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Scientific research: Why did day become night during the crucifixion of Jesus?


Luke 23:44 “it was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over all the land until the ninth hour. The sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn down the middle…”

crucifixion-eclipse - Scientific research: Why did day become night during the crucifixion of Jesus?

The so-called Eclipse of the century, which will happen August 21, 2017, will be visible from the United States, where the day will become completely dark due to the natural phenomenon.

A similar one, the total solar eclipse of June 8, 1918, crossed the United States from Washington State to Florida. This path is roughly similar to the one which will occur on August 21, 2017, and was the last time a solar eclipse totality crossed the nation from the Pacific to the Atlantic. The path of the eclipse will go from the U.S. state of Oregon in the west diagonally downwards towards the state of South Carolina, crossing important cities such as St. Louis, Missouri, and Nashville, Tennessee.

In connection to the Eclipse of the century, many began to wonder whether the Gospel account of the crucifixion, which describes a day that became dark, could have occurred due to a total eclipse of the sun, like the one that is approaching in August 2017.

The so-called Crucifixion darkness is an episode in three of the canonical gospels in which the sky becomes dark in daytime during the crucifixion of Jesus.

Furthermore, the oldest biblical reference to the crucifixion darkness is found in the Gospel of Mark, written around the year 70. In its account of the crucifixion, on the eve of Passover, it says that after Jesus was crucified at nine in the morning, darkness fell over all the land, or all the world from around noon (“the sixth hour”) until 3 o’clock (“the ninth hour”).

According to Luke 23:44 “it was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over all the land until the ninth hour. The sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn down the middle…”

It appears that Luke’s Gospel originally explained the event as an eclipse, but many scholars disagree. Many authors agree that the biblical details do not accord with an eclipse: as a solar eclipse could not have occurred on or near the Passover when Jesus was crucified and would have been too brief to account for three hours of darkness. The maximum possible duration of a total solar eclipse is seven minutes and 31.1 seconds.

The only total eclipse visible in Jerusalem in this era fell later in the year, on 24 November 29 CE at 11:05 AM.

Furthermore, according to Matthew 27:45, “From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land.”

Although the words may be crystal clear to many, there are scholars who argue that it is not necessarily related to a solar eclipse. In fact, there are translations that do not mention an eclipse, but rather that the sun went completely dark.

Interestingly, several theologians claim that Jesus was crucified on April 3 of the year 33. According to historical documents and calculations based on Kepler’s equations, a lunar eclipse occurred on that day, and not a solar eclipse, which may have been visible from Jerusalem.

A digital recreation shows how the moon began to turn red at precisely 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the moment Jesus died.

It so happens that a lunar eclipse, presumably happened the day Jesus was crucified does not justify the three hours of darkness described by the Gospel during the event.

It is noteworthy to mention that no contemporary references to this darkness have been found outside of the New Testament. So the phenomenon that may have generated such an eclipse continues to be a mystery to science.

Video: Flat Earthers present ‘evidence’ for why the Earth is flat


In an age where countless things circulate on the internet, a new video posted by IFLScience takes a look at some of the most bizarre reasons why many people think our planet is in fact FLAT.

Flat-Earth-or-NOT - Video: Flat Earthers present ‘evidence’ for why the Earth is flat

As noted by the article written of IFLScience, “here’s some of the evidence presented by ‘Flat Earthers’ as to why we should ignore the facts, forget about science, and shun those awful, awful liars at NASA. Bear in mind, these are just some of their reasons.

The author continues “If you’re looking for an actual challenge to hard science, from the fact that different points on the planet experience day and night at the same time, or the Coriolis effect, to the round shadow of Earth on the Moon, well you’ve come to the wrong place. Funnily enough, these guys have neglected to explain these things.

But why on Earth does anyone still think the Earth is flat?

On December 24, 1968, the crew of the Apollo 8 mission captured one of the most famous photographs in human history known as “The Earthrise”. The image, photographed by Astronaut William Anders displays one of the most beautiful images of our planet, the first color image of the Earth from space. However, there are many people who claim that the Earth isn’t round, that the images from NASA are faced and that the Earth is, in fact, FLAT. The flat Earth theory is considered by many people as the greatest conspiracy in the history of our civilization.

According to proponents of the Flat Earth theory, the Earth is, in fact, a disc with the Arctic Circle on the center with a wall of ice of 150 meters around the edge in Antarctica. Day and night are explained as the sun and the moon is spheres measuring 51 kilometers and moving in a circular motion 4989 above the plane of the flat Earth. Like spotlights, these celestial spheres illuminate different parts of the planet in a cycle of 24 hours. In the flat earth, there is also an invisible “anti-Moon” that obscures the moon during lunar eclipses. Moreover, the gravity on the Flat Earth is actually nonexistent since the shape of the disc would collapse on itself. According to proponents of the Flat Earth theory, the flat Earth disk spins up to 9.8 square meters per second and is driven by a mysterious force called dark energy.

In fact, the idea that the Earth is flat went beyond all reason when a Ph.D. student presented a thesis claiming the Earth is FLAT, stationary, the center of the universe and only around 13,500 years old. The student not only suggested we live on a flat Earth, she also rejected scientific theories presented by Newton and Einstein, astronomical discoveries made by Copernicus and Kepler, the Big Bang theory, atmospheric and geological activity, most of modern climatology, and basically all other scientific teachings made in the past.

Anyway, check out this cool video by IFLScience and comment on your favorite theories.

Source: This Video Shows Some Of The Completely Serious “Evidence” That Some People Believe Proves The Earth Is Flat

15 disturbing images of planet Earth that will leave you speechless


YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/JsIB81sLe2w?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

Our beloved blue marble—teeming with life—is a gem of the solar system and probably the galactic neighborhood. However, in the last decades, planet Earth’s landscapes have been drastically altered due in large part, to the impact of human activities and consequent global warming.

imagesofchange - 15 disturbing images of planet Earth that will leave you speechless

While there are 100 to 400 billion stars in the Milky Way and more than 100 billion galaxies in the Universe—and some say that the number could be around 500 BILLION—Earth is so far the only place where life as we know it exists.

Earth—otherwise known as the World—is the densest planet in the Solar System and the largest of the four terrestrial planets.

Scientific evidence puts our world to be around 4.54 billion years ago, and during this time, our planet has undergone countless changes.

