows very well what he does, and he knows what he has found, and what he has found does not belong to any known culture in South America.”

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Inside the alleged alien tomb. Image Credit: Gaia

The video footage also features comments made by Jaime Maussan, one of the most prominent UFO researchers from Mexico.

Mr. Maussan said in the video “Inside this tomb, in a secret place, he (Mario) found two sarcophaguses.”

“In one of them was just pure objects. In the second one, he found two medium-sized bodies and many little bodies.”

“The big body was outside the sarcophagus.”

Mr. Maussan said in the video how Mario would not agree to be interviewed on camera.

Interestingly, the narrator of Gaia’s video states how the discoverer of the tomb believes he has just opened around ten percent of the mystery tomb, and that many more sensational discoveries could await inside.

The video footage shows what appears to be the entrance to the enigmatic tomb and the mummified remains buried in there.

Alien-tomb- - Never-before seen images inside Tomb in Peru where alleged “Alien mummies” were found
Up to five ‘strange-looking- beings were found inside the mystery tomb, somewhere in Peru. Image Credit: Gaia.com

Mr. Maussan is convinced that the discovery suggests how these ‘beings’ once coexisted with humans.

He said: “These mummies were buried in human tombs, in sacred places.”

“This means that they had coexisted with our ancestors, were not enemies and had, to a certain extent, a degree of respect between both races and cultures.”

However, despite the fact that the group has presented ‘scientific’ studies and x-ray tests, many people are unconvinced by the alleged discovery of alien mummies.

Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual said they were “plaster of Paris fakes.”

Find out more about the discovery on Gaia’s YouTube channel.

More about the discovery can also be found by visiting Gaia.com

“Man-made metal” found embedded inside ancient Geode has experts stumped


Depending on the size of the geode—the largest crystals can take a million years to grow. So how on Earth is there a metallic—apparently man-made—object embedded in one?


Throughout the years, researchers, archaeologists and ordinary people have come across a wealth of documented artifacts that have been ‘recovered’ from very ancient sediment, coal seams, minerals, stones and even geodes.

Many of these items are anything but orthodox, and point to the possibility that our civilization’s history is completely undocumented—or if you prefer, partially correct.

All of these discoveries seem to indicate that a vastly different story has been recorded in our history books and that the majority of mainstream scholars are unable to cope with the fact that there are things out there that completely rewrite our history.

So many pieces of evidence have been uncovered throughout the years but despite that fact, history is still not being recorded properly, and for whatever reason, it seems that many have attempted to conceal or suppress such discoveries. The question remains why? Why are such discoveries immediately disregarded by experts? And why is it so hard to keep an open mind about these findings?

The truth is that impossible artifacts have been found in the most unusual of places on Earth and one such discovery—of an apparently unbreakable piece of unknown metal—was discovered by a man named Mike Walters, an amateur geologist.

According to reports, Mike—who often comes across such geodes—found a strange Geode and after opening was left stumped with its content. A sort of metallic object resembling a ring was embedded inside of it. According to Mike’s email to coast-to-coast, “I have never found anything like this: it appears to be a polished metal of manmade origin.”

So, who on Earth could have created this extremely ancient metal object? And how is it possible that it got embedded within the Geode? Furthermore, the object inside the Geode has remained encapsulated for a period of 200 million years according to this statement.

So what are we looking at here? An Alien artifact? Evidence of an extremely advanced civilization that lived on Earth? Or is there another explanation?

Here’s Mike’s email to Coast-to-Coast AM:

My name is Mike Walters and I’m an amateur geologist. I often come across geodes. A geode can form in any cavity within a rock, but the most common method for geode formation is via gas bubbles that form in cooling ash beds.

The bubble gets “frozen” in place when the silica rich ash/dust hardens. The partial or complete filling of the bubble may occur immediately or even thousands to millions of years later and can encompass a variety of different minerals.

I have opened thousands of these and have found beautiful crystal and mineral deposits. However I have never found anything like this: it appears to be a polished metal of manmade origin (close-up above, full image below).

We use a special cutting disc to open the stones. I noticed something odd with the stone; the cutting disc would not cut through, I had to cut circumferentially around the Geode to get it opened and I found this object. I used sulfuric acid to dissolve the remaining minerals to free the object. Unfortunately the remaining Geode was dissolved, however, the metal object is intact. I plan to have a doctor friend take some x-rays of the object.