According to scientists, our plant has undergone FIVE major extinction events and of all the species that have ever lived, more than 99% are now extinct.

Mass extinctions on Earth have greatly influenced the development of life on our planet, and scientists are worried that right now we are in the midst of another one.

Curiously, if we are currently going through a mass extinction event then it’s not caused by asteroids or comet impacts nor volcanic eruption. This could be the first ever mass extinction event caused by ONE SPECIES: Us, the human race, aka Homo sapiens.

Scientists point towards the destruction of natural environments, and climate change triggered by rising carbon dioxide levels that have kicked off extinction rates to levels eerily similar to mass extinction events on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago. 66 million years after the latest great extinction event on Earth, the cause may be different but experts are worried that the results will be the same.

Below we have selected some of the most impressive photos that show the disheartening panorama with a before and after – that moves in a range of between 5 and 100 years. More images can be viewed in an exclusive section of the official NASA website.

1 Pedersen, Glacier, Alaska. Summer, 1917 – Summer, 2005:

pedersen-glacier - 15 disturbing images of planet Earth that will leave you speechless

2 Muir Glacier, Alaska. August 1941 – August 2004:

glaciar-muir - 15 disturbing images of planet Earth that will leave you speechless

3 Laguna de Mar Chiquita, Argentina. July 1998 – September 2011.

lagunamarchiquita - 15 disturbing images of planet Earth that will leave you speechless

4 Qori Kalis Glacier, Peru. July 1978 – July 2011.

qori-kalis- - 15 disturbing images of planet Earth that will leave you speechless

5 Toboggan Glacier , Alaska. June, 1909 – September 2000.

tobogan - 15 disturbing images of planet Earth that will leave you speechless

6 Great Artificial River, Libya, April, 1987 – April, 2010.

Libia-change - 15 disturbing images of planet Earth that will leave you speechless

7 Mount Cervino in the Alps, the border between Switzerland and Italy. August 1960 – August 2005.

Cervino - 15 disturbing images of planet Earth that will leave you speechless

8 Dasht River, Pakistan. August 1999 – June 2011.

dasht-river - 15 disturbing images of planet Earth that will leave you speechless

9 Bear Glacier, Alaska. July 1909 – August 2005.

bear-alaska - 15 disturbing images of planet Earth that will leave you speechless

10 Oroville Lake, California. July 2010 – August 2016.

california-drought-before-and-after - 15 disturbing images of planet Earth that will leave you speechless

11 Aral Sea, Central Asia. August 2000 – August 2014.

aral-sea - 15 disturbing images of planet Earth that will leave you speechless

12 The Brazilian Amazon state of Rondonia, between 1975 and 2009.

brasil-deforestation - 15 disturbing images of planet Earth that will leave you speechless

And a video that shows how bad things are:

13 Mabira Jungle, Uganda. November 2001 – January 2006.

uganda-forest - 15 disturbing images of planet Earth that will leave you speechless

14 McCarty Glacier, Alaska. July 1909 – August 2004.

mccarty-glacier - 15 disturbing images of planet Earth that will leave you speechless

15 Lake Powell.  Arizona and Utah. March 1999 – May 2014.

powell-lake - 15 disturbing images of planet Earth that will leave you speechless

Source: NASA

For more images check out Images of Change by NASA.

Scientists say—At least one advanced alien civilization may exist in the Milky Way


YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/80Ryq6bH2aY?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

Based on their research, scientists have demonstrated the possibility that at a galactic scale there is at least ONE extraterrestrial civilization that has the necessary means of communication with Earth in our galaxy—the Milky way.

Alien-galaxy - Scientists say—At least one advanced alien civilization may exist in the Milky Way
Image Credit

Controversy or not but… American scientists Luis A. Anchordoqui, Susanna Weber and Jorge F. Soriano demonstrated the possibility that an alien civilization capable of communicating with humans exists in the Milky Way Galaxy, according to an article published on the website of the University of Cornell.

Experts based their research on the Drake formula in order to estimate the number of civilizations in our galaxy—the Milky Way—likely to possess technology that could intercept or transmit radio emissions.

According to their calculations, at a galactic scale, there is at least ONE extraterrestrial civilization that has the necessary means of communication with Earth.

Furthermore, scientists compare the number of planets where there could be advanced civilizations capable of contact with the rate of birth of celestial bodies that are within the habitable zone around their star.

However, scientists note that powerful gamma ray bursts could endanger the existence of alien life.

According to experts, the TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) and JWST (James Webb Space Telescope), which are preparing for a historic launch, will allow them to verify the results of their work.

And while scientists say that at least one alien civilization may exist out there, they have explained that the fact that the percentage of intelligent alien civilizations in the Milky Way is extremely small—about 0.5% when compared to the total number of alien civilizations that may exist in the Universe, which is something that significantly complicates their search for our cosmic neighbors.

This fact, according to them, is one of the reasons why we have not yet found aliens to this day.

Searching for clues leading to the discovery of other civilizations, according to Soriano and his colleagues, will only be possible in the future when scientists discover more of Earth’s “twin” planets.

In the research paper the scientific trio notes:

“A new arsenal of data will certainly provide an ideal testing ground to improve our understanding about: (i) the occurrence of exoplanets in the habitable zone, (ii) the early star formation rate models, and (iii) the GRB phenomenology. The past few years have witnessed the discovery of more and more rocky planets that are larger and heftier than Earth.”

“Finding the Earth-twins is a higher order challenge, because these smaller planets produce fainter signals and hence only a few have been discovered. Technology to detect and image Earth-like planets has been developed for use of the next generation space telescopes. The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is NASA’s next step in the search for planets outside of our solar system, including those that could support life.”

“The NASA roadmap will subsequently continue with the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and perhaps the proposed Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope – Astrophysics Focused Telescope Assets (WFIRST-AFTA) early in the next decade. The ability to detect alien life may still be years or more away, but the quest is underway.”

In 2016, scientists adapted the Drake Equation with data from NASA’s Kepler satellite on habitable planets in the cosmos. Researchers modified the Drake Equation from detailing the number of extraterrestrial civilizations that exist now, to about the chance of our civilization being the only one ever existed.

The research indicates that unless the odds of intelligent life forms evolving on habitable planets are extremely low,  life on Earth is not the only one that evolved to an advanced stage.

Scientists explain that the chance of an advanced civilization developing would need to be less tan one in 10 trillion, for our civilization to be the only intelligent one in the known universe.

(H/T arXiv)

Meet Nibiru—The home of the Ancient Anunnaki Gods


YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/h72tABvkLAo?feature=oembed

It is believed that several ancient Sumerian texts describe ‘creator gods’ who came from an unknown planet called Nibiru, a planet which enters and leaves our solar system in cycles of 3,600 years. This planet is believed to be the home of our creators the Ancient Anunnaki.

Planet-Nibiru - Meet Nibiru—The home of the Ancient Anunnaki Gods

Currently, when you search about Nibiru, you will encounter numerous claims and hoaxes which detail how a massive planet called ‘Nibiru’ will one day collide with Earth.

The truth however, goes far beyond that. According to several authors like Sitchin, Nibiru in Babylonian astronomy is translated to Planet of Crossing to ‘Point o transition.’

While many websites report that Nibiru si nothing more than a hoax, the truth is that a planet called Nibiru is mentioned and described in detail in the fifth tablet of the Enuma Elish as translated by Sitchin. Nibiru as a planet mentioned in the work of controversial author Zecharia Sitchin which has gathered much attention among ufologists, conspiracy theorists, and ancient astronaut theories.

Nibiru as a planet mentioned in the work of controversial author Zecharia Sitchin which has gathered much attention among ufologists, conspiracy theorists, and ancient astronaut theories.

According to his claims, through the interpretation of ancient Sumerian texts, there is conclusive evidence that mankind was created by an advanced alien civilization from a distant planet in our solar systems called Nibiru.

However, Sitchin’s work regarding Nibiru lies mostly in the astronomical interpretation of the Enuma Elish, an ancient creation myth. Sitchin replaced the names of Gods with planets.

So, why are Sitchin’s works bombarded by skeptics? Well, mostly because Sitchin’s evidence lies mostly in his own translations and not on scholarly agreed interpretations. This is why most of his work–therefore even Nibiru— remain as nothing more than pseudoscience.

Zecharia Sitchin described Nibiru according to Sumerian cosmology as the 12th planet. Nibiru is home to an alien race called the Anunnaki an extreme advanced extraterrestrial civilization. Nibiru is also called Marduk, and it arrives at our solar system with an extreme clockwise elliptical orbit.

Curiously, astronomers today are firmly convinced that our solar system has many more planets that remain undiscovered, beyond the orbit of Neptune. One of those planets—referred to as Planet X—is believed to be a massive planet, much larger than Earth.

Getting back to Nibiru… The cuneiform symbol used to describe Nibiru was often a cross or various winged disc. Furthermore, to the ancient Babylonians, Nibiru was a celestial body associated with the God Marduk.

Marduk is an Akkadian word whose translation has still not been defined by academics.

Sitchin concluded that Nibiru is a massive planet with an extremely elliptic orbit around our Sun. Nibiru is said to have an orbital period of around 2,700 years, and Sitchin claims that Nibiru was the home –or still is— of the ancient Anunnaki, who allegedly came to Earth in search of Gold, to repair the damaged atmosphere of Nibiru.

While Sitchin’s work is heavily criticized, evidence of a massive planet in the outermost edges of our solar system has been found by astronomers in 2016.

In fact, based on numerous simulations and perturbances present in the orbits of dwarf planets in our solar system, experts believe a vast alien world –ten times the mass of earth— is located beyond the orbit of Pluto.

On July 13, 1987, an article appeared in Newsweek where NASA is said to have disclosed the possibility that there might be a 10th planet orbiting our Sun.  According to NASA research scientist John Anderson, Planet X might actually be out there, but nowhere near our planets. The article from Newsweek states“if he is right, two of the most intriguing puzzles of space science might be solved: what caused mysterious irregularities in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune during the 19th Century? And what killed off the dinosaurs 26 million years ago.”

However, ‘evidence’ of such a planet existing can be traced back to a very interesting article in the Astronomical Journal in 1988 by R. Harrington who wrote that a planet three or four times the size of Earth existed, having a position of three or four-time further from the sun than Pluto.  According to mathematical models that were presented, it is believed that Planet X or Nibiru, has an extremely elliptical orbit of 30 degrees.

An article from AP written on October 23, 1996, stated that: A new planet that breaks all the rules about how and where planets form has been identified in orbit of a twin star about 70 light years from Earth in a constellation commonly known as the Northern Cross. The new planet has a roller coaster like orbit that swoops down close to its central star and then swings far out into frigid fringes, following a strange egg-shaped orbit that is unlike that of any other known planet.

Furthermore, according to a team of researchers from California Institute of Technology’s (Caltech), the unusual tilt of the Sun could be attributed to this massive, undiscovered planet that is lurking at the edge of our Solar System.

While the above-quoted articles suggest, it’s possible that there might be a rogue planet ni the outermost edges of our solar system, suggesting that it is Nibiru is far fetched. In fact, if there is any evidence of Nibiru, then that evidence is based on personal interpretations of a heavily criticized author.

Not that I am saying Nibiru does or does not exist. There are some things in history that just don’t add up. If we look back to the creation of man, the appearance of the first civilization, first alphabet and language, we will find huge gaps that mainstream scholars have been unable to fill.

While most articles out there related to Nibiru are descriptions of hoaxes, very few articles offer insight into what Nibiru could or could not be. In the last decades, we have come to accept that Nibiru is ever so present in the alternative literature yet we have failed to understand anything about it.

It could be the result of misinterpretations of an author, but there could also be evidence that such a planet, at least similar in description, may exist somewhere in the outermost edges of the solar system.

Evidence of Nibiru is said to be present in ancient texts.

A quote from Pomponius Mela, a Latin author of the first century states:

“The Egyptians pride themselves on being the most ancient people in the world. In their authentic annals … one may read that since they have been in existence, the course of the stars has changed direction four times and that the sun has set twice in that part of the sky where it rises today.”

“In the second book of his history, Herodotus relates his conversations with Egyptian priests on his visit to Egypt sometime during the second half of the fifth century before the present era. Concluding that history of their people, the priests told him that the period following their first king covered three hundred and forty-one generations, and Herodotus calculated that three generations being equal to a century, the whole period was over eleven thousand years. The priests asserted that within historical ages and since Egypt became a kingdom, ’four times in this period (so they told me) the sun rose contrary to his won’t; twice he rose where he now sets, and twice he set where he now rises.”.