Mike Walters.

(H/T Coast-To-Coast AM)

Find out more: “Unbreakable Alien Ring” Found In Geode? (Among Others)

10 jaw dropping anomalies on Earth that scientists struggle to explain


YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/iRVVb2gKDEM?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

Our planet is so far the most unique planet in the universe since it’s the only one which has life—apparently intelligent life—on it. However, that fact aside, Earth has countless mysteries that will never cease to amaze us.

No matter where you look, you’ll find something mind-bogglingly impressive, something weird, something inexplicable.

In this article, we take a look at some of these places which have left scientists bewildered.

Zone of Silence—where radios don’t work, clocks are lost in time, and compasses spin out of control.

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One of the weirdest places on Earth.

Situated on the 27th parallel north are the Bermuda Triangle, you know the place that allegedly swallows boats, cargo ships, and even airplanes, the Pyramids of Giza, which according to many were built as massive energy machines by an unknown civilization, and the Himalayas, the Himalayas are really cool, but in addition to those three places, there another once which baffled experts.

Referred to as the zone of Silence or “Zona de Silencio,” this area of land located in Mexico is one of the most anomalous places on Earth.

According to reports, nothing seems to properly function here as scientists have failed to understand how clocks stop, radios go haywire, and the compass spins out of control.

Located some 2,000 meters above sea level, the Zone of Silence strangely coincides with the enigmatic Bermuda Triangle and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt.

Göbekli Tepe, our planets OLDEST temple.

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The oldest temple on the surface of our planet is located in modern-day Turkey and is referred to as Göbekli Tepe. This fascinating ancient structure is considered to be 6,500 years older than Stonehenge and around 7,000 years older than the oldest of the Pyramids—meaning that it was created around 12,000 years ago by a mysterious civilization. This ancient temple is referred to as the Stonehenge of the desert, and experts are still trying to understand what its true meaning was.

Gravity Hills—A place where Gravity isn’t gravity.

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Image Credit

Located in India we come across the infamous Gravity Hill, a place where if you decide to take your car for a ride and decide to park it for an awkward reason on the hill and decide to put it out of gear into neutral, the car will start moving UPWARDS, almost as if some mysterious force you can’t see was pulling the car upwards.

Eternal Flame Falls, USA—where fire defies water.

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Image Credit

Located in the USA is a strange phenomenon that looks almost as if there’s a fire burning in the middle of a waterfall. This unusual waterfall is the product of mother nature, and scientists say that it’s perfectly explainable as there are small fissures in the rock which emit natural gas, causing to burn. At times the flame extinguishes and needs to be reignited. Legends say that whoever manages to reanimate the flame will be blessed with fortune.

Meet the enigmatic Castle Frangokastello—home of the only documented time mirage in the world.

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Image Credit

Built by the Venetians sometime between 1371 and 1374, the castle was built as a garrison to protect Venetian nobles and their land. Its builders named it Castle of St. Nikitas but locals contemptuously dubbed it Frangokastello, meaning the Castle of the Franks.

On May 17, 1828, a famous battle took places at the castle when hundreds of Sfakiots and Epirotes commanded by Hatzimichalis Dalianis, a Greek patriot from Epirus occupied the fortification but were eventually besieged by the Turks. Later, the Turks were also killed and massacred by ambushes. The anniversary of the battle shows the shadows of the fallen soldiers march towards the fortress around dawn.

Every year around May, the castle is home to a bewildering phenomenon where ‘shadows’ of armed soldiers march from the monastery of Agios Charalambos to the Castle. The phenomenon is observable—and was even documented—in the early hours when the sea is quiet, and humidity in the air is high. The event lasts for around 10 minutes.

For centuries has the Bermuda triangle created chaos among sailors, and pilots in recent decades.


The area is known as the Bermuda Triangle, aka The Devil’s triangle, and it stretches some 700 kilometers from Florida, Puerto Rico to Bermuda. In the last 100 years alone has the enigmatic area taken the life or around 1,000 people without explanation.

The Bermuda triangle just happens to be one of the most transited areas on the planet, as it is an international “highway” for shipping lanes as countless vessels transit the area in order to arrive from America to Europe or vice versa.