Furthermore, in the Bible we find:

“From a far away land they came, from the end-point of Heaven do the Lord and his weapons of wrath come to destroy the whole Earth. Therefore will I agitate the Heaven and Earth shall be shaken out of its place. When the Lord of Hosts shall be crossing, the day of his burning wrath.” Isaiah 13:1.

Zecharia Sitchin concludes:

“That Mankind’s progression from Palaeolithic (Old Stone Age) to Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) to Neolithic (New Stone Age) and then the great Sumerian civilization, had occurred in intervals of about 3,600 years, is a fact.

That Anu visited Earth, approved the grant of civilization (knowledge, science, technology) to Mankind, marked by the start of the calendar in Nippur in 3760 BC (which is still the Hebrew/Jewish calendar), is certain (as far as I am concerned).

But as I have tried to explain in my recent Seminars (though not yet in a full-length book), the visits to Earth and the nearing (at what is called perihelion) of Nibiru do NOT coincide. This is a point of immense significance, which those who have only read my first book somehow ignore.”

It is said that Nibiru will appear from the North Pole of the Sun and Earth, which will make the alien world widely seen in the northern hemisphere.

My conclusion? It’s hard to understand much about Nibiru. There’s simply not enough evidence to support that an alien world like it exists in the outermost reaches of our solar system. While it is likely that a planet of similar proportions lays hidden somewhere out there as scientists have stated until we actually manage to see the world with our telescopes all theories are possible, I guess.

I do believe that we aren’t the only intelligent civilization in the cosmos and I do believe that its likely that mankind has been visited by beings not from Earth since time immemorial. Whether or not these beings ar ethe A from Nibiru, is an entirely different thing.

What do you think about Nibiru, Sitchin’s work and the possibility of a planet of said proportions existing in the outermost edges of our solar system?

6 inexplicable images of the Moon taken by NASA that will creep you out


From UFO’s to strange alien structures on the moon, NASA and other space agencies have snapped countless inexplicable images from the moon that have raised suspicions among ufologists that there’s something on the moon, society isn’t being told.


Earth’s moon has been our planets faithful companion since time immemorial. Our moon—which is simply referred to as the moon, still without a name unlike all other ‘moons’ in our solar system—is far more mysterious than you ever imagined.

For starters, all other moons in our solar system orbit their planets around the equator, our moon does not, and there are lunar rocks that have been found to contain PROCESSED METALS such as Brass, Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237.

NASA’s Apollo missions are to thank for most of what we know about the moon.

The Apollo missions or Apollo program was designed to land humans on the Moon and bring them safely back to Earth. Six of the missions (Apollos 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17) achieved this goal. Apollos 7 and 9 were Earth orbiting missions to test the Command and Lunar Modules and did not return lunar data. Apollos 8 and 10 tested various components while orbiting the Moon, and returned photography of the lunar surface. Apollo 13 did not land on the Moon due to a malfunction, but also returned photographs. The six missions that landed on the Moon returned a wealth of scientific data and almost 400 kilograms of lunar samples. Experiments included soil mechanics, meteoroids, seismic, heat flow, lunar ranging, magnetic fields, and solar wind experiments.

faeb- - 6 inexplicable images of the Moon taken by NASA that will creep you out
That’s no moon!

During the numerous missions to the moon, unexplained things were photographed and captured on video.

Dismissed by skeptics as anything other than but what it actually seems—aliens—the treasure trove of NASA images offers us countless photographs that have created a buzz in the field of ufology.

In this article, we take a look at 6 of the most mysterious images captured on the moon.

Not everything is related to UFOs 

Moon-electric - 6 inexplicable images of the Moon taken by NASA that will creep you out

One of the most fascinating images that you’ve probably never seen from the moon was photographed in 1972. The images appear to show a MASSIVE, powerful electric discharge near the Stein Crater, located on the far side of the moon.

Some say the electric discharge occurred because of secret underground bases, hidden on the far side of the moon. However, the electric discharge seen on the moon is somewhat similar to lightning sprites that have been seen in Earth’s upper atmosphere during powerful thunderstorms.

The massive figure ‘walking’ on the moon

Alien-on-the-moon - 6 inexplicable images of the Moon taken by NASA that will creep you out

One of the most surprising images on the surface of the moon was made available to the public when big G (Google) released its software that allowed users to search and explore the moon. Soon after, people were left baffled by a mysterious, massive figurine walking on the surface of the moon. Is that a big a** alien walking on the moon?

No one can explain what exactly it is, but NASA’s version says that we are looking at is DIRT on the Lunar Missions camera lens.

So… nothing to see here folks. Move along.

What on Moon is that huge pizza cut-like structure?

FB--image-a- - 6 inexplicable images of the Moon taken by NASA that will creep you out

One of the most fascinating Apollo images is that of a HUGE—scratch that, HUMONGOUS—structure on the surface of the moon. It almost appears as a pizza cut.

According to UFO hunters, the shape of the object appears to be tridimensional in nature, suggesting that it might be either a giant alien spacecraft or a base on the lunar surface. Interestingly, the black and white image taken by a 70mm camera was the ONLY surviving sequence of the film from the Apollo 8 mission that shows the object.

The day when a Soviet Lunar Explorer found traces of ‘Alien tech’?

Optimized-Luna--Alien-artifacts - 6 inexplicable images of the Moon taken by NASA that will creep you out

Images snapped by the Soviet Luna Space Probes offer what many believe are the ultimate piece of evidence that points to the fact that ‘Alien’ beings might be on the surface of the Moon.

The images which are publicly available on the internet, show several ‘odd’ looking objects on the surface of Earth’s natural satellite. These artifacts do not appear to be natural formations and do not belong to the Russian Space Probes.

What these objects are, remains a profound mystery that no one has been able to explain. The anomalous lunar artifacts are seen in the Luna 13 Mission in the Panorama 1 and 2 images.

The Flying saucer photographed during the Apollo 16 mission

APOLLO--UFO - 6 inexplicable images of the Moon taken by NASA that will creep you out

One of the most incredible UFO images captured by astronauts was taken during the ascent from the lunar surface on April 27, 1972, as Astronauts filmed a strange object from their command module: A HUGE disk-shaped UFO.

The mystery UFO is visible for around four seconds on the 16mm film, in a total of fifty frames.