Explanations for the mysterious disappearances of ships and planes range from Aliens, mystery pyramids, weather phenomenon to portals to another dimension.

Interestingly, the United States Coast Guard does not recognize the existence of the so-called Bermuda Triangle, aka Devil’s Triangle as an area of specific hazard to ships or planes.

Pyramids—Pyramids everywhere. It’s as if someone traveled to all ancient cultures scattered across the globe and said: Build Pyramids and build them like this.

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Why are so many pyramids eerily similar?

The truth is that Pyramids are spread across the entire planet.

No matter where you decide to look, there are Pyramids of all sizes and shapes, but mysteriously a large number of them is eerily similar despite the fact that many of them were built by different ancient civilizations, scattered across the globe.

Why do Pyramids in South and Central America resemble their counterparts in Asia or India? What was the purpose of the Pyramids? And how come there are so many similarities among the thousands of Pyramids on Earth?

Dolmens—just like Pyramids, dolmens are EVERYWHERE.

Dolmens - 10 jaw dropping anomalies on Earth that scientists struggle to explain
Image credit: © Wikimedia © Wikipedia © Wikimedia

Just like there are Pyramids scattered on nearly all continents on Earth, the enigmatic Dolmens are also spread across different continents. We can find these mysterious stone structure everywhere, from Korea, China, Scandinavia, Russia, Spain, Portugal, etc…

Why so many exist, and why many of them are so familiar has bothered experts who are unable to fully explain them. Archaeologists believe they were built as tombs for people belonging to the royal class, but many authors disagree. Oh and, there’s that strange thing that happens when you bring electric devices near some of the dolmens—they behave erratically almost as if something was interfering with the devices.

The enigma behind the Cochno stone—an ancient Star Map?

Few have heard about a mysterious 5,000-year-old stone slab covered in strange, alien-like symbols.

Discovered in 1887 by Rev. James Harvey, this enigmatic piece of stone contains around 90 strange indentations and is considered to host one of the finest sets of petroglyphs not only in Scotland but on Earth.

Scientists cannot agree on what the symbols mean and why so many of them are similar to crops circles, or constellations in the sky.

Some have ventured out and said that the Cochno stone is a 5,000-year-old star map.

Atlantis & Lemuria—Latitudes & Longitudes


There has been speculation about the very existence of the continents of Atlantis and Lemuria for literally hundreds of years. Yes, they did exist, but all records of their societies’ existence for over 50,000 years were destroyed, with the exception of the writings of Plato and legends.

The continent of Atlantis was located in the Atlantic Ocean, but most of it perished in an enormous natural disaster when a line of volcanoes, bisecting the continent on top of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, all erupted approximately 31,000 years ago. A few remnants remained—the Bahamas to the south, a few islands off the coast of Maine and New Hampshire, Bermuda and the Canary Islands. These islands were also wiped clean by the tsunamis that followed. There were seven other islands slightly to the west of the middle of the Atlantic Ocean that I’ll cover below.

Before the natural disaster, the continent of Atlantis was in the shape of a parallelogram. To the east, Atlantis came within 30 miles (48 kilometers) of the African Coast, then named the Land of OZ. To the west, it ran parallel approximately 100 miles (160 kilometers) off the North American coastline.

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Artists depiction of Atlantis. Image credit: Atlantis – Poseidonis by *Erebus74

Please keep in mind these latitudes and longitudes act as BOUNDARIES for the continent. The Atlantean Continent was contained within these boundaries.

Northern edge: Latitude 47° N

Southern edge: Latitude 30° N

Southern tip:  Latitude 26° N, 18° W. Longitude

Western edge: 75° – 80° W. Longitude

Eastern edge: 17°-18° W. Longitude

You can go to www.earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/ and place your cursor in the Atlantic and in the right hand lower corner the longitudes and latitudes will be displayed. Just move your cursor to the above coordinates to see Atlantis’ location. There are buttons at the top to zoom out or in as needed.

The Atlantean Continent was about 10% larger than present-day Australia. Since the shape of the Atlantean Continent was a parallelogram, let’s take the 47° North Latitude first. If you were to draw a line across the Atlantic Ocean, starting a little under the southern coast of Newfoundland to where it intersects 17° West Longitude, that’s as far to the east the continent extended. Then, if you were to draw a line across the Atlantic at 30° North Latitude when it intersects 18° West Longitude, you have three sides of the parallelogram.