The object was described as a saucer-shaped object (duuuhh obviously) with a dome on top. Basically, the kind of UFO most people see. Right?

Finally, in 2004, NASA released a statement saying that the UFO may in fact have been a FLOOD LIGHT from the Apollo 16 lander, but ufologists aren’t convinced. Would you?

The Moon base NASA allegedly ‘Nuked’

ufo-evidence-on-the-moon - 6 inexplicable images of the Moon taken by NASA that will creep you out

In 2009, NASA sent a special gift to the moon. The LCROSS spacecraft was sent to the moon on a kamikaze mission unlike any other. Once in orbit, a 2.2-ton rocket was launched from the LCROSS into the Cabeus crater located on the moon’s South Pole. The spacecraft dived into the debris cloud to collect data.

While the mission was solely scientific, an image spotted on a desk of a NASA employee raised suspicions that the rocket fired from the LCROSS spacecraft was targeting structures inside the Cabeus crater. In the impact zone where the LCROSS missile hit, artificial structures are clearly visible and ufologists argue that NASA set out to destroy an alien base.

Maybe this is why there was no lunar debris from the missile strike? Hmmm…

The Great Pyramid of Giza—where the Ark of the Covenant was originally located?


YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/JhmulGI23pg?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

According to ancient religious texts, the Ark of the Covenant also known as the Ark of the Testimony is a gold-covered wooden chest described in the Book of Exodus as containing the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments. Named in various verses of the Torah and the Bible, the Ark remains a great mystery to historians. While some claim that it never existed, others still seek it, convinced that its existence is real.

What if the Ark of the Covenant was, in fact, real, and has a mysterious connection to one of the most enigmatic ancient structures on the surface of the planet: The Great Pyramid of Giza?

Great-Pyramid-Ark - The Great Pyramid of Giza—where the Ark of the Covenant was originally located?

So what do we know about the Ark of the Covenant? We know it was a powerful ‘device’. Only a select few could approach it. When approached, anyone had to take extreme precautions and wear some sort of protective outfits. The ark was plated with gold.

Furthermore, we know from the Book of Exodus, that after the Israelites were released from Egypt, God summoned Moses to the peak of the holy mountain giving him two stone tablets that were carved with the ten commandments. At that moment, God provided Moses with exact instructions on how to build the Ark of the Covenant, one of the most enigmatic ‘devices’ in the history of mankind.

According to the Book of Exodus; the dimensions and characteristics of the Ark of the Covenant are 2½ cubits in length, 1½ in breadth, and 1½ in height which is approximately 131×79×79 cm or 52×31×31 in.

The entire Ark was plated with gold, and a crown of gold was put around it. Four rings of gold were attached to its four feet, two on each side and through these rings staves of shittim-wood plated with gold were placed to carry the Ark. these were never to be removed. A golden cover was placed above the Ark; also called kapporet. Interestingly, there are numerous researchers that suggest if the construction details of the Ark are those which were recorded in the past, then the ark would basically resemble an electrical capacitor with two electrodes separated by insulator drivers.

Pyramid-Egypt - The Great Pyramid of Giza—where the Ark of the Covenant was originally located?
The Great Pyramid of Giza is the only eight-sided Pyramid.

Strangely, it is believed that the Great Pyramid of Giza may have been deeply connected to the ark of the covenant, and it is hypothesized that the Great Pyramid of Giza would have been used to house the Ark of the Covenant.

The defenders of this idea, base their proof on the fact that the measuresments exposed in the sacred texts would coincide with the size of one of the sarcophagi of the Egyptian monument, where no mummy has ever been found.

As noted by Gerry Cannon from Crystallinks, “the word ark comes from the Hebrew word aron, which means a chest, box. Its dimensions are described by the bible as 2.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits (45 inches by 27 inches by 27 inches). Curiously, this is the exact volume of the stone chest or porphyry coffer in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid in Egypt. This coffer was the only object within the King’s Chamber, as the Ark was the single sacred object within the Holy of Holies, in the Temple. Also the laver, or basin, that the priests used to wash their feet had the identical cubit dimensions.”

Furthermore, Cannon elaborates that “The cubit dimensions of the inner chamber of the Temple, the Holy of Holies, are precisely identical in size to the King’s Chamber in the Pyramid and the same volume as the molten sea of water on the Temple Mount as prepared by King Solomon. Since the Pyramid was built and sealed long before the days of Moses, when he built the Ark and the Holy of Holies, and had remained sealed for over twenty-five centuries until the ninth century after Christ, there is no natural explanation for the phenomenon of both structures having identical volume measurements.”

No matter how far-fetched this theory may sound, various groups of scientists and historians are trying to determine the truth of it. In addition to the historical value that the Lost Ark would possess, many believe in the magical power of the object.

A “Flying” Solar Ship, buried at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza


Many mind-boggling artifacts have been discovered in Egypt over the decades. Experts have found many ancient Egyptian tombs intact that somehow remained untouched for millennia still containing extremely valuable items left buried thousands of years ago, as gifts that the Pharaohs were to take with them to the afterlife.

While many people consider gold and precious stones the most valuable pieces that can be found hidden beneath the desert, the truth is that there are countless other valuable artifacts whose price tag surpasses by far gold and precious stones.

One such precious artifact is the ancient Solar Boat found at the foot of the great pyramid. It is a full-sized Ancient Egyptian vessel, which was sealed into a pit over 4000 years ago. But why have we not heard more about this astonishing discovery?

The Solar Ship is now preserved in the Giza Solar boat museum built at the site in 1985 and it is completely dedicated to the preservation of solar boat, thanks to state of the art preservation technologies.

Curiously, Khufu’s solar ship is one of the oldest, largest, and best-preserved vessels from antiquity.  It measures 44 meters long and 6 meters wide. Interestingly, among experts, it is acknowledged as the world’s oldest intact solar ship and has been described by researchers as “a masterpiece of Woodcraft”, one that could STILL sail today if put into water. However, that was not its purpose, as it was never built to SAIL.

Solar-Ship - A “Flying” Solar Ship, buried at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza
Image Credit

But the most amazing and confusing features about the Solar Ship is that it was never actually intended to sail on water, even though it has all the necessary requirements to do so. The solar boat, according to many authors was built by the ancient Egyptians to sail through the air.