Where Latitude 47° North intersects 75° West Longitude this gives you the western point for the northern edge of the continent. Draw a line down parallel to the North American Continent curving along the Florida coast until it meets 26° latitude. That is the tail of the Atlantean Continent, encompassing what we know as the Bahama Islands today. The tail began at the 30° North Latitude at approximately 77° West Longitude.

When the Atlantean Continent sank, it displaced an enormous amount of water, resulting in all of the oceans of the world rising 160 feet (49 meters) destroying every single city, town, and village worldwide. Most of the records of the world were lost at that moment in history.

The seven other islands previously mentioned included Poseidia, round in shape and about the size of Cuba, and located on a line to the east, slightly above present day Boston. Aryan, a little larger than the island of Hispaniola was 375 miles (603 km) to the south. Below Aryan, there were five other islands—one so small that some accounts do not list it, but it was inhabited. Over a long period of time, Poseidia was inhabited by the Law of One people and Aryan and its island group by the Sons of Belial. Their dislike for each other reached a boiling point 12,500 years ago and they destroyed themselves in a horrific war, where one-and-one-half million people died the first day. The islands sank into the Atlantic, and the oceans of the world rose 41 feet (12.5 meters). This was when the story of Noah and the Ark actually took place.

The continent of Mu, or Lemuria as it was also called, was in the shape of a potato and about 12% larger than present day Australia. Before the sinking of the Atlantean Continent it was connected to what is now Japan, but the rising seas broke the connection. It came within about 100 miles of present day Hawaii, and for thousands of years the Lemurians vacationed there, imprinting the islands with their energy.

Here are the longitudes and latitudes for the continent of Mu or Lemuria.

Northern edge: Latitude 37°- 38° N

Southern edge: Latitude 14.5° N

Southern Tip: Latitude 12.5° N, 130° E. Longitude

Western edge: 135° – 145° E. Longitude

Eastern edge: 180°-165° W. Longitude

The northern edge of the continent varied between 37° and 38° Latitude North until it intersected with 135° East Longitude and turned down, coming close to Hawaii. Then you have the southern edge of the Mu continent at 14.5° intersecting with 180° West Longitude.

The northern edge of Mu at around 38° Latitude North intersected the western edge at around 145° Longitude to form the western edge and drawing a line down to 14.5° Latitude forming the western edge of the continent.

Mu also had a short tail in the middle of the continent, extending down to 12.5° Latitude North, 130° East Longitude.

The continent of Mu was an idyllic place to live for thousands of years. That ended approximately 7,500 years ago when the seven countries not only destroyed themselves with hydrogen type bombs, but also broke apart the continent. And again, millions of people perished all over the world when the oceans rose 170 feet (52 meters). Additionally, it destroyed all the records kept in those cities and towns.

Is it any wonder that people have doubted these continents’ existence when virtually all the records of their existence no longer exist?

Lastly, I’ve been told to tell you that we will never destroy ourselves again; therefore we can learn the history of these two continents without fear of repeating ourselves.





Tom T. Moore is an author and speaker.  His books include THE GENTLE WAY series, plus FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET and ATLANTIS & LEMURIA: The Lost Continents Revealed.  He was voted “Best Self-Help Author” for the past three years by the readers of a health magazine.  He is a telepath and answers questions sent to him from all over the world in his weekly newsletter, which can be subscribed to at www.thegentlewaybook.com.

Meet the 3.6 million-year-old footprints of Africa


In 2016, experts uncovered 13 footprints which they believe date back more than 3.6 million years. The enigmatic footprints were discovered in modern-day Tanzania and were preserved for millions of years thanks to a region which was at that time covered with wet volcanic ash.

.-million-year-old-footprints - Meet the 3.6 million-year-old footprints of Africa
The Southern part of the hominin trackway in test-pit L8. Image Credit.

The footprints belonged to a group of early humans who inhabited modern-day Tanzania.

Scientists believe the enigmatic set of footprints were left behind by our ancient relatives—most likely Australopithecus afarensis—as they walked across a region covered with wet volcanic ash.

The set of 13 footprints were discovered near Laetoli, Tanzania by scientists from Sapienza University in Rome.