Solar boats played an important role in the story of the afterlife in ancient Egyptian mythology. Each night the sun god Ra—in the form of the evening sun, Ra-Atum—was thought to sail through the afterlife in one boat to battle gods and beasts until he rose as the morning sun, Ra-Horakhty, and sailed his day boat across the sky.

Khufu-Solar-Ship-Museum - A “Flying” Solar Ship, buried at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza
The museum pictured here is a humidity-controlled Pavilion and contains the Solar Ship. Image Credit

Khufu’s solar ship was built largely of Lebanon cedar. The ship was built with a flat bottom composed of several planks, but no actual keel, with the planks and frames lashed together with Halfa grass, the boat was found complete, but in pieces across the layers floor, laid in a logically disassembled order beneath the pyramid.

The solar ship was eventually reassembled—a really difficult process which took several years to complete—primarily by the Egyptian Department of Antiquities’ chief restorer, Ahmed Youssef Moustafa. Before reconstructing the boat, he had to gain enough experience on Ancient Egyptian boat-building. He studied the reliefs carved on walls and tombs, and many of the little wooden models of ships and boats found in tombs.

However, no one is actually sure as to what the exact purpose of these ships was. Experts agree that the history behind these solar ships is shrouded in mystery. It is of the type known as a “solar barge“, a ritual vessel to carry the resurrected king with the sun god Ra across the heavens. However, it bears some signs of having been used in water, and it is possible that the ship was either a funerary “barge” used to carry the king’s embalmed body from Memphis to Giza, or even that Khufu himself used it as a “pilgrimage ship” to visit holy places and that it was then buried for him to use in the afterlife.

Solar-Ship- - A “Flying” Solar Ship, buried at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza
Image Credit

And as countless discoveries push back our understanding of the ancient Egyptian civilization, countless questions remain unanswered. What was the exact purpose of the Solar Ship? Were these vessels intended as meter mythological artifacts? Were the solar Ships used to sail across the Nile? Were they used as a funerary “barge” used to carry the king’s embalmed body from Memphis to Giza? Or is it possible, as some authors suggest, that the Solar Ships of the ancient Pharaohs somehow possessed the ability to fly?

However, this is not the first time that controversial theories surround discoveries made in Egypt.

If we take a look at the temple built by Seti I and his son Ramses II in Abydos, we will find curious depictions of ‘flying vehicles’ on one of the Temple’s walls. The Abydos temple honored numerous deities, including Isis, Horus, Set, Amun-Re, Re-Horakhty, and Ptah.

Many researchers claim that the enigmatic carvings actually depict modern-day flying machines such as helicopters, airplanes, and even submarines, while skeptics remain confident that this is just another example of Pareidolia, and that we are being tricked by our brain, into seeing familiar shapes.

Oh, yeah, we can’t forget the Saqqara bird, can we?

Discovered in 1898, while excavating the tomb of Pa-di-lmen in Sappho, archaeologist Khalil Messiha came upon a wooden object resembling a bird. With a mere 7 inch wingspan, this object has baffled archaeologists and researchers for years. While there are many theories as to what this object is until now no solid conclusion has been offered. 

It’s estimated to be about 2,200 years old, the most important part about this wooden bird is that it doesn’t look too much like a bird. The placement of the wings demonstrates advanced aerodynamics design. The Saqqara Bird is a very controversial piece because it’s prompted some people to speculate that the ancient Egyptians may have had the technology and understanding of aerodynamics and some speculate that the Saqqara Bird may have been a scale model of an actual working aircraft, some sort of ancient flying machine.

Many researchers have tried to debunk the theory that this piece is an actual prototype of an ancient flying machine, stating that it accidentally resembles a flying machine, but in the end, according to them, it is just a bird.

The Saqqara Bird does resemble a bird, it has eyes, it has a nose but the wings of the Saqqara bird are not similar to the wings of birds. They resemble the wings of a modern day jet plane. To the middle of the rump, the wings are bit thicker, it is where the lift up is at the highest point. The wings become thinner to the end and those wings are modeled down and this is the point which proves that the Saqqara Bird has an advanced aerodynamic design in its construction. What is also very important is that birds have no rudders, they don’t need rudders.

What makes the story about the Saqqara bird more interesting are the hieroglyphs on the model airplane which read ‘The Gift of Amon’, and most importantly, three papyrus scripts found near the artifact which mentioned the phrase “I want to fly”.

Does all of this mean that in the distant past, the ancient Egyptians possessed the power of flight? Countless unprecedented discovered have been made across the years which offer compelling evidence that the ancient Egyptians were a culture far more advanced than we ever thought. There is even evidence which points to the fact that the ancient Egyptians had the ability to travel across the planet thousands of years ago visiting remote places like America—before the continent was even discovered by “Columbus” (sarcasm)—and Australia among others.

Expert says Humans are Aliens—and we were brought to Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago


What if  Humans are the aliens we’ve been looking for all along? According to experts, humans were most likely crossbred with another species, perhaps from the star system Alpha Centauri –which is one of the closest solar systems to Earth—in the distant past, giving birth to modern humans.

Tell Al-Uhaymir modern-day Iraq, where the ancient Sumerian city of Kish used to be, archaeologists found one of the oldest ancient documents on the planet, the tablet of Kish which is believed to date back to the year 3500 BC.

The Sumerian king list states that Kish was the first city to have kings following the deluge, beginning with Jushur.

Jushur’s successor is called Kullassina-bel, but this is actually a sentence in Akkadian meaning “All of them were lord”. Thus, some scholars have suggested that this may have been intended to signify the absence of a central authority in Kish for a time.

This ancient document is believed to precede the cuneiform writing of the Sumerians, and the Egyptian hieroglyphs for almost one hundred years.

Developing the ability to express thoughts through written language is one of the first ways in which man differed from the animal kingdom.

Five thousand years since, humans have developed electricity, divided the atom, developed computers, and led man to the moon. We have achieved things that other species have still not.

No other species on earth can attribute such unique achievements in such a short period of time. Interestingly, compared to other species of the earth, our ‘evolution’ is relatively short.

It has been a short period of time, most likely a few million years since the first hominid walked on Earth. Precisely this is one of the biggest scientific questions of all times: Why have only our species emerged to this truly advanced technological intelligence?

Evidently,  there is nothing more advanced than humans on planet Earth.

Human-alien - Expert says Humans are Aliens—and we were brought to Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago
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While there are different ‘intelligent’ species on Earth, none of them makes use of technology like us.