Scientists suggest the footprints belonged to around five members of early humans who may have had a gorilla-like social arrangement where one dominant male mated with several females.

Scientists say that ‘a man accompanied by around four women is believed to have walked in the region at least 30 meters over the volcanic ash that later hardened into rock, leaving behind fascinating evidence of our ancestors in Africa.

“The shape of the feet, along with the length and configuration of the toes, show that the Laetoli Footprints were made by an early human, and the only known early human in the region at that time was Au. afarensis. In fact, fossils of Au. afarensis were found nearby to the footprints and in the same sediment layer, telling scientists that Au. afarensis was in the area at the same time the footprints were left,” suggests an article written by the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.

Footprints - Meet the 3.6 million-year-old footprints of Africa
Colour renders heights as in the color bar. The empty circles indicate the position of the targets of the 3D-imaging control point system. Image Credit.

Giorgio Manzi, one of the scientists who participated in the study said that “This novel evidence, taken as a whole with the previous findings, portrays several early hominids moving as a group through the landscape following a volcanic eruption and subsequent rainfall. But there is more. The footprints of one of the new individuals are astonishingly larger than anyone else’s in the group, suggesting that he was a large male member of the species.”

Scientists indicate that the Tanzanian tracks are the oldest evidence of the existence of a species named Australopithecus afarensis, a forerunner to Neanderthal humans.

And while the discovery of the footprints itself is a major scientific find, experts say that that the footprints show how a 2003 study led by researchers from Penn State University—suggesting Australopithecus afarensis only had one sexual partner is wrong.

Furthermore, as noted by Forbes, “…estimates of body size from these step and stride measurements were surprising when compared to the other individuals from Site G. One of the individuals in Site S was substantially larger—about 5 feet 4 inches tall compared to the other individuals who were 4 feet 9 inches and under.”

Marco Cherin, who also worked on the study, said:

“A tentative conclusion is that the group consisted of one male, two or three females, and one or two juveniles, which leads us to believe that the male — and therefore other males in the species — had more than one female mate.”

Source and reference: eLife Sciences

Surid, aka Enoch: the real Pyramid builder? Ancient texts reveal jaw-dropping details


What if the Great Pyramid of Giza predates the Egyptian civilization? And what if Khufu was not the one who commissioned it?


On the West bank of the River Nile stands one of the most impressive and oldest wonders of the ancient world, the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Believed to have been built as a tomb to house the remains of Pharaoh Khufu, modern archeologists maintain the structure was built around 2500BC.

White-Pyramid - Surid, aka Enoch: the real Pyramid builder? Ancient texts reveal jaw-dropping details

However, numerous authors argue that the dating of the Pyramid—and its true purpose—are completely wrong.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the most marvelous and incredible monuments on the surface of the planet. Curiously, it is also the most sophisticated one, when it comes to design, engineering, and mathematics.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is a massive structure composed of approximately 2,300,000 stone blocks that weigh from 2 to 30 tons each and there are even some blocks that weigh over 50 tons. It’s huge. In fact, the ancient builders used so much stone to build the Great Pyramid of Giza that you could build a wall around the planet by using stone from the pyramid.

Mindboggling right?

But many other enigmas surround what is considered the most magnificent structure ever built.

The great Pyramid’s outer mantle was built of 144,000 casing stones, all of them highly polished and flat to an accuracy of 1/100th of an inch, about 100 inches thick and weighing approx. 15 tons each. It is sad that the casing stones that once covered the Great Pyramid of Giza were so bright that they reflected the sun’s light making the Pyramid shine like a jewel.

And while there are really fascinating details about the Great Pyramid of Giza which you can read about here, this time we focus more on what’s INSIDE the structure rather than what’s on the outside.

So, how do we know that the Pyramid was built around 2,500 BC, and that it was built, by Pharaoh Khufu?

Well, it turns out that the dating of the pyramid and its association with are based solely on the evidence found in 1837 by British explorer Richard Howard Vyse.

Not the most subtle Egyptologist and researcher, Howard Vyse and John Shae Perring worked with gunpowder forcing their way into several monuments, including the burial chamber of the pyramid of Menkaure.

The only evidence inside the Pyramid linking Khufu to the structure was uncovered by Vyse.