Just imagine for a second, if for some reason, mankind had to return to the jungle, and survive there. Many experts agree that most of them would not survive for a very long period of time.

Many scientists agree that humans, in addition to their intelligence, are not very capable to occupy a wide range of environments. In other words, we are very limited when it comes to our planet.

In addition to our fascinating intelligence, biologists have also noticed contrasts between human physiology and that of other animals on earth. Many scientists agree that compared to other species on earth, humans are rather strange. For example, a baby horse when born is able to walk and function almost independently, but this a human baby cannot do, which makes us quite helpless. In other words, we are born before being neurologically ready for life.

Many researchers agree that there are many vulnerabilities that accompany our intelligence.

Humans on earth eventually became bipeds, which freed up our superior extremities allowing us to manipulate objects, create tools and much more. But for all this, experts believe that our species has paid an expensive price. Lumbar pain a sign that according to many experts could tell us a lot about our species. Curiously, other animals on Earth do NOT have this problem. It’s as if only humans are affected by some of these problems.

So what does all of this mean? According to one expert, it means that we are the aliens we’ve we been looking for all along.

A new theory proposed by Dr. Ellis Silver states that there are several tell-tale signs present in the human race that suggest human beings did not evolve ALONGSIDE other lifeforms on Earth.

The book called ‘Humans are not from Earth: a scientific evaluation of the evidence’ is basically a resume of theories for and mostly against man’s evolution on Earth. In the book, leading environmentalist and ecologist Dr. Ellis Silver goes through an evaluation of thirteen leading hypothesis and seventeen factors which suggest HUMANS ARE NOT FROM EARTH.

Mankind is supposedly the most highly developed species on the planet, yet is surprisingly unsuited and ill-equipped for Earth’s environment: harmed by sunlight, a strong dislike for naturally occurring foods, ridiculously high rates of chronic disease, and more said Dr. Ellis in an interview.

According to Dr. Ellis, humans might suffer from back pain because our species initially evolved on another planet with a lower gravity, adding to the mysteries, Dr. Ellis also indicates that it is strange that newborns have large heads and make it difficult for mothers to give birth, which can result in fatalities for both mother and child.

So where do we come from? According to Dr. Ellis, Neanderthals were most likely crossbred with another species, perhaps from the star system Alpha Centauri –which is one of the closest solar systems to Earth— in the distant past, giving birth to modern humans.

According to Dr. Ellis, there are millions of people around the globe who ‘feel’ that they do not belong on Earth.

Dr. Ellis explains: “This suggests (to me at least) that mankind may have evolved on a different planet, and we may have been brought here as a highly developed species. One reason for this … is that the Earth might be a prison planet since we seem to be a naturally violent species and we’re here until we learn to behave ourselves.”

Dr. Ellis concludes that mankind did not evolve from that particular strain of life, but evolved elsewhere and was transported to Earth (as fully evolved Homo sapiens) between 60,000 and 200,000 years ago.

Furthermore, as noted by Robert Sepher, according to modern DNA sequencing, it is demonstrated that humanity as we know it, isn’t just ONE single ‘race’ that descended from the same ancestor in Africa, but a hybridized species, with a far more enigmatic truth behind it all.

Many questions have been raised in the discussion about Rh negative blood. If mankind did, in fact, evolve from a mutual ancient African ancestor, theories state that everyone’s blood would be compatible, but regrettably, this is not the case. This raises numerous questions that science alone has not been able to fully answer. Where did Rh-negative blood come from? And why is it that a Rh-negative mother carrying Rh positive children tries rejecting her own offspring? Is it possible that this can be explained by a rather controversial theory? A theory which suggests that humanity isn’t in fact one race, but a hybridized species.

The book was written by Robert Sepehr, Species with Amnesia: Our Forbidden History tells us more about the enigmatic blood type Rh-negative. Not only does Species with Amnesia suggest mankind is, in fact, a hybridized species, the author suggests that highly advanced civilizations have been on Earth before us, just to be destroyed by some great global catastrophe, as mysteriously, history tells us.

Sepehr argues that for each race that has died out, another has taken its place, with a selected few holding on to the memories and sacred knowledge of the past race. In our vanity, we think we have discovered some of the great truths of science and technology, but we are in fact only just beginning to rediscover the profound wisdom of past civilizations. In many ways, we are like an awakening Species with Amnesia, yearning to reclaim our forgotten past. –

The Basque people of Spain and France have the highest percentage of Rh-negative blood. About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene.

“There are 612 primate species and subspecies recognized by the International Union for Conversation of Nature (IUCN), and not one has Rh-negative blood”. – Robert Sepehr, Species with Amnesia: Our Forbidden History

The mysterious “Cueva de los Tayos”—home to a ‘lost’ ancient metallic library


YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/qRPcJCGN5ac?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

The cave is made up of massive blocks of stone which seem to have been cut out using some sort of advanced machinery tens of thousands of years ago.

It features precision cuts and extremely well-polished surfaces which many authors believe are traces left behind by an advanced ancient civilization. Furthermore, it is said that the cave was home to a METALLIC LIBRARY. Some of the metallic plates recovered from the cave are said to have been on display at Father Crespi’s museum in Ecuador.

Cueva-de-los-Tayos - The mysterious “Cueva de los Tayos”—home to a ‘lost’ ancient metallic library

The mysterious Cueva de Los Tayos—discovered in 1860—and named after a bird of the same name—Tayos/Oilbirds (Steatornis caripensis), is considered among many authors and explorers one of the greatest enigmas in the Americas, and many agree that the truth hidden deep inside the cave will force us to completely rewrite the history of mankind. there are some authors who assert that the Cave of the Tayos records an ancient history that took place on Earth which goes back in time to 250,000 years.

Even today, the cave of the Tayos (Morona Santiago, southeast of Ecuador) remains the obsession of many explorers who seek to find in its interior the answer to the enigma surrounding the colossal blocks of stone that make up the cave’s walls and ceilings.

Neil Armstrong himself was part of a great expedition that in 1976 explored the Ecuadorian Amazon. Interest in the cave continues and three documentaries dive into their mysterious tunnels to try to shed light on the countless enigmas that surround it.

Cueva-de-los-Tayos- - The mysterious “Cueva de los Tayos”—home to a ‘lost’ ancient metallic library

But let’s get back to basics.

The Cave is located in the virgin high jungle 2 km south of the Santiago River and 800 meters east of the River Coangos (Kuankus); According to the latest measurement in 2012 with GPS altimeter, it is located at 539 m above sea level.

Getting inside the cave is anything but easy. In order to access the cave’s mystery chambers, you have to descend abseiling 87 meters through a first level and another 25 until the entrance of the tunnels.”

The Legend of Tayos

Father-crespi-Tayos - The mysterious “Cueva de los Tayos”—home to a ‘lost’ ancient metallic library

The legend lies in the large megalithic blocks of stone—which are polished and cut with laser-like precision—that make up some of the rooms of the cave and the numerous mysterious metallic plates engraved with ideographic writing of which Hungarian-Argentine researcher Juan Moricz spoke about in the sixties.

The best evidence of the mysterious metallic places can be traced to Italian Salesian Carlos Crespi Croci, who had explored the area in the 1940s and acquired from the Shuar Indians some of the objects they allegedly removed from the cave.

Various pieces were given to father Crespi as thanks for members of the Shuar community and were kept in the Private Museum of Carlos Crespi Croci in Cuenca (Ecuador). Of these objects, only a few photographs and videos remain, since most of them were sold and others stolen after a fire in 1962. After the fire, nothing was left in the museum, not even pieces of ceramics which would have surely resisted the fire.

Since his death in 1982, nothing is known of the plates, only the testimony and limited writings and images of Crespi with objects.

In 1973, Erich  Von Daniken wrote about the enigmatic structure where books were made out of metal, and that the region near the cave—and the cave itself—were evidence of an extremely advanced—if not extraterrestrial civilization.

Author Juan Moricz is said to have found signs of an extremely developed ancient civilization inside the Cave. In a signed affidavit dated 8 July 1969, he spoke about his meeting with the Ecuadorian president, where he received a concession that allowed him total control over this discovery—provided he could produce photographic evidence and an independent witness that corroborated the discovery of the underground network. Several newspapers reported on the expedition that Moricz had organized writes author Philip Coppens.

Cueva-de-los-Tayos- - The mysterious “Cueva de los Tayos”—home to a ‘lost’ ancient metallic library

According to Moricz, the Metallic Library of the Cave of the Tayos records an ancient history that took place on Earth which goes back in time to 250,000 years.

In 1972, Moricz met with von Däniken and took him to a secret side entrance through which they could enter into a large hall within the labyrinth. Apparently von Däniken never got to see the library itself, just the tunnel system.

Von Däniken included the event in his book The Gold of the Gods:

“The passages all form perfect right angles. Sometimes they are narrow, sometimes wide. The walls are smooth and often seem to be polished. The ceilings are flat and at times look as if they were covered with a kind of glaze… My doubts about the existence of the underground tunnels vanished as if by magic and I felt tremendously happy. Moricz said that passages like those through which we were going extended for hundreds of miles under the soil of Ecuador and Peru.”

As a result of the claims published in von Däniken’s book, an investigation of Cueva de los Tayos was organized by Stan Hall from Britain in 1976. One of the largest and most expensive cave explorations ever undertaken, the expedition included over a hundred people, including experts in a variety of fields, British and Ecuadorian military personnel, a film crew, and former astronaut Neil Armstrong. Why would Neil Armstrong—who had returned from the moon not long ago then—travel with an expedition to a remote cave in the Ecuadorian amazon?

Cueva-de-los-Tayos-- - The mysterious “Cueva de los Tayos”—home to a ‘lost’ ancient metallic library
Neil Armstrong inside the cave in 1976.

The team also included eight experienced British cavers who thoroughly explored the cave and conducted an accurate survey to produce a detailed map of the cave. There was no evidence of Von Däniken’s more exotic claims, although some physical features of the cave did approximate his descriptions and some items of zoological, botanical and archaeological interest were found. The lead researcher met with Moricz’s indigenous source, who claimed that they had investigated the wrong cave and that the real cave was secret

The British expedition extracted 4 large sealed wooden crates without exposing to the owners (the Shuar) their content, the matter ended (according to a Spanish researcher) with shots fired between the Shuar and the English expedition.

The oldest traces of habitat in the caves date from the upper Paleolithic period (48 000—12 000 BC) where the cave provided protection during the end of the glaciation.

Approximately 9000 BC, the civilization leaves the cave thanks to the improvement of Earth’s climate and they move towards the south towards parts of Peru and the north of Chile.

Cueva-de-los-Tayos-- - The mysterious “Cueva de los Tayos”—home to a ‘lost’ ancient metallic library

In the Neolithic age, the cave is believed to have been inhabited from 3000 BC. by a Pre-Shuar civilization, which was already using ceramic artifacts, evidence of which we can find at the University of Munich which even performed radiocarbon dating. Approximately around 1500 BC. the first Shuar begin to settle in the area and merge with the natives of the cave. The Shuar guard the cave with great respect and believe that there rest the spirits of their ancestors.

To date, there is no reliable evidence of the veracity of this metal library.

The only things recovered from the cave—which are found resting in the Catholic University of Quito—are several archaeological pieces and remains of a so-called spondylus shell, that was especially valuable for the primitive cultures of the Ecuadorian coast.

Interestingly, architect and historian Melvin Hoyos, Director of Culture and development in the Municipality of Guayaquil had some very interesting things to say about the cave:

“To begin with, I think that the cave of the Tayos is not a cave, but a work of the hand of man, there is nothing in nature that can resemble the Cave of the Tayos. It has the ceiling completely cut flat with a 90-degree angle to the wall. It is very similar to other tunnels of similar characteristics and age in other parts of the world, which leads us to think that before the Wisconsin glaciation there was a network of tunnels on the planet, but to accept this we would need to accept the existence—before said Glaciation—of a highly developed civilization. “

Father-crespi-Tayos- - The mysterious “Cueva de los Tayos”—home to a ‘lost’ ancient metallic library Father-crespi-Tayos- - The mysterious “Cueva de los Tayos”—home to a ‘lost’ ancient metallic library Father-crespi-Tayos- - The mysterious “Cueva de los Tayos”—home to a ‘lost’ ancient metallic library Father-crespi-Tayos- - The mysterious “Cueva de los Tayos”—home to a ‘lost’ ancient metallic library


Erich von Däniken, ‘Gold of the Gods’ -1974

All images retain copyright of their original owners.

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