But there are a lot of things to ake into consideration there. Since stone cannot be carbon-dated, and no other inscriptions, except for the Pharaoh’s official monogram, were found inside the pyramid or anywhere else for that matter, the date has stood unchallenged for centuries. But, if Khufu was in fact the builder of the Pyramid—the most magnificent ancient structure on Earth—wouldn’t He have made sure that his name was forever associated with the Pyramid, by inscribing it on various places?

But not all is as it seems apparently. Not long ago new evidence surfaced that suggests that the discovery made by Colonel Vyse was in fact one of the greatest hoaxes in history, leading many authors to question everything related to Khufu and the Pyramid.

There are authors and researchers who have dared to go against mainstream history and suggest that Vyse may have forged the name of Khufu himself.

As it turns out, in 2014, two University of Dresden archaeology students apparently someone managed smuggled a sample of the paint used in the King Khufu markings and brought it back to Europe in order to analyze it in a laboratory.

The results revealed a shocking truth.

While the sample the two “archaeologists” brought back was too small for radiocarbon dating, technicians manage to determine that the pigment was not painted onto the original limestone blocks when the pyramid was built, but it was placed there on a later plaster repair.

What does this mean? Well simply put, it suggests that the cartouche was not original to the pyramid construction, but that it was in fact added at a much later date, giving rise to a conspiracy that Vyse fabricated the entire ‘discovery’.

But why on Earth would someone like Vyse—who obviously had a passion for the history of Ancient Egypt—do something like that?

Money talks now, and apparently it did the same hundreds of years ago. During his expedition to Egypt, Colonel Vyse spent a FORTUNE, nearly $1.3 million on to uncover the truth behind the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Many experts have suggested that Vyse may have kickstarted an early conspiracy and in his desperation to find something no one had found before, he decided to forge the cartouche of Khufu onto the chamber wall, thereby establishing an inaccurate date for the structure—which today is widely accepted  by historians and Egyptologists such as Selim Hassan, Zahi Hawass, Jaromir Malek, Professor Rosalie David or Bill Manley, or major museums such as the British Museum and the Egyptian Museum, all of whom accept that Khufu was the builder of the pyramid and by implication that Vyse’s cartouche is authentic.

Furthermore, Zecharia Sitchin accuses Vyse in his book The Stairway to Heaven of perpetrating the forgery because of Vyse’s “determination to obtain a major find as time and money were running out”.

The Great Sphinx and The Great Pyramid

This-is-a-rare-image-of-the-Sphinx-taken-from-a-hot-air-balloon-in-the-early-th-century-This-is-before-excavation-and-restoration - Surid, aka Enoch: the real Pyramid builder? Ancient texts reveal jaw-dropping details
This is a rare image of the Sphinx taken from a hot air balloon, in the early 19th century. This is before excavation and restoration.

So, if Khufu did not build the Pyramid, what about the Sphinx, when was the Sphinx carved and who commissioned it?

To understand more about te Sphinx we must look at the Inventory Stela, unearthed by archaeologists in 1858 which details several things but most importantly, it presents a list of 22 divine statues owned by a Temple of Isis, and goes on to claim that the temple existed since before the time of Khufu (c. 2580 BC).

The credibility of the Inventory Stela is viewed by Historians and Egyptologists with great caution.

So if the Sphinx existed since before the time of Khufu… who commissioned it then?

It get’s interesting.

According to an Arabian writer by the name of Ibrahim al-Maqrizi, the Great Pyramid was not constructed by Khufu, the Great Pyramid was constructed long before the Great Flood by a king with the name of Surid Ibn Salhouk, Surid for short, but we will get to that in a minute.

Interestingly, fourth-century Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus wrote that Inscriptions which the ancient asserted were engraved on the walls of certain underground galleries, constructed in the interior of certain pyramids, were intended to preserve ancient wisdom from being lost in the flood.

Getting back to the Pyramid, Arab scholars ascribed the Egyptian Pyramids and temples to an ANTEDILUVIAN AGE, writes Alan F. Alford in his book: Pyramid of Secrets— The Architecture of the Great Pyramid Reconsidered in the Light of Creational Mythology. Furthermore, the author notes that One popular tradition, drawing on Coptic and Hermetic lore, asserted that the builder of the Pyramids and Temples had been “the first Hermes” or “Hermes of Hermes”, otherwise known as Hermes Trismegistus on account of his threefold qualities od prophet, kind, and a wise man.

A second popular tradition, drawing on old Arab lore, maintained that the builder of the Pyramids was an antediluvian king by the name of Surid Ibn Salhouk. In the 13th century writes Alfard, it was suggested by one writer that the Pyramids had been built by a pre-Adamite race—inhabtants of an earlier Earth. These ideas eventually became merged to the extent hat “Surid” was identified as Hermes.

Arab writers named King Surid as the one who, having learned of the coming flood in a dream, erected the Pyramids as vaults to protect antediluvian books and artifacts.

Among the reporters of this particular legend are the astrologer Abumasar Balkhi, historian Abd al-Hokm, al-Masudi, and Ibrahim al-Maqrizi as mentioned earlier, all suggesting that Surid was Hermes or Enoch.

Hermes Trismegistus was either a contemporary of Moses, or the third in a line of men named Hermes, i.e. Enoch, Noah, and the Egyptian priest-king who is known to us as Hermes Trismegistus on account of being the greatest priest, philosopher, and king.

Staniland Wake writes in the Origin and Significance of the Great Pyramid that Masoudi who died in the year 967 A.D., professes to relate the Coptic tradition, which says, “that Surid Ben Shaluk Ben Sermuni Ben Termidun Ben Tedresan Ben Sal, one of the kings of Egypt before the Flood, built the two great pyramids; and notwithstanding they were subsequently named after a person called Shed-dad Ben Ad, that they were not built by the Adites, who could not conquer Egypt, on account of the powers which the Egyptians possessed by means of enchantment; that the reason for building the Pyramids was the following dream, which happened to Surid three hundred years previous to the Flood.

Masoudi describes the guardians assigned by the king to each pyramid.

“The guardian of the eastern pyramid was an idol of speckled granite, standing upright, with a weapon like a spear in his hand; a serpent was wreathed round his head, which seized upon and strangled whoever approached, by twisting round his neck, when it again returned to its former position upon the idol. . . . When everything was finished, he caused the Pyramids to be haunted with living spirits; and offered up sacrifices to prevent the intrusion of strangers, and of all persons excepting those who by their conduct were worthy of admission.”

The author then says, that, according to the Coptic account, the following passage was inscribed, in Arabic, upon the Pyramids: “I, Surid the King, have built these Pyramids, and have finished them in sixty-one years. Let him, who comes after me, and imagines himself a king like me, attempt to destroy them in six hundred. To destroy is easier than to build. I have clothed them with silk: let him try to cover them with mats.”

As noted by Wake, Surid may be the same as Suphis or Cheops, as in a papyrus said to have been found in the monastery of Abou-Hormeis, Surid is said to have been buried in the Eastern (Great) Pyramid, his brother Haukith in the western, and his nephew Karwars in the smaller pyramid. (Vyse, “Operations,” etc., vol. ii. p. 332.)—Surid appears to be given in the list of Manetho, under the name of Sôris, as the first king of the fourth dynasty. This king is, however, treated by M. Lenormant as non-historical. (Sec List of the Kings of Egypt, “Histoire Ancienne de l’Orient,” tom. ii. p. 430), and he refers to Khoufou (Suphis) the tablet at the mouth of the ancient mine at Sinai, which English Egyptologists ascribe to Soris (Shuré). The name of this king is also said to have been found in the tombs near Ghizeh, and in the quarry marks of the northern pyramid of Abou-Seir, which is, therefore, thought to be his tomb. (Sir J. G. ‘Wilkinson, in Rawlinson’s “Herodotus,” vol. ii. p. 344, 346).

Sources used:

Pyramid of Secrets— The Architecture of the Great Pyramid Reconsidered in the Light of Creational Mythology

The Origin and Significance of the Great Pyramid

Sacred Texts

Daily Grail

Video shows military personnel transporting alleged “Roswell Alien”


YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/3zKnGAE1jbM?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

Ever since an alleged UFO crashed in July of 1947 new Roswell New Mexico, countless theories have been proposed explaining what EXACTLY the military came across. This video—whose authenticity, content and everything related to it may raise numerous red flags—shows what appears to be one of the alleged aliens recovered from the crash site after a supposed disc-shaped object crashed near the town of Roswell.

Alien-Roswell - Video shows military personnel transporting alleged “Roswell Alien”

The idea that mankind has been visited by advanced extraterrestrial beings has long been considered a possibility.

However, with all of our advanced equipment, satellites, telescopes, and experts in the field, mankind has still failed—officially—to find evidence fro alien life.

Our society is divided between people who believe that we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings, and there are those who firmly disagree, suggesting that we are the only intelligent species in the universe.

But, how can we know for sure? We can’t, can we?

Looking throughout the long history of mankind on Earth, ancient civilizations across the globe recorded in numerous ways inexplicable phenomenon that they witnessed. Some would agree that the descriptions of our ancestors perfectly match the description of modern-day reports of ufos.

Even though the UFO phenomenon has become popular in recent years, the truth is that reports of unexplained flying objects and alien presence stretch back in time much longer than you’d imagine.

The idea that we are not the only life forms in the universe has captured the imagination and interest of not only scientists but philosophers, historians and other experts throughout the centuries.

Italian Dominican friar, philosopher, mathematician, poet, and cosmological theorist Giordano Bruno said that the universe is in fact infinite and could have no celestial body at its “center”.

Bruno said:

“There are countless suns and countless earth’s all rotating around their suns in exactly the same way as the seven planets of our system. We see only the suns because they are the largest bodies and are luminous, but their planets remain invisible to us because they are smaller and non-luminous. The countless worlds in the universe are no worse and no less inhabited than our Earth. For it is utterly unreasonable to suppose that those teeming worlds which are as magnificent as our own, perhaps more so, and which enjoy the fructifying rays of a sun just as we do, should be uninhabited and should not bear similar or even more perfect inhabitants than our ear”h.”

Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake in Rome’s Campo de’ Fiori in 1600 because of his beliefs.

But even further back in history, there’s evidence that our ancient ancestors saw things that they could not explain, and decided to categorize the events as either miraculous, divine, and as proof of our creator Gods: Look at the Ancient Sumerians, Maya, Aztecs, Hopi, Inca, etc.

Many authors would agree that it’s safe to say that there is at least 1 intelligent civilization per galaxy. There are at LEAST one hundred billion galaxies as the Milky Way. Do the math.

UFOlogists and paranormal researchers agree that throughout the years Earth has been visited, and there is ample historical evidence which supports this claim.

Getting back on track, this video has certainly raised some eyebrows. While we know that 99% of videos of this nature posted online are fake, you’ve got to leave room for that miniature 1% which might be ‘evidence’ that all these years those who have said we’ve been visited by beings, not from Earth were right.

Could this be that video?

Screen-Shot----at-..-PM - Video shows military personnel transporting alleged “Roswell Alien”
Screenshot via YouTube

What we know about this video is that it was allegedly filmed just after the Roswell UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico in July of 1947.

Ever since an alleged UFO crashed in July of 1947 new Roswell New Mexico, countless theories have been proposed explaining what EXACTLY the military came across.

Was it a real UFO? Did they discover alien bodies? And was the entire thing covered up by the Government? These questions have remained unanswered for nearly 70 years.

The Roswell crash has had a great weight in popular culture for decades and is mentioned in numerous works of fiction, as well as documentaries.

What some believe was a real UFO, others are convinced that the object that crashed on the night of July 4, 1947, was a weather balloon.

According to ‘A History of UFO Crashes’, eyewitness William Woody, who lived east of Roswell said he remembered being outside of his house with his father the night of July 4, 1947, when he saw a brilliant object plunge to the ground.

The alleged video shows military personal surround and eventually transport on a ‘stretcher’ what is believed to be one of the ‘Aliens’ recovered from the crash site near the town of Roswell.

The authenticity of the video, its contents and everything related to it may raise numerous red flags. But, given the fact we have so little information about it, we can’t say whether the video is a staged hoax, or whether it’s real.

The video was sent to Ancient Code by one of our readers who would not disclose how he obtained it.

Our best guess you ask? Most likely an edited footage of one of the movies made about Roswell, which one? We have no idea, so if anyone has more information feel free to contact us and let us know what you know about this video.

Update September 3, 2019: The original video was no longer available but we found another online and replaced the link.

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